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ASV_Strong : Deuteronomy 33


1. And this is the blessing[H1293], wherewith Moses[H4872] the man[H376] of God[H430] blessed[H1288] the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] before[H6440] his death[H4194].

2. And he said[H559], Jehovah[H3068] came[H935] from Sinai[H5514], And rose[H2224] from Seir[H8165] unto them[H3313]; He shined forth from mount[H2022] Paran[H6290], And he came[H857] from the ten thousands[H7233] of holy ones[H6944]: At his right hand[H3225] was a fiery[H799] law for them[H1881].

3. Yea[H637], he loveth[H2245] the people[H5971]; All his saints[H6918] are in thy hand[H3027]: And they sat down[H8497] at thy feet[H7272]; Every one shall receive[H5375] of thy words[H1703].

4. Moses[H4872] commanded[H6680] us a law[H8451], An inheritance[H4181] for the assembly[H6952] of Jacob[H3290].

5. And he was king[H4428] in Jeshurun[H3484], When the heads[H7218] of the people[H5971] were gathered[H622], All the tribes[H7626] of Israel[H3478] together[H3162].

6. Let Reuben[H7205] live[H2421], and not die[H4191]; Nor let his men[H4962] be few[H4557].

7. And this is the blessing of Judah[H3063]: and he said[H559], Hear[H8085], Jehovah[H3068], the voice[H6963] of Judah[H3063], And bring[H935] him in unto his people[H5971]. With his hands[H3027] he contended[H7227] for himself[H5828]; And thou shalt be a help against his adversaries[H6862].

8. And of Levi[H3878] he said[H559], Thy Thummim[H8550] and thy Urim[H224] are with thy godly[H2623] one[H376], Whom thou didst prove[H5254] at Massah[H4532], With whom thou didst strive[H7378] at the waters[H4325] of Meribah[H4809];

9. Who said[H559] of his father[H1], and of his mother[H517], I have not seen[H7200] him[H5234]; Neither did he acknowledge his brethren[H251], Nor knew[H3045] he his own children[H1121]: For they have observed[H8104] thy word[H565], And keep[H5341] thy covenant[H1285].

10. They shall teach[H3384] Jacob[H3290] thine ordinances[H4941], And Israel[H3478] thy law[H8451]: They shall put[H7760] incense[H6988] before[H639] thee[H3632], And whole burnt-offering upon thine altar[H4196].

11. Bless[H1288], Jehovah[H3068], his substance[H2428], And accept[H7521] the work[H6467] of his hands[H3027]: Smite[H4272] through the loins[H4975] of them that rise[H6965] up against him[H8130], And of them that hate him[H6965], that they rise not[H4480] again[H6965].

12. Of Benjamin[H1144] he said[H559], The beloved[H3039] of Jehovah[H3068] shall dwell[H7931] in safety[H983] by him[H2653]; He covereth him all the day[H3117] long[H7931], And he dwelleth between his shoulders[H3802].

13. And of Joseph[H3130] he said[H559], Blessed[H1288] of Jehovah[H3068] be his land[H776], For the precious things[H4022] of heaven[H8064], for the dew[H2919], And for the deep[H8415] that coucheth beneath[H7257],

14. And for the precious[H4022] things of the fruits[H8393] of the sun[H8121], And for the precious things[H4022] of the growth[H1645] of the moons[H3391],

15. And for the chief things[H7218] of the ancient[H6924] mountains[H2042], And for the precious things[H4022] of the everlasting[H5769] hills[H1389],

16. And for the precious things[H4022] of the earth[H776] and the fulness[H4393] thereof[H7522], And the good will of him that dwelt[H7931] in the bush[H5572]. Let the blessing come[H935] upon the head[H7218] of Joseph[H3130], And upon the crown of the head[H6936] of him that was separate[H5139] from his brethren[H251].

17. The firstling[H1060] of his herd[H7794], majesty[H1926] is his[H7161]; And his horns are the horns[H7161] of the wild-ox[H7214]: With them he shall push[H5055] the peoples[H5971] all[H3162] of them[H657], even the ends of the earth[H776]: And they are the ten thousands[H7233] of Ephraim[H669], And they are the thousands[H505] of Manasseh[H4519].

18. And of Zebulun[H2074] he said[H559], Rejoice[H8055], Zebulun[H2074], in thy going out[H3318]; And[H3485], Issachar, in thy tents[H168].

19. They shall call[H7121] the peoples[H5971] unto the mountain[H2022]; There shall they offer[H2076] sacrifices[H2077] of righteousness[H6664]: For they shall suck[H3243] the abundance[H8228] of the seas[H3220], And the hidden[H2934] treasures[H8226] of the sand[H2344].

20. And of Gad[H1410] he said[H559], Blessed[H1288] be he that enlargeth[H7337] Gad[H1410]: He dwelleth[H7931] as a lioness[H3833], And teareth[H2963] the arm[H2220], yea[H637], the crown of the head[H6936].

21. And he provided[H7200] the first part[H7225] for himself[H2710], For there was the lawgiver's portion[H2513] reserved[H5603]; And he came[H857] with the heads[H7218] of the people[H5971]; He executed[H6213] the righteousness[H6666] of Jehovah[H3068], And his ordinances[H4941] with Israel[H3478].

22. And of Dan[H1835] he said[H559], Dan[H1835] is a lion[H738]'s whelp[H1482], That leapeth[H2187] forth from Bashan[H1316].

23. And of Naphtali[H5321] he said[H559], O Naphtali[H5321], satisfied[H7649] with favor[H7522], And full[H4392] with the blessing[H1293] of Jehovah[H3068], Possess[H3423] thou the west[H3220] and the south[H1864].

24. And of Asher[H836] he said[H559], Blessed[H1288] be Asher[H836] with children[H1121]; Let him be acceptable[H7521] unto his brethren[H251], And let him dip[H2881] his foot[H7272] in oil[H8081].

25. Thy bars[H4515] shall be iron[H1270] and brass[H5178]; And as thy days[H3117], so shall thy strength be[H1679].

26. There is none like unto God[H410], O Jeshurun[H3484], Who rideth[H7392] upon the heavens[H8064] for thy help[H5828], And in his excellency[H1346] on the skies[H7834].

27. The eternal[H6924] God[H430] is thy dwelling-place[H4585], And underneath are the everlasting[H5769] arms[H2220]. And he thrust out[H1644] the enemy[H341] from before[H6440] thee[H559], And said, Destroy[H8045].

28. And Israel[H3478] dwelleth[H7931] in safety[H983], The fountain[H5869] of Jacob[H3290] alone[H910], In a land[H776] of grain[H1715] and new wine[H8492]; Yea[H8064], his heavens drop down[H6201] dew[H2919].

29. Happy[H835] art thou[H3478], O Israel: Who is like unto thee[H5971], a people saved[H3467] by Jehovah[H3068], The shield[H4043] of thy help[H5828], And the sword[H2719] of thy excellency[H1346]! And thine enemies[H341] shall submit[H3584] themselves unto thee[H1869]; And thou shalt tread upon their high places[H1116].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34

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