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ASV_Strong : Acts 21


1. And[G1161] when it came to pass[G1096] that we[G2248] were[G5613] parted[G645] from[G575] them[G846] and had set sail[G321], we came[G2064] with a straight course[G2113] unto[G1519] Cos[G2972], and[G1161] the[G1836] next[G1836] day unto[G1519] Rhodes[G4499], and from thence[G2547] unto[G1519] Patara[G3959]:

2. and[G2532] having found[G2147] a ship[G4143] crossing over[G1276] unto[G1519] Phoenicia[G5403], we went aboard[G1910], and set sail[G321].

3. And[G1161] when we[G2532] had come in sight[G398] of Cyprus[G2954], leaving[G2641] it[G846] on the left[G2641] hand[G2176], we sailed[G4126] unto Syria[G4947], and[G2532] landed[G2609] at[G1519] Tyre[G5184]; for[G1063] there[G1566] the ship[G4143] was[G2258] to unlade[G670] her burden[G1117].

4. And[G2532] having found[G429] the disciples[G3101], we tarried[G1961] there[G847] seven[G2033] days[G2250]: and these[G3748] said[G3004] to Paul[G3972] through[G1223] the Spirit[G4151], that he should[G305] not[G3361] set foot[G305] in[G1519] Jerusalem[G2419].

5. And[G1161] when[G3753] it came to pass that we[G2248] had[G1096] accomplished[G1822] the days[G2250], we[G2248] departed[G1831] and went on our journey[G4198]; and they all[G3956], with[G4862] wives[G1135] and children[G5043], brought[G4311] us[G2248] on our way[G4311] till[G2193] we were out of[G1854] the city[G4172]: and[G2532] kneeling down[G1119] on[G1909] the beach[G123], we prayed[G4336], and bade each other farewell[G2532];

6. and[G2532] we went on[G1519] board[G1910] the ship[G4143], but they[G1565] returned[G5290, 1519] home again[G2398].

7. And[G1161] when we[G2249] had finished[G1274] the voyage[G4144] from[G575] Tyre[G5184], we arrived[G2658] at Ptolemais[G4424]; and[G2532] we saluted[G782] the brethren[G80], and[G2532] abode[G3306] with[G3844] them[G846] one[G1520] day[G2250].

8. And[G1161] on the morrow[G1887] we departed[G1831], and[G2532] came[G2064] unto[G1519] Caesarea[G2542]: and[G2532] entering[G1525] into[G1519] the house[G3624] of Philip[G5376] the evangelist[G2099], who was[G5607] one of[G1537] the seven[G2033], we abode[G3306] with[G3844] him[G846].

9. Now[G1161] this man[G5129] had[G2258] four[G5064] virgin[G3933] daughters[G2364], who prophesied[G4395].

10. And[G1161] as we[G2257] tarried[G1961] there some[G4119] days[G2250], there came down[G2718] from[G575] Judaea[G2449] a certain[G5100] prophet[G4396], named[G3686] Agabus[G13].

11. And[G2532] coming[G2064] to[G4314] us[G2532], and taking[G142] Paul[G3972]'s girdle[G2223], he[G5037] bound[G1210] his own[G846] feet[G4228] and[G5037] hands[G5495], and said[G2036], Thus[G3592] saith[G3004] the Holy[G40] Spirit[G4151], So[G3779] shall[G1210] the Jews[G2453] at[G1722] Jerusalem[G2419] bind[G1210] the man[G435] that[G3739] owneth[G2076] this[G3778] girdle[G2223], and[G2532] shall deliver[G3860] him into[G1519] the hands[G5495] of the Gentiles[G1484].

12. And[G1161] when[G5613] we heard[G191] these things[G5023], both[G5037] we[G2249] and[G2532] they[G3588] of that place[G1786] besought[G3870] him[G846] not[G3361] to[G1519] go up[G305] to Jerusalem[G2419].

13. Then[G1161] Paul[G3972] answered[G611], What[G5101] do ye[G4160], weeping[G2799] and[G2532] breaking[G4919] my[G3450] heart[G2588]? for[G1063] I[G1473] am[G2192] ready[G2093] not[G3756] to be bound[G1210] only[G3440], but[G235] also[G2532] to die[G599] at[G1519] Jerusalem[G2419] for[G5228] the name[G3686] of the Lord[G2962] Jesus[G2424].

