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ASV_Strong : Deuteronomy 6


1. Now this is the commandment[H4687], the statutes[H2706], and the ordinances[H4941], which Jehovah[H3068] your God[H430] commanded[H6680] to teach[H3925] you[H6213], that ye might do them in the land[H776] whither ye go[H5674] over to possess it[H3423];

2. that thou mightest fear[H3372] Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430], to keep[H8104] all his statutes[H2708] and his commandments[H4687], which I command[H6680] thee[H1121], thou, and thy son, and thy son[H1121]'s son[H1121], all the days[H3117] of thy life[H2416]; and that thy days[H3117] may be prolonged[H748].

3. Hear[H8085] therefore[H3478], O Israel, and observe[H8104] to do[H6213] it[H3190]; that it may be well with thee[H7235], and that ye may increase mightily[H3966], as Jehovah[H3068], the God[H430] of thy fathers[H1], hath promised[H1696] unto thee[H776], in a land flowing[H2100] with milk[H2461] and honey[H1706].

4. Hear[H8085], O Israel[H3478]: Jehovah[H3068] our God[H430] is one[H259] Jehovah[H3068]:

5. and thou shalt love[H157] Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430] with all thy heart[H3824], and with all thy soul[H5315], and with all thy might[H3966].

6. And these words[H1697], which I command[H6680] thee this day[H3117], shall be upon thy heart[H3824];

7. and thou shalt teach them diligently[H8150] unto thy children[H1121], and shalt talk[H1696] of them when thou sittest[H3427] in thy house[H1004], and when thou walkest[H3212] by the way[H1870], and when thou liest down[H7901], and when thou risest up[H6965].

8. And thou shalt bind[H7194] them for a sign[H226] upon thy hand[H3027], and they shall be for frontlets[H2903] between thine eyes[H5869].

9. And thou shalt write[H3789] them upon the door-posts[H4201] of thy house[H1004], and upon thy gates[H8179].

10. And it shall be[H3068], when Jehovah thy God[H430] shall bring[H935] thee into the land[H776] which he sware[H7650] unto thy fathers[H1], to Abraham[H85], to Isaac[H3327], and to Jacob[H3290], to give[H5414] thee[H1419], great and goodly[H2896] cities[H5892], which thou buildest not[H1129],

11. and houses[H1004] full[H4392] of all good[H2898] things[H4390], which thou filledst not[H953], and cisterns hewn[H2672] out[H2672], which thou hewedst not[H3754], vineyards and olive-trees[H2132], which thou plantedst[H5193] not[H398], and thou shalt eat and be full[H7646];

12. then beware[H8104] lest thou forget[H7911] Jehovah[H3068], who brought thee forth[H3318] out of the land[H776] of Egypt[H4714], out of the house[H1004] of bondage[H5650].

13. Thou shalt fear[H3372] Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430]; and him shalt thou serve[H5647], and shalt swear[H7650] by his name[H8034].

14. Ye shall not go[H3212] after[H310] other[H312] gods[H430], of the gods[H430] of the peoples[H5971] that are round about you[H5439];

15. for Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430] in the midst[H7130] of thee is a jealous[H7067] God[H410]; lest the anger[H639] of Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430] be kindled[H2734] against thee[H8045], and he destroy thee from off the face[H6440] of the earth[H127].

16. Ye shall not tempt[H5254] Jehovah[H3068] your God[H430], as ye tempted[H5254] him in Massah[H4532].

17. Ye shall diligently[H8104] keep[H8104] the commandments[H4687] of Jehovah[H3068] your God[H430], and his testimonies[H5713], and his statutes[H2706], which he hath commanded thee[H6680].

18. And thou shalt do[H6213] that which is right[H3477] and good[H2896] in the sight[H5869] of Jehovah[H3068]; that it may be well[H3190] with thee[H935], and that thou mayest go in and possess[H3423] the good[H2896] land[H776] which Jehovah[H3068] sware[H7650] unto thy fathers[H1],

19. to thrust out[H1920] all thine enemies[H341] from before[H6440] thee[H3068], as Jehovah hath spoken[H1696].

20. When thy son[H1121] asketh[H7592] thee in time to come[H4279], saying[H559], What mean the testimonies[H5713], and the statutes[H2706], and the ordinances[H4941], which Jehovah[H3068] our God[H430] hath commanded you[H6680]?

21. then thou shalt say[H559] unto thy son[H1121], We were Pharaoh[H6547]'s bondmen[H5650] in Egypt[H4714]: and Jehovah[H3068] brought us out[H3318] of Egypt[H4714] with a mighty[H2389] hand[H3027];

22. and Jehovah[H3068] showed[H5414] signs[H226] and wonders[H4159], great[H1419] and sore[H7451], upon Egypt[H4714], upon Pharaoh[H6547], and upon all his house[H1004], before our eyes[H5869];

23. and he brought us out[H3318] from thence[H935], that he might bring us in, to give[H5414] us the land[H776] which he sware[H7650] unto our fathers[H1].

24. And Jehovah[H3068] commanded[H6680] us to do[H6213] all these statutes[H2706], to fear[H3372] Jehovah[H3068] our God[H430], for our good[H2896] always[H3117], that he might preserve us alive[H2421], as at this day[H3117].

25. And it shall be righteousness[H6666] unto us[H8104], if we observe to do[H6213] all this[H2063] commandment[H4687] before[H6440] Jehovah[H3068] our God[H430], as he hath commanded us[H6680].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34

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