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ASV_Strong : Romans 12


1. I beseech[G3870] you[G5209] therefore[G3767], brethren[G80], by[G1223] the mercies[G3628] of God[G2316], to present[G3936] your[G5216] bodies[G4983] a[G2378] living[G2198] sacrifice[G2378], holy[G40], acceptable[G2101] to God[G2316], which is your[G5216] spiritual[G3050] service[G2999].

2. And[G2532] be[G4964] not[G3361] fashioned[G4964] according to[G165] this[G5129] world[G165]: but[G235] be ye transformed[G3339] by the renewing[G342] of[G3563] your[G5216] mind[G3563], that[G1519] ye[G5209] may prove[G1381] what[G5101] is the[G2307] good[G18] and[G2532] acceptable[G2101] and[G2532] perfect[G5046] will[G2307] of God[G2316].

3. For[G1063] I say[G3004], through[G1223] the grace[G5485] that was given[G1325] me[G3427], to every man[G3956] that is[G5607] among[G1722] you[G5213], not[G3361] to think[G5252] of himself more highly[G5252] than[G3844] he ought[G1163] to think[G5426]; but[G235] so to think as to think[G5426, 1519] soberly[G4993], according as[G5613] God[G2316] hath dealt[G3307] to each man[G1538] a measure[G3358] of faith[G4102].

4. For[G1063] even as[G2509] we have[G2192] many[G4183] members[G3196] in[G1722] one[G1520] body[G4983], and[G1161] all[G3956] the members[G3196] have[G2192] not[G3756] the[G4234] same[G846] office[G4234]:

5. so[G3779] we[G2070], who are many[G4183], are[G2070] one[G1520] body[G4983] in[G1722] Christ[G5547], and[G1161, 2596] severally[G1520] members[G3196] one of another[G240].

6. And having[G2192] gifts[G5486] differing[G1313] according to[G2596] the grace[G5485] that was given[G1325] to us[G2254], whether[G1535] prophecy[G4394], let us[G2254] prophesy according to[G2596] the proportion[G356] of our faith[G4102];

7. or[G1535] ministry[G1248], let us give ourselves to[G1722] our ministry[G1248]; or[G1535] he that teacheth[G1321], to[G1722] his teaching[G1319];

8. or[G1535] he that exhorteth[G3870], to[G1722] his exhorting[G3874]: he that giveth[G3330], let him do it with[G1722] liberality[G572]; he that ruleth[G4291], with[G1722] diligence[G4710]; he that showeth mercy[G1653], with[G1722] cheerfulness[G2432].

9. Let love[G26] be[G5600] without hypocrisy[G505]. Abhor[G655] that which is evil[G4190]; cleave[G2853] to that which is good[G18].

10. In love[G5360] of the brethren be tenderly affectioned[G5387] one[G240] to[G1519] another[G240]; in honor[G5092] preferring[G4285] one another[G240];

11. in diligence[G4710] not[G3361] slothful[G3636]; fervent[G2204] in spirit[G4151]; serving[G1398] the Lord[G2962];

12. rejoicing[G5463] in hope[G1680]; patient[G5278] in tribulation[G2347]; continuing stedfastly[G4342] in prayer[G4335];

13. communicating to[G1377] the necessities[G5532] of the saints[G40]; given to[G1377] hospitality[G5381].

14. Bless[G2127] them that persecute[G1377] you[G5209]; bless[G2127], and[G2532] curse[G2672] not[G3361].

15. Rejoice[G5463] with[G3326] them that rejoice[G5463]; [G2532] weep[G2799] with[G3326] them that weep[G2799].

16. Be of[G5426] the same[G846] mind[G5426] one[G240] toward[G1519] another[G240]. Set not[G3361] your mind[G5426] on high things[G5308], but[G235] condescend[G4879] to things that are lowly[G5011]. Be[G1096] not[G3361] wise[G5429] in[G3844] your own conceits[G1438].

17. Render[G591] to no man[G3367] evil[G2556] for[G473] evil[G2556]. Take thought[G4306] for things honorable[G2570] in the sight of[G1799] all[G3956] men[G444].

18. If[G1487] it be possible[G1415], as much as in[G1537] you[G5216] lieth[G1514], be at peace with[G3326] all[G3956] men[G444].

19. Avenge[G1556] not[G3361] yourselves[G1438], beloved[G27], but[G235] give[G1325] place[G5117] unto the wrath[G3709] of God[G1063]: for it is written[G1125], Vengeance[G1557] belongeth unto me[G1698]; I[G1473] will recompense[G467], saith[G3004] the Lord[G2962].

20. But[G3767] if[G1437] thine[G4675] enemy[G2190] hunger[G3983], feed[G5595] him[G846]; if[G1437] he thirst[G1372], give[G4222] him[G846] to drink[G4222]: for[G1063] in so[G5124] doing[G4160] thou shalt heap[G4987] coals[G440] of fire[G4442] upon[G1909] his[G846] head[G2776].

21. Be[G3528] not[G3361] overcome[G3528] of[G5259] evil[G2556], but[G235] overcome[G3528] evil[G2556] with[G1722] good[G18].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16

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