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ASV_Strong : Romans 16


1. I commend[G4921] unto you[G5213] Phoebe[G5402] our[G2257] sister[G79], who is[G5607] a servant[G1249] of the church[G1577] that is[G3588] at[G1722] Cenchreae[G2747]:

2. that[G2443] ye receive[G4327] her[G846] in[G1722] the Lord[G2962], worthily[G516] of the saints[G40], and[G2532] that[G2443] ye assist[G3936] her[G846] in[G1722, 3739] whatsoever[G302] matter[G4229] she may have need[G5535] of you[G5216]: for[G1063] she[G846] herself[G3778] also hath been[G1096] a helper[G4368] of many[G4183], and[G2532, 2532] of mine[G846] own self[G1700].

3. Salute[G782] Prisca[G4252] and[G2532] Aquila[G207] my[G3450] fellow-workers[G4904] in[G1722] Christ[G5547] Jesus[G2424],

4. who[G3748, 5294] for[G5228] my[G3450] life[G5590] laid down[G5294] their own[G1438] necks[G5137]; unto whom[G3739] not[G3756] only[G3441] I[G1473] give thanks[G2168], but[G235] also[G2532] all[G3956] the churches[G1577] of the Gentiles[G1484]:

5. and[G2532] salute the church[G1577] that is in[G2596] their[G846] house[G3624]. Salute[G782] Epaenetus[G1866] my[G3450] beloved[G27], who[G3739] is[G2076] the firstfruits[G536] of Asia[G882] unto[G1519] Christ[G5547].

6. Salute[G782] Mary[G3137], who[G3748] bestowed[G2872] much[G4183] labor[G2872] on[G1519] you[G2248].

7. Salute[G782] Andronicus[G408] and[G2532] Junias[G2458], my[G3450] kinsmen[G4773], and[G2532] my[G3450] fellow-prisoners[G4869], who[G3748] are[G1526] of note[G1978] among[G1722] the apostles[G652], who[G3739] also[G2532] have been[G1096] in[G1722] Christ[G5547] before[G4253] me[G1700].

8. Salute[G782] Ampliatus[G291] my[G3450] beloved[G27] in[G1722] the Lord[G2962].

9. Salute[G782] Urbanus[G3773] our[G2257] fellow-worker[G4904] in[G1722] Christ[G5547], and[G2532] Stachys[G4720] my[G3450] beloved[G27].

10. Salute[G782] Apelles[G559] the approved[G1384] in[G1722] Christ[G5547]. Salute[G782] them that are[G3588] of[G1537] the household of Aristobulus[G711].

11. Salute[G782] Herodion[G2267] my[G3450] kinsman[G4773]. Salute[G782] them[G3488] of[G1537] the[G3488] household of Narcissus[G3488], that are[G3588] in[G1722] the Lord[G2962].

12. Salute[G782] Tryphaena[G5170] and[G2532] Tryphosa[G5173], who labor[G2872] in[G1722] the Lord[G2962]. Salute[G782] Persis[G4069] the beloved[G27], who[G3748] labored[G2872] much[G4183] in[G1722] the Lord[G2962].

13. Salute[G782] Rufus[G4504] the chosen[G1588] in[G1722] the Lord[G2962], and[G2532] his[G846] mother[G3384] and[G2532] mine[G1700].

14. Salute[G782] Asyncritus[G799], Phlegon[G5393], Hermes[G2060], Patrobas[G3969], Hermas[G2057], and[G2532] the brethren[G80] that are with[G4862] them[G846].

15. Salute[G782] Philologus[G5378] and[G2532] Julia[G2456], Nereus[G3517] and[G2532] his[G846] sister[G79], and[G2532] Olympas[G3652], and[G2532] all[G3956] the saints[G40] that are with[G4862] them[G846].

16. Salute[G782] one another[G240] with[G1722] a[G5370] holy[G40] kiss[G5370]. All the churches[G1577] of Christ[G5547] salute[G782] you[G5209].

17. Now[G1161] I beseech[G3870] you[G5209], brethren[G80], mark[G4648] them that are causing[G4160] the divisions[G1370] and[G2532] occasions of stumbling[G4625], contrary to[G3844] the doctrine[G1322] which[G3739] ye[G5210] learned[G3129]: and[G2532] turn away[G1578] from[G575] them[G846].

18. For[G1063] they that are such[G5108] serve[G1398] not[G3756] our[G2257] Lord[G2962, 2424] Christ[G5547], but[G235] their own[G1438] belly[G2836]; and[G2532] by[G1223] their smooth[G5542] and[G2532] fair speech[G2129] they beguile[G1818] the hearts[G2588] of the innocent[G172].

19. For[G1063] your[G5216] obedience[G5218] is come abroad[G864] unto[G1519] all[G3956] men[G5463]. I rejoice therefore[G3767] over[G1909] you[G5213]: [G1909] but[G1161] I would have[G2309] you[G5209, 1511] wise[G4680] unto[G1519] that which is good[G18], and[G1161] simple[G185] unto that[G1519] which is evil[G2556].

20. And[G1161] the God[G2316] of peace[G1515] shall bruise[G4937] Satan[G4567] under[G5259] your[G5216] feet[G4228, 1722] shortly[G5034]. The grace[G5485] of[G2962] our[G2257] Lord[G2962] Jesus[G2424] Christ[G5547] be with[G3326] you[G5216].

21. Timothy[G5095] my[G3450] fellow-worker[G4904] saluteth[G782] you[G5209]; and[G2532] Lucius[G3066] and[G2532] Jason[G2394] and[G2532] Sosipater[G4989], my[G3450] kinsmen[G4773].

22. I[G1473] Tertius[G5060], who write[G1125] the epistle[G1992], salute[G782] you[G5209] in[G1722] the Lord[G2962].

23. Gaius[G1050] my[G3450] host[G3581], and[G2532] of the[G1577] whole[G3650] church[G1577], saluteth[G782] you[G5209]. Erastus[G2037] the treasurer[G3623] of the city[G4172] saluteth[G782] you[G5209], and[G2532] Quartus[G2890] the brother[G80].

25. Now[G1161] to him that is able[G1410] to establish[G4741] you[G5209] according to[G2596] my[G3450] gospel[G2098] and[G2532] the preaching[G2782] of Jesus[G2424] Christ[G5547], according to[G2596] the revelation[G602] of the mystery[G3466] which hath been kept in silence[G4601] through times[G5550] eternal[G166],

26. but[G1161] now[G3568] is manifested[G5319], and[G5037] by[G1223] the scriptures[G1124] of the prophets[G4397], according to[G2596] the[G2316] commandment[G2003] of the[G2316] eternal[G166] God[G2316], is made known[G1107] unto all[G3956] the nations[G1484] unto[G1519] obedience[G5218] of faith[G4102]:

27. to the only[G3441] wise[G4680] God[G2316], through[G1223] Jesus[G2424] Christ[G5547], to whom be[G3739] the glory[G1223] for[G1519] ever[G165]. Amen[G1577].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

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