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ASV_Strong : Judges 20


1. Then all the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] went out[H3318], and the congregation[H5712] was assembled[H6950] as one[H259] man[H376], from Dan[H1835] even to Beer-sheba[H884], with the land[H776] of Gilead[H1568], unto Jehovah[H3068] at Mizpah[H4709].

2. And the chiefs[H6438] of all the people[H5971], even of all the tribes[H7626] of Israel[H3478], presented[H3320] themselves in the assembly[H6951] of the people[H5971] of God[H430], four[H702] hundred[H3967] thousand[H505] footmen[H376] that drew[H8025] sword[H2719].

3. (Now the children[H1121] of Benjamin[H1144] heard[H8085] that the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] were gone up[H5927] to Mizpah[H4709].) And the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] said[H559], Tell[H1696] us[H1961], how was this wickedness brought to pass[H7451]?

4. And the Levite[H3881], the husband[H376] of the woman[H802] that was murdered[H7523], answered[H6030] and said[H559], I came[H935] into Gibeah[H1390] that belongeth to Benjamin[H1144], I and my concubine[H6370], to lodge[H3885].

5. And the men[H1167] of Gibeah[H1390] rose[H6965] against me[H5437], and beset the house[H1004] round about[H5437] me by night[H3915]; me they thought[H1819] to have slain[H2026], and my concubine[H6370] they forced[H6031], and she is dead[H4191].

6. And I took[H270] my concubine[H6370], and cut her in pieces[H5408], and sent[H7971] her throughout all the country[H7704] of the inheritance[H5159] of Israel[H3478]; for they have committed[H6213] lewdness[H2154] and folly[H5039] in Israel[H3478].

7. Behold[H1121], ye children of Israel[H3478], all of you[H3051], give here[H1988] your advice[H1697] and counsel[H6098].

8. And all the people[H5971] arose[H6965] as one[H259] man[H376], saying[H559], We will not any[H376] of us go[H3212] to his tent[H168], neither will we any[H376] of us turn[H5493] unto his house[H1004].

9. But now this is the thing[H1697] which we will do[H6213] to Gibeah[H1390]: we will go up against it by lot[H1486];

10. and we will take[H3947] ten[H6235] men[H582] of a hundred[H3967] throughout all the tribes[H7626] of Israel[H3478], and a hundred[H3967] of a thousand[H505], and a thousand[H505] out of ten thousand[H7233], to fetch[H3947] victuals[H6720] for the people[H5971], that they may do[H6213], when they come[H935] to Gibeah[H1387] of Benjamin[H1144], according to all the folly[H5039] that they have wrought[H6213] in Israel[H3478].

11. So all the men[H376] of Israel[H3478] were gathered[H622] against the city[H5892], knit together[H2270] as one[H259] man[H376].

12. And the tribes[H7626] of Israel[H3478] sent[H7971] men[H582] through all the tribe[H7626] of Benjamin[H1144], saying[H559], What wickedness[H7451] is this that is come to pass among you[H1961]?

13. Now therefore deliver[H5414] up the men[H582], the base[H1100] fellows[H1121], that are in Gibeah[H1390], that we may put them to death[H4191], and put away[H1197] evil[H7451] from Israel[H3478]. But Benjamin[H1144, 1121] would[H14] not hearken[H8085] to the voice[H6963] of their brethren[H251] the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478].

14. And the children[H1121] of Benjamin[H1144] gathered themselves together[H622] out of the cities[H5892] unto Gibeah[H1390], to go out[H3318] to battle[H4421] against the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478].

15. And the children[H1121] of Benjamin[H1144] were numbered[H6485] on that day[H3117] out of the cities[H5892] twenty[H6242] and six[H8337] thousand[H505] men[H376] that drew[H8025] sword[H2719], besides the inhabitants[H3427] of Gibeah[H1390], who were numbered[H6485] seven[H7651] hundred[H3967] chosen[H977] men[H376].

16. Among all this people[H5971] there were seven[H7651] hundred[H3967] chosen[H977] men[H376] lefthanded[H3027]; every one could sling[H7049] stones[H68] at a hair-breadth[H8185], and not miss[H2398].

17. And the men[H376] of Israel[H3478], besides Benjamin[H1144], were numbered[H6485] four[H702] hundred[H3967] thousand[H505] men[H376] that drew[H8025] sword[H2719]: all these were men[H376] of war[H4421].

