Bible in Basic English (BBE) Images

Basic English Bible Images - Acts Chapter 22

Basic English Bible Verse Images: Acts Chapter 22 in Stunning Detail

BasicEnglish Acts 22:1 ; image nature: Winter winds sculpt snow into graceful dunes across the tundra.; Acts 22:1. My brothers and fathers, give ear to the story of my life which I now put before you.

Acts 22:1. My brothers and fathers, give ear to the story of my life which I now put before you.

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Acts 22

BasicEnglish Acts 22:2 ; image nature: Wild lupines carpet coastal bluffs. Pacific fog rolls in like smoke.; Acts 22:2. And, hearing him talking in the Hebrew language, they became the more quiet, and he said,

Acts 22:2. And, hearing him talking in the Hebrew language, they became the more quiet, and he said,

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Acts 22

BasicEnglish Acts 22:3 ; image nature: Wild lupines paint purple meadows. Snow lingers on distant peaks.; Acts 22:3. I am a Jew of Tarsus in Cilicia by birth, but I had my education in this town at the feet of Gamaliel, being trained in the keeping of every detail of the law of our fathers; given up to the cause of God with all my heart, as you are today.

Acts 22:3. I am a Jew of Tarsus in Cilicia by birth, but I had my education in this town at the feet of Gamaliel, being trained in the keeping of every detail of the law of our fathers; given up to the cause of God with all my heart, as you are today.

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Acts 22

BasicEnglish Acts 22:4 ; image nature: Desert varnish stains canyon walls. Ancient stories weather in stone.; Acts 22:4. And I made attacks on this Way, even to death, taking men and women and putting them in prison.

Acts 22:4. And I made attacks on this Way, even to death, taking men and women and putting them in prison.

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Acts 22

BasicEnglish Acts 22:5 ; image nature: Desert ocotillo flames crimson red. Wind sings through thorny branches.; Acts 22:5. Of which the high priest will be a witness, and all the rulers, from whom I had letters to the brothers; and I went into Damascus, to take those who were there as prisoners to Jerusalem for punishment.

Acts 22:5. Of which the high priest will be a witness, and all the rulers, from whom I had letters to the brothers; and I went into Damascus, to take those who were there as prisoners to Jerusalem for punishment.

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Acts 22

BasicEnglish Acts 22:6 ; image nature: Arctic wolves traverse windswept tundra. Northern lights paint their fur in shifting colors.; Acts 22:6. And it came about that while I was on my journey, coming near to Damascus, about the middle of the day, suddenly I saw a great light from heaven shining round me.

Acts 22:6. And it came about that while I was on my journey, coming near to Damascus, about the middle of the day, suddenly I saw a great light from heaven shining round me.

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Acts 22

BasicEnglish Acts 22:7 ; image nature: Sandhill cranes dance in morning mist. Their calls echo across the marsh.; Acts 22:7. And when I went down on the earth, a voice came to my ears saying to me, Saul, Saul, why are you attacking me so cruelly?

Acts 22:7. And when I went down on the earth, a voice came to my ears saying to me, Saul, Saul, why are you attacking me so cruelly?

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Acts 22

BasicEnglish Acts 22:8 ; image nature: Stars reflect perfectly in the salt flats after rainfall. The horizon disappears in the mirror-like expanse.; Acts 22:8. And I, answering, said, Who are you; Lord? And he said to me, I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom you are attacking.

Acts 22:8. And I, answering, said, Who are you; Lord? And he said to me, I am Jesus of Nazareth, whom you are attacking.

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Acts 22

BasicEnglish Acts 22:9 ; image nature: Morning mist rises from a hot spring in a snow-covered forest.; Acts 22:9. And those who were with me saw the light, but the voice of him who was talking to me came not to their ears.

Acts 22:9. And those who were with me saw the light, but the voice of him who was talking to me came not to their ears.

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Acts 22

BasicEnglish Acts 22:10 ; image nature: Desert primrose opens to stars. Night wind carries sweet perfume.; Acts 22:10. And I said, What have I to do, Lord? And the Lord said to me, Get up, and go into Damascus; and it will be made clear to you what you have to do.

Acts 22:10. And I said, What have I to do, Lord? And the Lord said to me, Get up, and go into Damascus; and it will be made clear to you what you have to do.

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Acts 22

BasicEnglish Acts 22:11 ; image nature: Coastal fog rolls inland through gaps in seaside hills.; Acts 22:11. And because I was unable to see because of the glory of that light, those who were with me took me by the hand, and so I came to Damascus.

