BBE Image Bible : Scripture in Images Proverbs 15:18
18. An angry man makes men come to blows, but he who is slow to get angry puts an end to fighting.
Read the verse in its context BBE Proverbs 15:18

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BBE summary for : Proverbs 15
Summary: Proverbs 15 emphasizes the importance of wise communication and the contrasting outcomes of a gentle versus harsh response. The chapter begins with the assertion that a soft answer turns away wrath, illustrating the value of calmness in conflicts. This theme continues as the text highlights the wisdom found in a discerning heart and the folly of ignorance. Additionally, the chapter underscores the significance of moral integrity, stating that the Lord detests the way of the wicked but delights in those who pursue righteousness. The contrast between the wise and the foolish is a recurring theme, emphasizing that wisdom leads to life and understanding, while folly brings destruction. Ultimately, Proverbs 15 encourages readers to cultivate kindness, seek understanding, and live in harmony, reflecting a life rooted in God’s principles.
Read the Bible Verse Proverbs 15:18 in other verses of the Bible. See => multilingual verses Proverbs 15:18
Podcast : Listen to the Psalms and Proverbs Podcast on Spotify
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