18. And the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] arose[H6965], and went up[H5927] to[H1004] Beth-el[H430], and asked[H7592] counsel of God[H430]; and they said[H559], Who[H4310] shall go up[H5927] for us first[H8462] to battle[H4421] against the children[H1121] of Benjamin[H1144]? And Jehovah[H3068] said[H559], Judah[H3063] shall go up first[H8462].

19. And the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] rose up[H6965] in the morning[H1242], and encamped[H2583] against Gibeah[H1390].

20. And the men[H376] of Israel[H3478] went out[H3318] to battle[H4421] against Benjamin[H1144]; and the men[H376] of Israel[H3478] set the battle[H4421] in array[H6186] against them at Gibeah[H1390].

21. And the children[H1121] of Benjamin[H1144] came forth[H3318] out of Gibeah[H1390], and destroyed down[H7843] to the ground[H776] of the Israelites[H3478] on that day[H3117] twenty[H6242] and two[H8147] thousand[H505] men[H376].

22. And the people[H5971], the men[H376] of Israel[H3478], encouraged[H2388] themselves[H4421], and set the battle again[H3254] in array[H6186] in the place[H4725] where they set themselves in array[H6186] the first[H7223] day[H3117].

23. And the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] went up[H5927] and wept[H1058] before[H6440] Jehovah[H3068] until even[H6153]; and they asked[H7592] of Jehovah[H3068], saying[H559], Shall I again[H3254] draw[H5066] nigh to battle[H4421] against the children[H1121] of Benjamin[H1144] my brother[H251]? And Jehovah[H3068] said[H559], Go up against him[H5927].

24. And the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] came near[H7126] against the children[H1121] of Benjamin[H1144] the second[H8145] day[H3117].

25. And Benjamin[H1144] went forth[H3318] against[H7125] them out of Gibeah[H1390] the second[H8145] day[H3117], and destroyed down[H7843] to the ground[H776] of the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] again eighteen[H8083] thousand[H505] men[H376]; all these drew[H8025] the sword[H2719].

26. Then all the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478], and all the people[H5971], went up[H5927], and came[H935] unto[H1004] Beth-el[H430], and wept[H1058], and sat[H3427] there before[H6440] Jehovah[H3068], and fasted[H6684] that day[H3117] until even[H6153]; and they offered[H5927] burnt-offerings[H5930] and peace-offerings[H5930] before[H6440] Jehovah[H3068].

27. And the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] asked[H7592] of Jehovah[H3068] (for the ark[H727] of the covenant[H1285] of God[H430] was there in those days[H3117],

28. and Phinehas[H6372], the son[H1121] of Eleazar[H499], the son[H1121] of Aaron[H175], stood[H5975] before[H6440] it in those days[H3117]), saying[H559], Shall I yet again[H3254] go out[H3318] to battle[H4421] against the children[H1121] of Benjamin[H1144] my brother[H251], or shall I cease[H2308]? And Jehovah[H3068] said[H559], Go up[H5927]; for to-morrow[H4279] I will deliver[H5414] him into thy hand[H3027].

29. And Israel[H3478] set[H7760] liers-in[H693]-wait against Gibeah[H1390] round about[H5439].

30. And the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] went up[H5927] against the children[H1121] of Benjamin[H1144] on the third[H7992] day[H3117], and set themselves in array[H6186] against Gibeah[H1390], as at other times[H6471].

31. And the children[H1121] of Benjamin[H1144] went out[H3318] against[H7125] the people[H5971], and were drawn away[H5423] from the city[H5892]; and they began[H2490] to smite[H5221] and kill[H2491] of the people[H5971], as at other times[H6471], in the highways[H4546], of which one[H259] goeth up[H5927] to[H1004] Beth-el[H430], and the other[H259] to Gibeah[H1390], in the field[H7704], about thirty[H7970] men[H376] of Israel[H3478].

32. And the children[H1121] of Benjamin[H1144] said[H559], They are smitten down[H5062] before[H6440] us[H7223], as at the first. But the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] said[H559], Let us flee[H5127], and draw[H5423] them away from the city[H5892] unto the highways[H4546].

33. And all the men[H376] of Israel[H3478] rose up[H6965] out of their place[H4725], and set themselves in array[H6186] at Baal-tamar[H1193]: and the liers-in[H693]-wait of Israel[H3478] brake forth[H1518] out of their place[H4725], even out of[H4629] Maareh-geba[H1387].