Acts 22:11. And because I was unable to see because of the glory of that light, those who were with me took me by the hand, and so I came to Damascus.

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Acts 22

BasicEnglish Acts 22:12 ; image nature: Summer afternoon light filters through Spanish moss in a bayou.; Acts 22:12. And one Ananias, a God-fearing man, who kept the law, and of whom all the Jews in that place had a high opinion,

Acts 22:12. And one Ananias, a God-fearing man, who kept the law, and of whom all the Jews in that place had a high opinion,

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Acts 22

BasicEnglish Acts 22:13 ; image nature: Autumn fog shrouds an old-growth forest draped in moss and lichen.; Acts 22:13. Came to my side and said, Brother Saul, let your eyes be open. And in that very hour I was able to see him.

Acts 22:13. Came to my side and said, Brother Saul, let your eyes be open. And in that very hour I was able to see him.

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Acts 22

BasicEnglish Acts 22:14 ; image nature: Coastal dunes shift slowly beneath constant winds.; Acts 22:14. And he said, You have been marked out by the God of our fathers to have knowledge of his purpose, and to see the Upright One and to give ear to the words of his mouth.

Acts 22:14. And he said, You have been marked out by the God of our fathers to have knowledge of his purpose, and to see the Upright One and to give ear to the words of his mouth.

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Acts 22

BasicEnglish Acts 22:15 ; image nature: A peregrine falcon rides thermal currents above coastal cliffs. Waves crash endlessly against the rocks below.; Acts 22:15. For you will be a witness for him to all men of what you have seen and of what has come to your ears.

Acts 22:15. For you will be a witness for him to all men of what you have seen and of what has come to your ears.

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Acts 22

BasicEnglish Acts 22:16 ; image nature: A single monarch butterfly alights on a sun-bleached driftwood log. Waves crash endlessly on the empty beach beyond.; Acts 22:16. And now, why are you waiting? get up, and have baptism, for the washing away of your sins, giving worship to his name.

Acts 22:16. And now, why are you waiting? get up, and have baptism, for the washing away of your sins, giving worship to his name.

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Acts 22

BasicEnglish Acts 22:17 ; image nature: Lightning illuminates a field of lavender in the Provence countryside. Thunder rolls across the valley like distant drums.; Acts 22:17. And it came about that when I had come back to Jerusalem, while I was at prayer in the Temple, my senses became more than naturally clear,

Acts 22:17. And it came about that when I had come back to Jerusalem, while I was at prayer in the Temple, my senses became more than naturally clear,

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Acts 22

BasicEnglish Acts 22:18 ; image nature: Summer heat brings out the scent of sage in mountain meadows.; Acts 22:18. And I saw him saying to me, Go out of Jerusalem straight away because they will not give hearing to your witness about me.

Acts 22:18. And I saw him saying to me, Go out of Jerusalem straight away because they will not give hearing to your witness about me.

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Acts 22

BasicEnglish Acts 22:19 ; image nature: Desert wind sculpts perfect ripples in red sand. Twilight paints the dunes in watercolor hues.; Acts 22:19. And I said, Lord, they themselves have knowledge that I went through the Synagogues putting in prison and whipping all those who had faith in you:

Acts 22:19. And I said, Lord, they themselves have knowledge that I went through the Synagogues putting in prison and whipping all those who had faith in you:

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Acts 22

BasicEnglish Acts 22:20 ; image nature: Autumn fog rolls through valleys between ancient rounded mountains.; Acts 22:20. And when Stephen your witness was put to death, I was there, giving approval, and looking after the clothing of those who put him to death.

Acts 22:20. And when Stephen your witness was put to death, I was there, giving approval, and looking after the clothing of those who put him to death.

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Acts 22

BasicEnglish Acts 22:21 ; image nature: Autumn fog rolls through valleys between ancient rounded mountains.; Acts 22:21. And he said to me, Go, for I will send you far away to the Gentiles.

Acts 22:21. And he said to me, Go, for I will send you far away to the Gentiles.

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Acts 22

BasicEnglish Acts 22:22 ; image nature: A bull elk bugles across a misty valley. Aspen leaves quake golden in response.; Acts 22:22. And they gave him a hearing as far as this word; then with loud voices they said, Away with this man from the earth; it is not right for him to be living.

Acts 22:22. And they gave him a hearing as far as this word; then with loud voices they said, Away with this man from the earth; it is not right for him to be living.

