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BBE - Encouraging Bible Images => Gospel of John 10:39

BBE Image Bible : Scripture in Images Gospel of John 10:39

39. Then again they made an attempt to take him; but he got away from them.

Read the verse in its context BBE Gospel of John 10:39

BBE Gospel of John 10:39 overlaying nature image scene: Spring rain falls on cherry trees in full bloom, petals drifting like snow.;39. Then again they made an attempt to take him; but he got away from them.

Links to sermons and other Bible studies from AB Lausanne Church on Gospel of John 10

BBE summary for : Gospel of John 10

Summary: In John chapter 10, Jesus presents Himself as the Good Shepherd, emphasizing the intimate relationship between Him and His followers. He contrasts His role with that of a hired hand, who lacks genuine concern for the sheep. The chapter opens with Jesus teaching about the sheepfold, asserting that He is the door through which the sheep enter for safety and sustenance. Key themes include the ideas of protection, guidance, and the sacrificial nature of Jesus’ love, as He indicates His willingness to lay down His life for His sheep. Jesus further emphasizes the exclusivity of salvation through Him, declaring that He has come so that His followers may have abundant life. He also speaks of the unity He shares with the Father, highlighting the divine authority and mission He embodies. As the chapter progresses, reactions from the Jewish leaders shift from curiosity to hostility, illustrating the growing division between Jesus and the religious authorities of the time. Overall, the chapter underscores the themes of security, belonging, and the profound relational aspect of faith in Christ as the source of spiritual life.

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BBE Images for the first verses in Gospel of John chapter 10

BBE 43 10:1
BBE 43 10:2
BBE 43 10:3

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