34. And there came[H935] over against[H5048] Gibeah[H1390] ten[H6235] thousand[H505] chosen[H977] men[H376] out of all Israel[H3478], and the battle[H4421] was sore[H3513]; but they knew[H3045] not that evil[H7451] was close upon them[H5060].

35. And Jehovah[H3068] smote[H5062] Benjamin[H1144] before[H6440] Israel[H3478]; and the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] destroyed[H7843] of Benjamin[H1145] that day[H3117] twenty[H6242] and five[H2568] thousand[H505] and a hundred[H3967] men[H376]: all these drew[H8025] the sword[H2719].

36. So the children[H1121] of Benjamin[H1144] saw[H7200] that they were smitten[H5062]; for the men[H376] of Israel[H3478] gave[H5414] place[H4725] to Benjamin[H1145], because they trusted[H982] unto the liers-in[H693]-wait whom they had set[H7760] against Gibeah[H1390].

37. And the liers-in[H693]-wait hasted[H2363], and rushed[H6584] upon Gibeah[H1390]; and the liers-in[H693]-wait drew themselves along[H4900], and smote[H5221] all the city[H5892] with the edge[H6310] of the sword[H2719].

38. Now the appointed sign[H4150] between the men[H376] of Israel[H3478] and[H5973] the liers-in[H693]-wait was[H7235], that they should make a great cloud[H4864] of smoke[H6227] rise up[H5927] out of the city[H5892].

39. And the men[H376] of Israel[H3478] turned[H2015] in the battle[H4421], and Benjamin[H1144] began[H2490] to smite[H5221] and kill[H2491] of the men[H376] of Israel[H3478] about thirty[H7970] persons[H376]; for they said[H559], Surely[H5062] they are smitten down[H5062] before[H6440] us[H7223], as in the first battle[H4421].

40. But when the cloud[H4864] began[H2490] to arise up[H5927] out of the city[H5892] in a pillar[H5982] of smoke[H6227], the Benjamites[H1145] looked[H6437] behind[H310] them[H5892]; and, behold, the whole of the city went up[H5927] in smoke[H3632] to heaven[H8064].

41. And the men[H376] of Israel[H3478] turned[H2015], and the men[H376] of Benjamin[H1144] were dismayed[H926]; for they saw[H7200] that evil[H7451] was come upon them[H5060].

42. Therefore they turned[H6437] their backs before[H6440] the men[H376] of Israel[H3478] unto the way[H1870] of the wilderness[H4057]; but the battle[H4421] followed[H1692] hard after them[H5892]; and they that came out of the cities destroyed[H7843] them in the midst thereof[H8432].

43. They inclosed[H3803] the Benjamites[H1145] round about[H3803], and chased[H7291] them[H1869], and trod them down at their resting-place[H4496], as far as over against[H5227] Gibeah[H1390] toward the sunrising[H4217].

44. And there fell[H5307] of Benjamin[H1144] eighteen[H8083] thousand[H505] men[H376]; all these were men[H582] of valor[H2428].

45. And they turned[H6437] and fled[H5127] toward the wilderness[H4057] unto the rock[H5553] of Rimmon[H7417]: and they gleaned[H5953] of them in the highways[H4546] five[H2568] thousand[H505] men[H376], and followed[H1692] hard after[H310] them unto Gidom[H1440], and smote[H5221] of them two thousand[H505] men[H376].

46. So that all who fell[H5307] that day[H3117] of Benjamin[H1144] were twenty[H6242] and five[H2568] thousand[H505] men[H376] that drew[H8025] the sword[H2719]; all these were men[H582] of valor[H2428].

47. But six[H8337] hundred[H3967] men[H376] turned[H6437] and fled[H5127] toward the wilderness[H4057] unto the rock[H5553] of Rimmon[H7417], and abode[H3427] in the rock[H5553] of Rimmon[H7417] four[H702] months[H2320].

48. And the men[H376] of Israel[H3478] turned again[H7725] upon the children[H1121] of Benjamin[H1144], and smote[H5221] them with the edge[H6310] of the sword[H2719], both the entire[H4974] city[H5892], and[H5704] the cattle[H929], and all that they found[H4672]: moreover all the cities[H5892] which they found[H4672] they set[H7971] on fire[H784].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21

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