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ASV_Strong : 1 John 4


1. Beloved[G27], believe[G4100] not[G3361] every[G3956] spirit[G4151], but[G235] prove[G1381] the spirits[G4151], whether[G1487] they are[G2076] of[G1537] God[G2316]; because[G3754] many[G4183] false prophets[G5578] are gone out[G1831] into[G1519] the world[G2889].

2. Hereby[G1722, 5129] know ye[G1097] the Spirit[G4151] of God[G2316]: every[G3956] spirit[G4151] that[G3739] confesseth that[G3670] Jesus[G2424] Christ[G5547] is come[G2064] in[G1722] the flesh[G4561] is[G2076] of[G1537] God[G2316]:

3. and[G2532] every[G3956] spirit[G4151] that[G3739] confesseth[G3670] not[G3361] Jesus[G2424, 5547, Exodus64, 1722, 4561] is[G2076] not[G3756] of[G1537] God[G2316]: and[G2532] this[G5124] is[G2076] the[G3588] spirit of the antichrist[G500], whereof[G3739] ye have heard[G191] that[G3588] it cometh[G2064]; and[G2532] now[G3568] it[G2076] is in[G1722] the world[G2889] already[G2235].

4. Ye[G5210] are[G2075] of[G1537] God[G2316], my little children[G5040], and[G2532] have overcome[G3528] them[G846]: because[G3754] greater[G3187] is he[G2076] that[G3588] is in[G1722] you[G5213] than[G2228] he that[G3588] is in[G1722] the world[G2889].

5. They[G846] are[G1526] of[G1537] the world[G2889]: therefore[G1223, 5124] speak they[G2980] as of[G1537] the world[G2889], and[G2532] the world[G2889] heareth[G191] them[G846].

6. We[G2249] are[G2070] of[G1537] God[G2316]: he that knoweth[G1097] God[G2316] heareth[G191] us[G2257]; he who[G3739] is[G2076] not[G3756] of[G1537] God[G2316] heareth[G191] us[G2257] not[G3756]. By[G1537] this[G5127] we[G1097] know the spirit[G4151] of truth[G225], and[G2532] the spirit[G4151] of error[G4106].

7. Beloved[G27], let us love[G25] one another[G240]: for[G3754] love[G26] is[G2076] of[G1537] God[G2316]; and[G2532] every one[G3956] that[G3588] loveth[G25] is begotten[G1080] of[G1537] God[G2316], and[G2532] knoweth[G1097] God[G2316].

8. He that loveth[G25] not[G3361] knoweth[G1097] not[G3756] God[G2316]; for[G3754] God[G2316] is[G2076] love[G26].

9. Herein[G1722, 5129] was the love[G26] of God[G2316] manifested[G5319] in[G1722] us[G2254], that[G3754] God[G2316] hath sent[G649] his[G846] only begotten[G3439] Son[G5207] into[G1519] the world[G2889] that[G2443] we might live[G2198] through[G1223] him[G846].

10. Herein[G1722, 5129] is[G2076] love[G26], not[G3756] that[G3754] we[G2249] loved[G25] God[G2316], but[G235] that[G3754] he[G846] loved[G25] us[G2248], and[G2532] sent[G649] his[G846] Son[G5207] to be the propitiation[G2434] for[G4012] our[G2257] sins[G266].

11. Beloved[G27], if[G1487] God[G2316] so[G3779] loved[G25] us[G2248], we[G2249] also[G2532] ought[G3784] to love[G25] one another[G240].

12. No man[G3762] hath beheld[G2300] God[G2316] at any time[G4455]: if[G1437] we love[G25] one another[G240], God[G2316] abideth[G3306] in[G1722] us[G2254], and[G2532] his[G846] love[G26] is[G2076] perfected[G5048] in[G1722] us[G2254]:

13. hereby[G1722, 5129] we[G1097] know that[G3754] we abide[G3306] in[G1722] him[G846] and[G2532] he[G846] in[G1722] us[G2254], because[G3754] he hath given[G1325] us[G2254] of[G1537] his[G846] Spirit[G4151].

14. And[G2532] we[G2249] have beheld[G2300] and[G2532] bear witness[G3140] that[G3754] the Father[G3962] hath sent[G649] the Son[G5207] to be the Saviour[G4990] of the world[G2889].

15. Whosoever[G3739, Leviticus2] shall confess[G3670] that[G3754] Jesus[G2424] is[G2076] the Son[G5207] of God[G2316], God[G2316] abideth[G3306] in[G1722] him[G846], and[G2532] he[G846] in[G1722] God[G2316].

16. And[G2532] we[G2249] know[G1097] and[G2532] have believed[G4100] the love[G26] which[G3739] God[G2316] hath[G2192] in us[G2254]. God[G2316] is[G2076] love[G26]; and[G2532] he that abideth[G3306] in[G1722] love[G26] abideth[G3306] in[G1722] God[G2316], and[G2532] God[G2316] abideth[G3306] in[G1722] him[G846].

17. Herein[G1722, 5129] is[G5048, 3326, 2257] love[G26] made perfect[G5048] with us[G2443], that we may have[G2192] boldness[G3954] in[G1722] the day[G2250] of judgment[G2920]; because[G3754] as[G2531] he[G1565] is[G2076], even so[G2532] are[G2070] we[G2249] in[G1722] this[G5129] world[G2889].

18. There is[G2076] no[G3756] fear[G5401] in[G1722] love[G26]: but[G235] perfect[G5046] love[G26] casteth[G906] out[G1854] fear[G5401], because[G3754] fear[G5401] hath[G2192] punishment[G2851]; and he that feareth[G5399] is[G5048] not[G3756] made perfect[G5048] in[G1722] love[G1161].

19. We[G2249] love[G25], [G25, 846] because[G3754] he[G846] first[G4413] loved[G25] us[G2248].

20. If[G1437] a man[G5100] say[G3754], I love[G25] God[G2316], and[G2532] hateth[G3404] his[G846] brother[G80], he is[G2076] a liar[G5583]: for[G1063] he that loveth[G25] not[G3361] his[G846] brother[G80] whom[G3739] he hath seen[G3708], [G4459] cannot[G1410] love[G25] God[G2316] whom[G3739] he hath[G3708] not[G3756] seen[G3708].

21. And[G2532] this[G3778] commandment[G1785] have we[G2192] from[G575] him[G846], that[G2443] he who loveth[G25] God[G2316] love[G25] his[G846] brother[G80] also[G2532].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5

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