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ASV_Strong : Deuteronomy 10


1. At that time[H6256] Jehovah[H3068] said[H559] unto me[H6458], Hew thee two[H8147] tables[H3871] of stone[H68] like unto the first[H7223], and come up[H5927] unto me into the mount[H2022], and make[H6213] thee an ark[H727] of wood[H6086].

2. And I will write[H3789] on the tables[H3871] the words[H1697] that were on the first[H7223] tables[H3871] which thou brakest[H7665], and thou shalt put[H7760] them in the ark[H727].

3. So I made[H6213] an ark[H727] of acacia[H7848] wood[H6086], and hewed[H6458] two[H8147] tables[H3871] of stone[H68] like unto the first[H7223], and went up[H5927] into the mount[H2022], having the two[H8147] tables[H3871] in my hand[H3027].

4. And he wrote[H3789] on the tables[H3871], according to the first[H7223] writing[H4385], the ten[H6235] commandments[H1697], which Jehovah[H3068] spake[H1696] unto you in the mount[H2022] out of the midst[H8432] of the fire[H784] in the day[H3117] of the assembly[H6951]: and Jehovah[H3068] gave them unto me[H5414].

5. And I turned[H6437] and came down[H3381] from the mount[H2022], and put[H7760] the tables[H3871] in the ark[H727] which I had made[H6213]; and there they are as Jehovah[H3068] commanded me[H6680].

6. (And the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] journeyed[H5265] from Beeroth Bene-jaakan[H885] to Moserah[H4149]. There Aaron[H175] died[H4191], and there he was buried[H6912]; and Eleazar[H499] his son[H1121] ministered in the priest[H3547]'s office in his stead.

7. From thence they journeyed[H5265] unto Gudgodah[H1412]; and from Gudgodah[H1412] to Jotbathah[H3193], a land[H776] of brooks[H5158] of water[H4325].

8. At that time[H6256] Jehovah[H3068] set apart[H914] the tribe[H7626] of Levi[H3878], to bear[H5375] the ark[H727] of the covenant[H1285] of Jehovah[H3068], to stand[H5975] before[H6440] Jehovah[H3068] to minister[H8334] unto him[H1288], and to bless in his name[H8034], unto this day[H3117].

9. Wherefore Levi[H3878] hath no portion[H2506] nor inheritance[H5159] with his brethren[H251]; Jehovah[H3068] is his inheritance[H5159], according as Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430] spake unto him[H1696].)

10. And I stayed[H5975] in the mount[H2022], as at the first[H7223] time[H3117], forty[H705] days[H3117] and forty[H705] nights[H3915]: and Jehovah[H3068] hearkened[H8085] unto me that time[H6471] also[H3068]; Jehovah would[H14] not destroy thee[H7843].

11. And Jehovah[H3068] said[H559] unto me[H6965], Arise, take[H3212] thy journey[H4550] before[H6440] the people[H5971]; and they shall go in[H935] and possess[H3423] the land[H776], which I sware[H7650] unto their fathers[H1] to give unto them[H5414].

12. And now[H3478], Israel, what doth Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430] require[H7592] of thee[H3372], but to fear Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430], to walk[H3212] in all his ways[H1870], and to love[H157] him[H5647], and to serve Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430] with all thy heart[H3824] and with all thy soul[H5315],

13. to keep[H8104] the commandments[H4687] of Jehovah[H3068], and his statutes[H2708], which I command[H6680] thee this day[H3117] for thy good[H2896]?

14. Behold[H3068], unto Jehovah thy God[H430] belongeth heaven[H8064] and the heaven[H8064] of heavens[H8064], the earth[H776], with all that is therein.

15. Only Jehovah[H3068] had a delight[H2836] in thy fathers[H1] to love[H157] them[H977], and he chose their seed[H2233] after[H310] them[H5971], even you above all peoples, as at this day[H3117].

16. Circumcise[H4135] therefore the foreskin[H6190] of your heart[H3824], and be no more stiffnecked[H6203].

17. For Jehovah[H3068] your God[H430], he is God[H430] of gods[H430], and Lord[H113] of lords[H113], the great[H1419] God[H410], the mighty[H1368], and the terrible[H3372], who regardeth[H5375] not persons[H6440], nor taketh[H3947] reward[H7810].

18. He doth execute[H6213] justice[H4941] for the fatherless[H3490] and widow[H490], and loveth[H157] the sojourner[H1616], in giving[H5414] him food[H3899] and raiment[H8071].

19. Love[H157] ye therefore the sojourner[H1616]; for ye were sojourners[H1616] in the land[H776] of Egypt[H4714].

20. Thou shalt fear[H3372] Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430]; him shalt thou serve[H5647]; and to him shalt thou cleave[H1692], and by his name[H8034] shalt thou swear[H7650].

21. He is thy praise[H8416], and he is thy God[H430], that hath done[H6213] for thee these great[H1419] and terrible things[H3372], which thine eyes[H5869] have seen[H7200].

22. Thy fathers[H1] went down[H3381] into Egypt[H4714] with threescore and ten[H7657] persons[H5315]; and now Jehovah[H3068] thy God[H430] hath made[H7760] thee as the stars[H3556] of heaven[H8064] for multitude[H7230].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34

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