Bible in Basic English (BBE) Images

BBE - Encouraging Bible Images => Proverbs 10:30

BBE Image Bible : Scripture in Images Proverbs 10:30

30. The upright man will never be moved, but evil-doers will not have a safe resting-place in the land.

Read the verse in its context BBE Proverbs 10:30

BBE Proverbs 10:30 overlaying nature image scene: An artist paints beside still waters. Autumn colors double in reflection.;30. The upright man will never be moved, but evil-doers will not have a safe resting-place in the land.

Links to sermons and other Bible studies from AB Lausanne Church on Proverbs 10

BBE summary for : Proverbs 10

Summary: Proverbs Chapter 10 serves as a collection of wise sayings, contrasting the paths of the righteous and the wicked. It underscores the blessings that come to the righteous, such as life, satisfaction, and honor, while emphasizing the consequences of foolishness and wickedness. Key themes include the value of wisdom, the power of words, and the importance of integrity. The chapter highlights the role of a wise person in bringing joy and stability to their family, in contrast to the strife that foolishness brings. Additionally, it speaks to practical aspects of daily life, such as diligence leading to abundance, while laziness results in poverty. Overall, Chapter 10 succinctly conveys the principles of moral living and the stark choices between good and evil.

Read the Bible Verse Proverbs 10:30 in other verses of the Bible. See => multilingual verses Proverbs 10:30

Podcast : Listen to the Psalms and Proverbs Podcast on Spotify

BBE Images for the first verses in Proverbs chapter 10

BBE 20 10:1
BBE 20 10:2
BBE 20 10:3

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