14. And when[G1161] he[G846] would[G3982] not[G3361] be persuaded[G3982], we ceased[G2270], saying[G2036], The will[G2307] of the Lord[G2962] be done[G1096].

15. And[G1161] after[G3326] these[G3778] days[G2250] we took up our baggage[G643] and went up[G305] to[G1519] Jerusalem[G2419].

16. And there[G1161] went[G4905] with[G4862] us[G2254] also[G2532] certain of[G575] the disciples[G3101] from Caesarea[G2542], bringing with them[G71] one[G5100] Mnason[G3416] of Cyprus[G2953], an early[G744] disciple[G3101], with[G3844] whom[G3739] we should lodge[G3579].

17. And[G1161] when we[G2257] were come[G1096] to[G1519] Jerusalem[G2414], the brethren[G80] received[G1209] us[G2248] gladly[G780].

18. And[G1161] the[G3588] day following[G1966] Paul[G3972] went in[G1524] with[G4862] us[G2254] unto[G4314] James[G2385]; and[G5037] all[G3956] the elders[G4245] were present[G3854].

19. And[G2532] when he had saluted[G782] them[G846], he rehearsed[G1834] one[G1520] by one[G1538] the things[G3739] which God[G2316] had wrought[G4160] among[G1722] the Gentiles[G1484] through[G1223] his[G846] ministry[G1248].

20. And[G1161] they[G191], when they heard it[G1392], glorified God[G2962]; and[G5037] they said[G2036] unto him[G846], Thou seest[G2334], brother[G80], how many[G4214] thousands[G3461] there are[G1526] among the Jews[G2453] of them that[G3588] have believed[G4100]; and[G2532] they are[G5225] all[G3956] zealous[G2207] for the law[G3551]:

21. and[G1161] they have been informed[G2727] concerning[G4012] thee[G4675], that[G3754] thou teachest[G1321] all[G3956] the Jews[G2453] who[G3588] are among[G2596] the Gentiles[G1484] to forsake[G646, 575] Moses[G3475], telling[G3004] them[G846, Numbers59] not[G3361] to circumcise[G4059] their children[G5043] neither[G3366] to walk after[G4043] the customs[G1485].

22. What[G5101] is it[G2076] therefore[G3767]? They[G4128] will[G1163] certainly[G3843, Luke5, Genesis63] hear[G191] that[G3754] thou art come[G2064].

23. Do[G4160] therefore[G3767] this[G5124] that we say[G3004] to thee[G4671]: We[G2254] have[G1526] four[G5064] men[G435] that[G3739] have[G2192] a vow[G2171] on[G1909] them[G1438];

24. these[G5128] take[G3880], and purify thyself[G48] with[G4862] them[G846], and[G2532] be at charges[G1159] for[G1909] them[G846], that[G2443] they may shave[G3587] their heads[G2776]: and[G2532] all[G3956] shall know[G1097] that[G3754] there is[G2076] no truth[G3762] in the things[G3739] whereof they have been informed[G2727] concerning[G4012] thee[G4675]; but[G235] that thou thyself[G846] also[G2532] walkest orderly[G4748], keeping[G5442] the law[G3551].

25. But as[G1161] touching[G4012] the Gentiles[G1484] that[G2919] have believed[G4100], we[G2249] wrote[G1989], giving judgment that[G3361] they should keep[G5083] themselves[G846] from[G5037] things sacrificed to idols[G1494], and[G2532] from blood[G129], and[G2532] from what is strangled[G4156], and[G2532] from fornication[G4202].

26. Then[G5119] Paul[G3972] took[G3880] the men[G435], and the next[G2192] day[G2250] purifying himself[G48] with[G4862] them[G846] went[G1524] into[G1519] the temple[G2411], declaring[G1229] the fulfilment[G1604] of the days[G2250] of purification[G49], until[G2193] the[G3739] offering was[G4374] offered[G4376] for[G5228] every[G1538] one[G1520] of them[G846].