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Acts 22

BasicEnglish Acts 22:23 ; image nature: Autumn leaves swirl in eddies along a mountain stream.; Acts 22:23. And while they were crying out, and pulling off their clothing, and sending dust into the air,

Acts 22:23. And while they were crying out, and pulling off their clothing, and sending dust into the air,

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Acts 22

BasicEnglish Acts 22:24 ; image nature: A spring cascade plunges into a pool surrounded by flowering dogwood.; Acts 22:24. The chief captain gave orders for him to be taken into the army building, saying that he would put him to the test by whipping, so that he might have knowledge of the reason why they were crying out so violently against him.

Acts 22:24. The chief captain gave orders for him to be taken into the army building, saying that he would put him to the test by whipping, so that he might have knowledge of the reason why they were crying out so violently against him.

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Acts 22

BasicEnglish Acts 22:25 ; image nature: Desert wind sculpts perfect ripples in red sand. Twilight paints the dunes in watercolor hues.; Acts 22:25. And when they had put leather bands round him, Paul said to the captain who was present, Is it the law for you to give blows to a man who is a Roman and has not been judged?

Acts 22:25. And when they had put leather bands round him, Paul said to the captain who was present, Is it the law for you to give blows to a man who is a Roman and has not been judged?

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Acts 22

BasicEnglish Acts 22:26 ; image nature: Antarctic ice cliffs glow blue in the endless polar day. A penguin colony dots the frozen shore below.; Acts 22:26. And hearing this, the man went to the chief captain and gave him an account of it, saying, What are you about to do? for this man is a Roman.

Acts 22:26. And hearing this, the man went to the chief captain and gave him an account of it, saying, What are you about to do? for this man is a Roman.

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Acts 22

BasicEnglish Acts 22:27 ; image nature: Cherry blossoms blanket the hillside in soft pink snow, swirling through the air like nature's confetti.; Acts 22:27. And the chief captain came to him and said, Give me an answer, are you a Roman? And he said, Yes.

Acts 22:27. And the chief captain came to him and said, Give me an answer, are you a Roman? And he said, Yes.

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Acts 22

BasicEnglish Acts 22:28 ; image nature: Desert hawks soar thermal currents. Red cliffs catch golden light.; Acts 22:28. And the chief captain said, I got Roman rights for myself at a great price. And Paul said, But I had them by birth.

Acts 22:28. And the chief captain said, I got Roman rights for myself at a great price. And Paul said, But I had them by birth.

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Acts 22

BasicEnglish Acts 22:29 ; image nature: Arctic fox tracks cross windswept tundra. Northern lights pulse overhead in cosmic rhythm.; Acts 22:29. Then those who were about to put him to the test went away: and the chief captain was in fear, seeing that he was a Roman, and that he had put chains on him.

Acts 22:29. Then those who were about to put him to the test went away: and the chief captain was in fear, seeing that he was a Roman, and that he had put chains on him.

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Acts 22

BasicEnglish Acts 22:30 ; image nature: Bamboo leaves whisper secrets in mountain wind. A temple bell rings in the distance.; Acts 22:30. But on the day after, desiring to have certain knowledge of what the Jews had to say against him, he made him free, and gave orders for the chief priests and all the Sanhedrin to come together, and he took Paul and put him before them.

Acts 22:30. But on the day after, desiring to have certain knowledge of what the Jews had to say against him, he made him free, and gave orders for the chief priests and all the Sanhedrin to come together, and he took Paul and put him before them.

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Acts 22

The images of Bible verses are created starting from the verses in the Basic English Bible and are made vailable freely for download and use. A link to our website is appreciated to let others know about this free image library. The Bible in Basic English was created in the 1940s by S.H. Hooke, an English language scholar. He wanted to make the Bible accessible to people with limited English, those learning it as a second language, and those with low literacy. To achieve this, he used a simplified vocabulary of just 850 common words, with minimal grammar. This made the text easier to understand, though some argue it loses some of the poetry and nuance of the original. Despite this, it has been praised for its clarity and continues to be used today by many, particularly in education and evangelism. Lausanne AB church is pleased to freely provide the images.

NOTE: the images are free to use and share. Please include a link to our site to help others find this resource.

Links to sermons and other Bible studies from AB Lausanne Church on Acts 22

  • Acts #24: Is the Holy Spirit my spiritual wellness coach? : Modern Christianity speaks more of the Holy Spirit, especially in evangelical circles. Could it be that our hedonistic Western environment confines the Holy Spirit in spiritual strength for my inner well-being? The Bible clearly speaks of the Holy Spirit as a divine person who assists the believer as a "witness-advocate" in the face of a godless society. Just as he was for the apostle Paul, is he still for us?