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ASV_Strong : 2 Thessalonians 2


1. Now[G1161] we beseech[G2065] you[G5209], brethren[G80], touching[G5228] the coming[G3952] of our[G2257] Lord[G2962] Jesus[G2424] Christ[G5547], and[G2532] our[G2257] gathering together[G1997] unto[G1909] him[G846];

2. to the end that[G1519] ye[G5209] be[G4531] not[G3361] quickly[G5030] shaken[G4531] from[G575] your mind[G3563], nor[G3383] yet be troubled[G2360], either[G3383] by[G1223] spirit[G4151], or[G3383] by[G1223] word[G3056], or[G3383] by[G1223] epistle[G1992] as[G5613] from[G1223] us[G2257], as[G5613] that[G3754] the day[G2250] of the Lord[G5547] is just at hand[G1764];

3. let[G1818] no[G3361] man[G5100] beguile[G1818] you[G5209] in[G2596] any[G3367] wise[G5158]: for[G3754] it will not be[G1437], except the falling away[G646] come[G2064] first[G4412], and[G2532] the man[G444] of sin[G266] be revealed[G601], the son[G5207] of perdition[G3361],

4. he that opposeth[G480] and[G2532] exalteth himself[G5229] against[G1909] all[G3956] that is called[G3004] God[G2316] or[G2228] that is worshipped[G4574]; so that[G5620] he[G846, 5613, 2316] sitteth[G2523] in[G1519] the temple[G3485] of God[G2316], setting[G584] himself[G1438] forth[G3754] as[G2076] God[G2316].

5. Remember[G3421] ye not[G3756], that[G3754], when I was[G5607] yet[G2089] with[G4314] you[G5209], I told[G3004] you[G5213] these things[G5023]?

6. And[G2532] now[G3568] ye know[G1492] that which restraineth[G2722], to the end that[G1519] he[G846] may be revealed[G601] in[G1722] his[G1438] own season[G2540].

7. For[G1063] the mystery[G3466] of lawlessness[G458] doth[G1754] already[G2235] work[G1754]: only[G3440] there is one[G2722] that restraineth[G2722] now[G737], until[G2193] he be taken[G1096] out of[G1537] the way[G3319].

8. And[G2532] then[G5119] shall[G601] be revealed[G601] the lawless[G459] one[G3739], whom the Lord[G2962] Jesus shall slay[G355] with the breath[G4151] of his[G846] mouth[G4750], and[G2532] bring to nought[G2673] by the manifestation[G2015] of his[G846] coming[G3952];

9. even he[G3739], whose coming[G3952] is[G2076] according[G2596] to the working[G1753] of Satan[G4567] with[G1722] all[G3956] power[G1411] and[G2532] signs[G4592] and[G2532] lying[G5579] wonders[G5059],

10. and[G2532] with[G1722] all[G3956] deceit[G539] of unrighteousness[G93] for[G1722] them that perish[G622]; because[G473] they received[G1209] not[G3756] the love[G26] of the truth[G225], that[G1519] they[G846] might be saved[G3739].

11. And[G2532] for[G1223] this[G5124] cause[G1223] God[G2316] sendeth[G3992] them[G846] a working[G1753] of error[G4106], that[G1519] they[G846] should believe[G4100] a lie[G5579]:

12. that[G2443] they[G2919] all[G3956] might be judged[G2919] who believed[G4100] not[G3361] the truth[G225], but[G235] had pleasure[G2106] in[G1722] unrighteousness[G93].

13. But[G1161] we[G2249] are bound[G3784] to give thanks[G2168] to God[G2316] always[G3842] for[G4012] you[G5216], brethren[G80] beloved[G25] of[G5259] the Lord[G2962], for that[G3754] God[G2316, 138] chose[G138] you[G5209] from[G575] the beginning[G746] unto[G1519] salvation[G4991] in[G1722] sanctification[G38] of the Spirit[G4151] and[G2532] belief[G4102] of the truth[G225]:

14. whereunto[G1519] he called[G2564] you[G5209] through[G1223] our[G2257] gospel[G2098], to[G1519] the obtaining[G4047] of the glory[G1391] of our[G2257] Lord[G2962] Jesus[G2424] Christ[G5547].

15. So then[G3767], brethren[G80], stand fast[G4739], and[G2532] hold[G2902] the traditions[G3862] which[G3739] ye were taught[G1321], whether[G1535] by[G1223] word[G3056], or[G1535] by epistle[G1992] of ours[G2257].

16. Now[G1161] our[G2257] Lord[G2962] Jesus[G2424] Christ[G5547] himself[G846], and[G2532] God[G2316] our[G2257] Father[G3962] who loved[G25] us[G2248] and[G2532] gave[G1325] us[G2248] eternal[G166] comfort[G3874] and[G2532] good[G18] hope[G1680] through[G1722] grace[G5485],

17. comfort[G3870] your[G5216] hearts[G2588] and[G2532] establish[G4741] them[G5209] in[G1722] every[G3956] good[G18] work[G2041] and[G2532] word[G3056].

chapters: 1, 2, 3

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