27. And[G1161] when[G5613] the seven[G2033] days[G2250] were almost[G3195] completed[G4931], the Jews[G2453, 3588] from[G575] Asia[G773], when they saw[G2300] him[G846] in[G1722] the temple[G2411], stirred up[G4797] all[G3956] the multitude[G3793] and[G2532] laid[G1911] hands[G5495] on[G1909] him[G846],

28. crying out[G2896], Men[G435] of Israel[G2475], help[G997]: This[G3778] is[G2076] the man[G444] that teacheth[G1321] all[G3956] men everywhere[G3837] against[G2596] the people[G2992], and[G2532] the law[G3551], and[G2532] this[G5127] place[G5117]; and[G5037] moreover[G2089] he brought[G1521] Greeks[G1672] also[G2532] into[G1519] the temple[G2411], and[G2532] hath defiled[G2840] this[G5126] holy[G40] place[G5117].

29. For[G1063] they had[G2258] before[G4308] seen with[G4862] him[G846] in[G1722] the city[G4172] Trophimus[G5161] the Ephesian[G2180], whom[G3739] they supposed[G3543] that[G3754] Paul[G3972] had brought[G1521] into[G1519] the temple[G2411].

30. And[G5037] all[G3650] the city[G4172] was[G1096] moved[G2795], and[G2532] the people[G2992] ran together[G4890]; and[G2532] they laid hold[G1949] on Paul[G3972], and[G2532] dragged[G1670] him[G846] out of[G1854] the temple[G2411]: and[G2532] straightway the doors[G2374] were shut[G2808].

31. And[G1161] as they were seeking[G2212] to kill[G615] him[G846], tidings[G5334] came up to[G305] the chief captain[G5506] of the band[G4686], that[G3754] all[G3650] Jerusalem[G2419] was in confusion[G4797].

32. And[G3739] forthwith[G1824] he took[G3880] soldiers[G4757] and[G1161] centurions[G1543], and ran down[G2701] upon[G1909] them[G846]: and[G2532] they[G1492], when they saw the chief captain[G5506] and[G2532] the soldiers[G4757], left[G3973] off beating[G5180] Paul[G3972].

33. Then[G5119] the chief captain[G5506] came near[G1448], and laid hold[G1949] on him[G846], and[G2532] commanded[G2753] him to be bound[G1210] with two[G1417] chains[G254]; and[G2532] inquired[G4441] who[G5101, Leviticus2] he was[G1498], and[G2532] what[G5101] he had[G2076] done[G4160].

34. And[G1161] some[G243] shouted[G994] one thing[G5100], some another[G243], among[G1722] the crowd[G3793]: and[G1161] when he could[G1410] not[G3361] know[G1097] the certainty[G804] for[G1223] the uproar[G2351], he commanded[G2753] him[G846] to be brought[G71] into[G1519] the castle[G3925].

35. And[G1161] when[G3753] he[G846] came[G1096] upon[G1909] the stairs[G304], so it was[G4819] that he was borne[G941] of[G5259] the soldiers[G4757] for[G1223] the violence[G970] of the crowd[G3793];

36. for[G1063] the multitude[G4128] of the people[G2992] followed after[G190], crying[G2896] out[G142], Away with him[G846].

37. And[G5037] as Paul[G3972] was[G3195] about to be brought[G1521] into[G1519] the castle[G3925], he saith[G3004] unto[G4314] the chief captain[G5506], May[G1832] I[G3427] say[G2036] something unto[G4314] thee[G4571]? And he said[G1161], Dost thou know[G1097] Greek[G1676]?

38. Art[G1488] thou[G4771] not[G3756] then[G687] the[G3588] Egyptian[G124], who[G3588] before[G4253] these[G5130] days[G2250] stirred up to sedition[G387] and[G2532] led out[G1806] into[G1519] the wilderness[G2048] the four thousand[G5070] men[G435] of the Assassins[G4607]?

39. But[G1161] Paul[G3972] said[G2036], I[G1473] am[G1510] a[G444, Ezekiel3] Jew[G2453], of Tarsus[G5018] in Cilicia[G2791], a citizen[G4177] of[G767] no[G3756] mean[G767] city[G4172]: and[G1161] I beseech[G1189] thee[G4675], give[G2010] me[G3427] leave to speak[G2980] unto[G4314] the people[G2992].

40. And[G1161] when he had given[G2010] him[G846] leave[G2010], Paul[G3972], standing[G2476] on[G1909] the stairs[G304], beckoned[G2678] with the hand[G5495] unto the people[G2992]; and[G1161] when there was made[G1096] a great[G4183] silence[G4602], he spake unto[G4377] them in the Hebrew[G1446] language[G1258], saying[G3004],

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28

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