BBE Image Bible : Scripture in Images Acts 22:19
19. And I said, Lord, they themselves have knowledge that I went through the Synagogues putting in prison and whipping all those who had faith in you:
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BBE summary for : Acts 22
Summary: In Acts 22, the Apostle Paul addresses a hostile crowd in Jerusalem, providing a defense of his ministry and experiences. He begins by recounting his background as a devout Jew, trained under Gamaliel, and his former persecution of Christians. Paul shares his transformative encounter with Jesus on the road to Damascus, highlighting his call to ministry among the Gentiles. The crowd reacts positively until he mentions his mission to the Gentiles, prompting an uproar. The Roman commander intervenes, ordering Paul to be flogged for his perceived offense. However, Paul asserts his Roman citizenship, which protects him from illegal punishment. The chapter emphasizes themes of identity, redemption, and the fulfillment of God’s calling, underscoring Paul’s commitment to proclaiming the Gospel amid opposition.
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