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ASV_Strong : 1 Samuel 19


1. And Saul[H7586] spake[H1696] to Jonathan[H3129] his son[H1121], and to all his servants[H5650], that they should slay[H4191] David[H1732]. But Jonathan, Saul's son, delighted much in David.

2. And Jonathan[H3083] told[H5046] David[H1732], saying[H559], Saul[H7586] my father[H1] seeketh[H1245] to slay[H4191] thee[H8104]: now therefore, I pray thee, take heed to thyself in the morning[H1242], and abide[H3427] in a secret[H5643] place[H2244], and hide thyself:

3. and I will go out[H3318] and stand[H5975] beside[H3027] my father[H1] in the field[H7704] where thou art[H1696], and I will commune with my father[H1] of thee[H4100]; and if I see[H7200] aught[H5046], I will tell thee.

4. And Jonathan[H3083] spake[H1696] good[H2896] of David[H1732] unto Saul[H7586] his father[H1], and said[H559] unto him[H4428], Let not the king sin[H2398] against his servant[H5650], against David[H1732]; because he hath not sinned[H2398] against thee[H4639], and because his works have been to thee-ward[H3966] very good[H2896]:

5. for he put[H7760] his life[H5315] in his hand[H3709], and smote[H5221] the Philistine[H6430], and Jehovah[H3068] wrought[H6213] a great[H1419] victory[H8668] for all Israel[H3478]: thou sawest[H7200] it[H8055], and didst rejoice; wherefore then wilt thou sin[H2398] against innocent[H5355] blood[H1818], to slay[H4191] David[H1732] without a cause[H2600]?

6. And Saul[H7586] hearkened[H8085] unto the voice[H6963] of Jonathan[H3083]: and Saul[H7586] sware[H7650], As Jehovah[H3068] liveth[H2416], he shall not[H518] be put to death[H4191].

7. And Jonathan[H3083] called[H7121] David[H1732], and Jonathan[H3083] showed[H5046] him all those things[H1697]. And Jonathan[H3083] brought[H935] David[H1732] to Saul[H7586], and he was in his presence[H6440], as beforetime[H865].

8. And there was war[H4421] again[H3254]: and David[H1732] went out[H3318], and fought[H3898] with the Philistines[H6430], and slew[H5221] them with a great[H1419] slaughter[H4347]; and they fled[H5127] before him[H6440].

9. And an evil[H7451] spirit[H7307] from Jehovah[H3068] was upon Saul[H7586], as he sat[H3427] in his house[H1004] with his spear[H2595] in his hand[H3027]; and David[H1732] was playing[H5059] with his hand[H3027].

10. And Saul[H7586] sought[H1245] to smite[H5221] David[H1732] even to the wall[H7023] with the spear[H2595]; but he slipped away[H6362] out of Saul[H7586]'s presence[H6440], and he smote[H5221] the spear[H2595] into the wall[H7023]: and David[H1732] fled[H5127], and escaped[H4422] that night[H3915].

11. And Saul[H7586] sent[H7971] messengers[H4397] unto David[H1732]'s house[H1004], to watch[H8104] him[H4191], and to slay him in the morning[H1242]: and Michal[H4324], David[H1732]'s wife[H802], told[H5046] him[H559], saying, If thou save[H4422] not thy life[H5315] to-night[H3915], to-morrow[H4279] thou wilt be slain[H4191].

12. So Michal[H4324] let[H3381] David[H1732] down[H3381] through the window[H2474]: and he went[H3212], and fled[H1272], and escaped[H4422].

13. And Michal[H4324] took[H3947] the teraphim[H8655], and laid[H7760] it in the bed[H4296], and put[H7760] a pillow[H3523] of goats[H5795]' hair at the head[H4763] thereof[H3680], and covered it with the clothes[H899].

14. And when Saul[H7586] sent[H7971] messengers[H4397] to take[H3947] David[H1732], she said[H559], He is sick[H2470].

15. And Saul[H7586] sent[H7971] the messengers[H4397] to see[H7200] David[H1732], saying[H559], Bring him up[H5927] to me in the bed[H4296], that I may slay him[H4191].

16. And when the messengers[H4397] came in[H935], behold[H8655], the teraphim was in[H935] the bed[H4296], with the pillow[H3523] of goats[H5795]' hair at the head thereof.

17. And Saul[H7586] said[H559] unto Michal[H4324], Why hast thou deceived me thus[H7411], and let mine enemy[H341] go[H7411], so that he is escaped[H4422]? And Michal[H4324] answered[H559] Saul[H7586], He said[H559] unto me[H7971], Let me go; why should I kill thee[H4191]?

18. Now David[H1732] fled[H1272], and escaped[H4422], and came[H935] to Samuel[H8050] to Ramah[H7414], and told[H5046] him all that Saul[H7586] had done[H6213] to him[H8050]. And he and Samuel went[H3212] and dwelt[H3427] in Naioth[H5121].

19. And it was told[H5046] Saul[H7586], saying[H559], Behold[H1732], David is at Naioth[H5121] in Ramah[H7414].

20. And Saul[H7586] sent[H7971] messengers[H4397] to take[H3947] David[H1732]: and when they saw[H7200] the company[H3862] of the prophets[H5030] prophesying[H5012], and Samuel[H8050] standing[H5975] as head[H5324] over them[H7307], the Spirit of God[H430] came upon the messengers[H4397] of Saul[H7586], and they also prophesied[H5012].

21. And when it was told[H5046] Saul[H7586], he sent[H7971] other[H312] messengers[H4397], and they also prophesied[H5012]. And Saul[H7586] sent[H7971] messengers[H4397] again[H3254] the third[H7992] time[H5012], and they also prophesied.

22. Then went[H3212] he also to Ramah[H7414], and came[H935] to the great[H1419] well[H953] that is in Secu[H7906]: and he asked[H7592] and said[H559], Where[H375] are Samuel[H8050] and David[H1732]? And one said[H559], Behold[H5121], they are at Naioth in Ramah[H7414].

23. And he went[H3212] thither to Naioth[H5121] in Ramah[H7414]: and the Spirit[H7307] of God[H430] came upon him also[H3212], and he went on[H1980], and prophesied[H5012], until he came[H935] to Naioth[H5121] in Ramah[H7414].

24. And he also[H1571] stripped off[H6584] his clothes[H899], and he also prophesied[H5012] before[H6440] Samuel[H8050], and lay down[H5307] naked[H6174] all that day[H3117] and all that night[H3915]. Wherefore they say[H559], Is Saul[H7586] also among the prophets[H5030]?

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31

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