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ASV_Strong : Deuteronomy 29


1. These are the words[H1697] of the covenant[H1285] which Jehovah[H3068] commanded[H6680] Moses[H4872] to make[H3772] with the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] in the land[H776] of Moab[H4124], besides the covenant[H1285] which he made[H3772] with them in Horeb[H2722].

2. And Moses[H4872] called[H7121] unto all Israel[H3478], and said[H559] unto them[H7200], Ye have seen all that Jehovah[H3068] did[H6213] before your eyes[H5869] in the land[H776] of Egypt[H4714] unto Pharaoh[H6547], and unto all his servants[H5650], and unto all his land[H776];

3. the great[H1419] trials[H4531] which thine eyes[H5869] saw[H7200], the signs[H226], and those great[H1419] wonders[H4159]:

4. but Jehovah[H3068] hath not given[H5414] you a heart[H3820] to know[H3045], and eyes[H5869] to see[H7200], and ears[H241] to hear[H8085], unto this day[H3117].

5. And I have led[H3212] you forty[H705] years[H8141] in the wilderness[H4057]: your clothes[H8008] are not waxed old[H1086] upon you[H5275], and thy shoe is not waxed old[H1086] upon thy foot[H7272].

6. Ye have not eaten[H398] bread[H3899], neither have ye drunk[H8354] wine[H3196] or strong drink[H7941]; that ye may know[H3045] that I am Jehovah[H3068] your God[H430].

7. And when ye came[H935] unto this place[H4725], Sihon[H5511] the king[H4428] of Heshbon[H2809], and Og[H5747] the king[H4428] of Bashan[H1316], came out[H3318] against[H7125] us unto battle[H4421], and we smote them[H5221]:

8. and we took[H3947] their land[H776], and gave[H5414] it for an inheritance[H5159] unto the Reubenites[H7206], and to the Gadites[H1425], and to the half[H2677] - tribe[H7626] of the Manassites[H4520].

9. Keep[H8104] therefore the words[H1697] of this covenant[H1285], and do[H6213] them[H7919], that ye may prosper in all that ye do[H6213].

10. Ye stand[H5324] this day[H3117] all of you before[H6440] Jehovah[H3068] your God[H430]; your heads[H7218], your tribes[H7626], your elders[H2205], and your officers[H7860], even all the men[H376] of Israel[H3478],

11. your little ones[H2945], your wives[H802], and thy sojourner[H1616] that is in[H7130] the midst of thy camps[H4264], from the hewer[H2404] of thy wood[H6086] unto the drawer[H7579] of thy water[H4325];

12. that thou mayest enter[H5674] into the covenant[H1285] of Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430], and into his oath[H423], which Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430] maketh[H3772] with thee this day[H3117];

13. that he may establish[H6965] thee this day[H3117] unto himself for a people[H5971], and that he may be unto thee a God[H430], as he spake[H1696] unto thee[H7650], and as he sware unto thy fathers[H1], to Abraham[H85], to Isaac[H3327], and to Jacob[H3290].

14. Neither with you only do I make[H3772] this covenant[H1285] and this oath[H423],

15. but with him that standeth[H5975] here with us this[H3426] day[H3117] before[H6440] Jehovah[H3068] our God[H430], and also with him that is not here with us this day[H3117]

16. (for ye know[H3045] how we dwelt[H3427] in the land[H776] of Egypt[H4714], and how we came[H5674] through[H7130] the midst of the nations[H1471] through which ye passed[H7130];

17. and ye have seen[H7200] their abominations[H8251], and their idols[H1544], wood[H6086] and stone[H68], silver[H3701] and gold[H2091], which were among them);

18. lest there should be[H3426] among you man[H376], or woman[H802], or family[H4940], or tribe[H7626], whose heart[H3824] turneth away[H6437] this day[H3117] from Jehovah[H3068] our God[H430], to go[H3212] to serve[H5647] the gods[H430] of those nations[H1471]; lest there should be[H3426] among you a root[H8328] that beareth[H6509] gall[H7219] and wormwood[H3939];

19. and it come to pass[H8085], when he heareth the words[H1697] of this curse[H423], that he bless[H1288] himself in his heart[H3824], saying[H559], I shall have peace[H7965], though[H3588] I walk[H3212] in the stubbornness[H8307] of my heart[H3820], to destroy[H5595] the moist[H7302] with the dry[H6771].

20. Jehovah[H3068] will[H14] not pardon[H5545] him[H639], but then the anger of Jehovah[H3068] and his jealousy[H7068] will smoke[H6225] against that man[H376], and all the curse[H423] that is written[H3789] in this book[H5612] shall lie[H7257] upon him[H3068], and Jehovah will blot out[H4229] his name[H8034] from under heaven[H8064].

21. And Jehovah[H3068] will set him apart[H914] unto evil[H7451] out of all the tribes[H7626] of Israel[H3478], according to all the curses[H423] of the covenant[H1285] that is written[H3789] in this book[H5612] of the law[H8451].

22. And the generation[H1755] to come[H314], your children[H1121] that shall rise up[H6965] after[H310] you[H5237], and the foreigner that shall come[H935] from a far[H7350] land[H776], shall say[H559], when they see[H7200] the plagues[H4347] of that land[H776], and the sicknesses[H8463] wherewith Jehovah[H3068] hath made it sick[H2470];

23. and that the whole land[H776] thereof is brimstone[H1614], and salt[H4417], and a burning[H8316], that it is not sown[H2232], nor beareth[H6779], nor any grass[H6212] groweth[H5927] therein[H4114], like the overthrow of Sodom[H5467] and Gomorrah[H6017], Admah[H126] and Zeboiim[H6636], which Jehovah[H3068] overthrew[H2015] in his anger[H639], and in his wrath[H2534]:

24. even all the nations[H1471] shall say[H559], Wherefore hath Jehovah[H3068] done[H6213] thus unto this land[H776]? what meaneth the heat[H2750] of this great[H1419] anger[H639]?

25. Then men shall say[H559], Because they forsook the covenant[H1285] of Jehovah[H3068], the God[H430] of their fathers[H1], which he made[H3772] with them when he brought them forth[H3318] out[H3318] of the land[H776] of Egypt[H4714],

26. and went[H3212] and served[H5647] other[H312] gods[H430], and worshipped[H7812] them[H430], gods that they knew[H3045] not[H2505], and that he had not given unto them:

27. therefore the anger[H639] of Jehovah[H3068] was kindled[H2734] against this land[H776], to bring[H935] upon it all the curse[H7045] that is written[H3789] in this book[H5612];

28. and Jehovah[H3068] rooted[H5428] them out of their land[H127] in anger[H639], and in wrath[H2534], and in great[H1419] indignation[H7110], and cast[H7993] them into another[H312] land[H776], as at this day[H3117].

29. The secret[H5641] things belong unto Jehovah[H3068] our God[H430]; but the things that are revealed[H1540] belong unto us and to our children[H1121] for[H5704] ever[H5769], that we may do[H6213] all the words[H1697] of this law[H8451].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34

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