Bible in Basic English (BBE) Images

BBE - Encouraging Bible Images => 1 Samuel 19:16

BBE Image Bible : Scripture in Images 1 Samuel 19:16

16. And when the men came in, there was the image in the bed, with the cushion of goat's hair at its head

Read the verse in its context BBE 1 Samuel 19:16

BBE 1 Samuel 19:16 overlaying nature image scene: Desert wildflowers carpet Death Valley after winter rains. Mountains fade to purple on the horizon.;16. And when the men came in, there was the image in the bed, with the cushion of goat's hair at its head

Links to sermons and other Bible studies from AB Lausanne Church on 1 Samuel 19

BBE summary for : 1 Samuel 19

Summary: In 1 Samuel chapter 19, the tension between Saul and David escalates as Saul's jealousy intensifies. The chapter begins with Saul openly expressing his desire to kill David, who has gained favor in the eyes of the people. Jonathan, Saul's son and David's close friend, warns David of Saul's intentions and helps him escape, demonstrating loyalty and friendship amidst familial conflict. David flees to Samuel in Naioth, seeking safety and guidance. Saul, however, pursues David, sending messengers to capture him. When the messengers arrive in Naioth, they encounter a prophetic atmosphere and are overtaken by the Spirit of God, ultimately failing to apprehend David. Saul himself then comes to Naioth, but he too is overwhelmed by the Spirit and prophesies, highlighting the sovereignty of God over the situation. This chapter emphasizes themes of friendship, loyalty, and divine protection, illustrating God's providence in the midst of adversity. The narrative reinforces the idea that human jealousy and conflict cannot thwart God's plans for David, who is destined for kingship.

Read the Bible Verse 1 Samuel 19:16 in other verses of the Bible. See => multilingual verses 1 Samuel 19:16

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BBE Images for the first verses in 1 Samuel chapter 19

BBE 9 19:1
BBE 9 19:2
BBE 9 19:3

Discover 1 Samuel Verses Illustrated with Scenic Photography

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English Bible Versions :KJV Image Bible/ Scripture in Images ; Bible in Basic English Images
French Bible Versions :Images pour la Bible Segond ; Images pour la Bible Segond 21 (S21)

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