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ASV_Strong : Joshua 21


1. Then came near[H5066] the heads[H7218] of fathers[H1]' houses of the Levites[H3881] unto Eleazar[H499] the priest[H3548], and unto Joshua[H3091] the son[H1121] of Nun[H5126], and unto the heads[H7218] of fathers[H1]' houses of the tribes[H4294] of the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478];

2. and they spake[H1696] unto them at Shiloh[H7887] in the land[H776] of Canaan[H3667], saying[H559], Jehovah[H3068] commanded[H6680] Moses[H4872] to[H3027] give[H5414] us cities[H5892] to dwell in[H3427], with the suburbs[H4054] thereof for our cattle[H929].

3. And the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] gave[H5414] unto the Levites[H3881] out of their inheritance[H5159], according to the commandment[H6310] of Jehovah[H3068], these cities[H5892] with their suburbs[H4054].

4. And the lot[H1486] came out[H3318] for the families[H4940] of the Kohathites[H6956]: and the children[H1121] of Aaron[H175] the priest[H3548], who were of the Levites[H3881], had by lot[H1486] out of the tribe[H4294] of Judah[H3063], and out of the tribe[H4294] of the Simeonites[H8099], and out of the tribe[H4294] of Benjamin[H1144], thirteen[H7969] cities[H5892].

5. And the rest[H3498] of the children[H1121] of Kohath[H6955] had by lot[H1486] out of the families[H4940] of the tribe[H4294] of Ephraim[H669], and out of the tribe[H4294] of Dan[H1835], and out of the[H2677] half-tribe[H4294] of Manasseh[H4519], ten[H6235] cities[H5892].

6. And the children[H1121] of Gershon[H1648] had by lot[H1486] out of the families[H4940] of the tribe[H4294] of Issachar[H3485], and out of the tribe[H4294] of Asher[H836], and out of the tribe[H4294] of Naphtali[H5321], and out of the[H2677] half-tribe[H4294] of Manasseh[H4519] in Bashan[H1316], thirteen[H7969] cities[H5892].

7. The children[H1121] of Merari[H4847] according to their families[H4940] had out of the tribe[H4294] of Reuben[H7205], and out of the tribe[H4294] of Gad[H1410], and out of the tribe[H4294] of Zebulun[H2074], twelve[H8147] cities[H5892].

8. And the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] gave[H5414] by lot[H1486] unto the Levites[H3881] these cities[H5892] with their suburbs[H4054], as Jehovah[H3068] commanded[H6680] by[H3027] Moses[H4872].

9. And they gave[H5414] out of the tribe[H4294] of the children[H1121] of Judah[H3063], and out of the tribe[H4294] of the children[H1121] of Simeon[H8095], these cities[H5892] which are here mentioned[H7121] by name[H8034]:

10. and they were for the children[H1121] of Aaron[H175], of the families[H4940] of the Kohathites[H6956], who were of the children[H1121] of Levi[H3878]; for theirs was the first[H7223] lot[H1486].

11. And they gave[H5414] them Kiriath-arba[H7151], which Arba[H704] was the father[H1] of Anak[H6061] (the same is Hebron[H2275]), in the hill-country[H2022] of Judah[H3063], with the suburbs[H4054] thereof round about it[H5439].

12. But the fields[H7704] of the city[H5892], and the villages[H2691] thereof[H5414], gave they to Caleb[H3612] the son[H1121] of Jephunneh[H3312] for his possession[H272].

13. And unto the children[H1121] of Aaron[H175] the priest[H3548] they gave[H5414] Hebron[H2275] with its suburbs[H4054], the city[H5892] of refuge[H4733] for the manslayer[H7523], and Libnah[H3841] with its suburbs[H4054],

14. and Jattir[H3492] with its suburbs[H4054], and Eshtemoa[H851] with its suburbs[H4054],

15. and Holon[H2473] with its suburbs[H4054], and Debir[H1688] with its suburbs[H4054],

16. and Ain[H5871] with its suburbs[H4054], and Juttah[H3194] with its suburbs[H4054], and Beth-shemesh[H1053] with its suburbs[H4054]; nine[H8672] cities[H5892] out of those two[H8147] tribes[H7626].

17. And out of the tribe[H4294] of Benjamin[H1144], Gibeon[H1391] with its suburbs[H4054], Geba[H1387] with its suburbs[H4054],

18. Anathoth[H6068] with its suburbs[H4054], and Almon[H5960] with its suburbs[H4054]; four[H702] cities[H5892].

19. All the cities[H5892] of the children[H1121] of Aaron[H175], the priests[H3548], were thirteen[H7969] cities[H5892] with their suburbs[H4054].

20. And the families[H4940] of the children[H1121] of Kohath[H6955], the Levites[H3881], even the rest[H3498] of the children[H1121] of Kohath[H6955], they had the cities[H5892] of their lot[H1486] out of the tribe[H4294] of Ephraim[H669].

