Bible in Basic English (BBE) Images

BBE - Encouraging Bible Images => Exodus 31:4

BBE Image Bible : Scripture in Images Exodus 31:4

4. To do all sorts of delicate work in gold and silver and brass;

Read the verse in its context BBE Exodus 31:4

BBE Exodus 31:4 overlaying nature image scene: Summer afternoon light filters through Spanish moss in a bayou.;4. To do all sorts of delicate work in gold and silver and brass;

Links to sermons and other Bible studies from AB Lausanne Church on Exodus 31

BBE summary for : Exodus 31

Summary: In Exodus 31, the chapter focuses on the appointment of skilled artisans for the construction of the Tabernacle and its furnishings. God specifically names Bezalel and Oholiab, who are filled with the Spirit of God, enabling them to create beautiful and intricate designs for the sanctuary. This highlights the importance of divine inspiration and the use of skilled labor for sacred tasks. Additionally, the chapter emphasizes the significance of the Sabbath, underscoring it as a covenant sign between God and the Israelites, meant to remind them of His creation and their need for rest. The Sabbath commandment serves as a reminder of the spiritual rhythm of work and rest in the life of the believer. Overall, the chapter reflects themes of divine guidance, the significance of craftsmanship in worship, and the essential nature of rest in the life of God’s people.

Read the Bible Verse Exodus 31:4 in other verses of the Bible. See => multilingual verses Exodus 31:4

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BBE Images for the first verses in Exodus chapter 31

BBE 2 31:1
BBE 2 31:2
BBE 2 31:3

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