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ASV_Strong : 1 Corinthians 3


1. And[G2532] I[G1473], brethren[G80], could[G1410] not[G3756] speak[G2980] unto you[G5213] as[G5613] unto spiritual[G4152], but[G235] as[G5613] unto carnal[G4559], as[G5613] unto babes[G3516] in[G1722] Christ[G5547].

2. I fed[G4222] you[G5209] with milk[G1051], [G2532] not[G3756] with meat[G1033]; for[G1063, 3768] ye were not yet able[G1410] to bear it[G235]: nay[G3777], not even[G2089] now[G3568] are ye able[G1410];

3. for[G1063] ye are[G2075] yet[G2089] carnal[G4559]: for[G1063] whereas[G3699] there is among[G1722] you[G5213] jealousy[G2205] and[G2532] strife[G2054], are ye[G2075] not[G3780] carnal[G4559], and[G2532] do ye not walk[G4043] after the manner[G2596] of men[G444]?

4. For[G1063] when[G3752] one[G5100] saith[G3004], I[G1473, Ezekiel3] am[G1510] of Paul[G3972]; and[G1161] another[G2087], I[G1473] am of Apollos[G625]; are ye[G2075] not[G3780] men[G4559]?

5. What[G5101] then[G3767] is[G2076] Apollos[G625]? and[G1161] what[G5101] is Paul[G3972]? [G235, 2228] Ministers[G1249] through[G1223] whom[G5101] ye believed[G4100]; and[G2532] each as[G5613] the Lord[G2962] gave to[G1325] him[G1538].

6. I planted[G5452], Apollos[G625] watered[G4222]; but[G235] God[G2316] gave the increase[G837].

7. So then[G5620] neither[G3777] is he[G2076] that planteth[G5452] anything[G5100], neither[G3777] he that watereth[G4222]; but[G235] God[G2316] that giveth the increase[G837].

8. Now[G1161] he that[G3588] planteth[G5452] and[G2532] he that[G3588] watereth[G4222] are[G1526] one[G1520]: but[G1161] each[G1520] shall receive[G2983] his own[G2398] reward[G3408] according to[G2596] his own[G2398] labor[G2873].

9. For[G1063] we are[G2070] God[G2316]'s fellow-workers[G4904]: ye are[G2075] God[G2316]'s husbandry[G1091], God[G2316]'s building[G3619].

10. According to[G2596] the grace[G5485] of God[G2316] which[G3588] was given[G1325] unto me[G3427], as[G5613] a wise[G4680] masterbuilder[G753] I laid[G5087] a foundation[G2310]; and[G1161] another[G243] buildeth thereon[G2026]. But[G1161] let[G991] each man[G1538] take heed[G991] how[G4459] he buildeth thereon[G2026].

11. For[G1063] other[G243] foundation[G2310] can[G1410] no man[G3762] lay[G5087] than[G3844] that which is laid[G2749], which[G3739] is[G2076] Jesus[G2424] Christ[G5547].

12. But[G1161] if[G1487] any man[G5100] buildeth[G2026] on[G1909] the[G5126] foundation[G2310] gold[G5557], silver[G696], costly[G5093] stones[G3037], wood[G3586], hay[G5528], stubble[G2562];

13. each man[G1538]'s work[G2041] shall be made[G1096] manifest[G5318]: for[G1063] the day[G2250] shall declare it[G1213], because[G3754] it is revealed[G601] in[G1722] fire[G4442]; and[G2532] the fire[G4442] itself shall prove[G1381] each man[G1538]'s work[G2041] of what sort[G3697] it is[G2076].

14. If[G1487] any man[G5100]'s work[G2041] shall abide[G3306] which[G3739] he built thereon[G2026], he shall receive[G2983] a reward[G3306].

15. If[G1487] any man[G5100]'s work[G2041] shall be burned[G2618], he shall suffer loss[G2210]: but[G1161] he himself[G846] shall be saved[G4982]; yet[G1161] so[G3779] as[G5613] through[G1223] fire[G4442].

16. Know ye[G1492] not[G3756] that[G3754] ye are[G2075] a temple[G3485] of God[G2316], and[G2532] that the Spirit[G4151] of God[G2316] dwelleth[G3611] in[G1722] you[G5213]?

17. If[G1487] any man[G5100] destroyeth[G5351] the temple[G3485] of God[G2316], him[G5126] shall[G5351] God[G2316] destroy[G5351]; for[G1063] the temple[G3485] of God[G2316] is[G2076] holy[G40], and such[G3748] are[G2075] ye[G5210].

18. Let[G1818] no man[G3367] deceive[G1818] himself[G1438]. If[G1487] any man[G5100] thinketh[G1380] that he is[G1511] wise[G4680] among[G1722] you[G5213] in[G1722] this[G5129] world[G165], let him become[G1096] a fool[G3474], that[G2443] he may become[G1096] wise[G4680].

19. For[G1063] the wisdom[G4678] of this[G5127] world[G2889] is[G2076] foolishness[G3472] with[G3844] God[G2316]. For[G1063] it is written[G1125], He that taketh[G1405] the wise[G4680] in[G1722] their craftiness[G3834]:

20. and[G2532] again[G3825], The Lord[G2962] knoweth[G1097] the reasonings[G3152] of the wise[G4680] that[G3754] they are[G1526] vain[G3152].

21. Wherefore[G5620] let[G2744] no one[G3367] glory[G2744] in[G1722] men[G444]. For[G1063] all things[G3956] are[G2076] yours[G5216];

22. whether[G1535] Paul[G3972], or[G1535] Apollos[G625], or[G1535] Cephas[G2786], or[G1535] the world[G2889], or[G1535] life[G2222], or[G1535] death[G2288], or[G1535] things present[G1764], or[G1535] things to come[G3195]; all[G3956] are[G2076] yours[G5216];

23. and[G1161] ye[G5210] are Christ[G5547]'s; and[G1161] Christ[G5547] is God[G2316]'s.

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

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