21. And they gave[H5414] them Shechem[H7927] with its suburbs[H4054] in the hill-country[H2022] of Ephraim[H669], the city[H5892] of refuge[H4733] for the manslayer[H7523], and Gezer[H1507] with its suburbs[H4054],

22. and Kibzaim[H6911] with its suburbs[H4054], and Beth-horon[H1032] with its suburbs[H4054]; four[H702] cities[H5892].

23. And out of the tribe[H4294] of Dan[H1835], Elteke[H514] with its suburbs[H4054], Gibbethon[H1405] with its suburbs[H4054],

24. Aijalon[H357] with its suburbs[H4054], Gath-rimmon[H1667] with its suburbs[H4054]; four[H702] cities[H5892].

25. And out of the[H4276] half-tribe[H4294] of Manasseh[H4519], Taanach[H8590] with its suburbs[H4054], and Gath-rimmon[H1667] with its suburbs[H4054]; two[H8147] cities[H5892].

26. All the cities[H5892] of the families[H4940] of the rest[H3498] of the children[H1121] of Kohath[H6955] were ten[H6235] with their suburbs[H4054].

27. And unto the children[H1121] of Gershon[H1648], of the families[H4940] of the Levites[H3881], out of the[H2677] half-tribe[H4294] of Manasseh[H4519] they gave Golan[H1474] in Bashan[H1316] with its suburbs[H4054], the city[H5892] of refuge[H4733] for the manslayer[H7523], and Be-eshterah[H1203] with its suburbs[H4054]; two[H8147] cities[H5892].

28. And out of the tribe[H4294] of Issachar[H3485], Kishion[H7191] with its suburbs[H4054], Daberath[H1705] with its suburbs[H4054],

29. Jarmuth[H3412] with its suburbs[H4054], En-gannim[H5873] with its suburbs[H4054]; four[H702] cities[H5892].

30. And out of the tribe[H4294] of Asher[H836], Mishal[H4861] with its suburbs[H4054], Abdon[H5658] with its suburbs[H4054],

31. Helkath[H2520] with its suburbs[H4054], and Rehob[H7340] with its suburbs[H4054]; four[H702] cities[H5892].

32. And out of the tribe[H4294] of Naphtali[H5321], Kedesh[H6943] in Galilee[H1551] with its suburbs[H4054], the city[H5892] of refuge[H4733] for the manslayer[H7523], and Hammoth-dor[H2576] with its suburbs[H4054], and Kartan[H7178] with its suburbs[H4054]; three[H7969] cities[H5892].

33. All the cities[H5892] of the Gershonites[H1649] according to their families[H4940] were thirteen[H7969] cities[H5892] with their suburbs[H4054].

34. And unto the families[H4940] of the children[H1121] of Merari[H4847], the rest[H3498] of the Levites[H3881], out of the tribe[H4294] of Zebulun[H2074], Jokneam[H3362] with its suburbs[H4054], and Kartah[H7177] with its suburbs[H4054],

35. Dimnah[H1829] with its suburbs[H4054], Nahalal[H5096] with its suburbs[H4054]; four[H702] cities[H5892].

36. And out of the tribe of Reuben[H7205], Bezer[H1221] with its suburbs[H3096], and Jahaz with its suburbs,

37. Kedemoth[H6932] with its suburbs[H4158], and Mephaath with its suburbs[H702]; four cities[H5892].

38. And out of the tribe[H4294] of Gad[H1410], Ramoth[H7433] in Gilead[H1568] with its suburbs[H4054], the city[H5892] of refuge[H4733] for the manslayer[H7523], and Mahanaim[H4266] with its suburbs[H4054],

39. Heshbon[H2809] with its suburbs[H4054], Jazer[H3270] with its suburbs[H4054]; four[H702] cities in all[H5892].

40. All these were the cities[H5892] of the children[H1121] of Merari[H4847] according to their families[H4940], even the rest[H3498] of the families[H4940] of the Levites[H3881]; and their lot[H1486] was twelve[H8147] cities[H5892].

41. All the cities[H5892] of the Levites[H3881] in the midst[H272] of the possession[H272] of the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] were forty[H705] and eight[H8083] cities[H5892] with their suburbs[H4054].

42. These cities[H5892] were every one[H5892] with their suburbs[H4054] round about[H5439] them[H5892]: thus it was with all these cities.

43. So Jehovah[H3068] gave[H5414] unto Israel[H3478] all the land[H776] which he sware[H7650] to give[H5414] unto their fathers[H1]; and they possessed[H3423] it[H3427], and dwelt therein.

44. And Jehovah[H3068] gave them rest[H5117] round about[H5439], according to all that he sware[H7650] unto their fathers[H1]: and there stood[H5975] not a man[H376] of all their enemies[H341] before[H6440] them[H3068]; Jehovah delivered[H5414] all their enemies[H341] into their hand[H3027].

45. There failed[H5307] not aught[H1697] of any good[H2896] thing[H1697] which Jehovah[H3068] had spoken[H1696] unto the house[H1004] of Israel[H3478]; all came to pass[H935].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24

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