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ASV_Strong : Acts 20


1. And[G1161] after[G3326] the uproar[G2351] ceased[G3973], Paul[G3972] having sent for[G4341] the disciples[G3101] and[G2532] exhorted them[G782], took leave of them[G1831], and departed to go[G4198] into[G1519] Macedonia[G3109].

2. And[G1161] when he had gone through[G1330] those[G1565] parts[G3313], and[G2532] had given[G3870] them[G846] much[G4183] exhortation[G3056], he came[G2064] into[G1519] Greece[G1671].

3. And[G5037] when he had spent[G4160] three[G5140] months[G3376] there[G1096], and [G5259] a plot[G1917] was laid against him[G846] by Jews[G2453] as he was about[G3195] to set sail[G321] for[G1519] Syria[G4947], he[G1096] determined[G1106] to return[G5290] through[G1223] Macedonia[G3109].

4. And[G1161] there accompanied[G4902] him[G846] as far as[G891] Asia[G773], Sopater[G4986] of Beroea[G961], the son of Pyrrhus[G1161]; and of the Thessalonians[G2331], Aristarchus[G708] and[G2532] Secundus[G4580]; and[G1161] Gaius[G1050] of Derbe[G1190], and[G2532] Timothy[G5095]; and[G1161] of Asia[G774], Tychicus[G5190] and[G2532] Trophimus[G5161].

5. But these[G3778] had gone before[G4281], and were waiting[G3306] for us[G2248] at[G1722] Troas[G5174].

6. And[G1161] we[G2249] sailed away[G1602] from[G575] Philippi[G5375] after[G3326] the days[G2250] of unleavened bread[G106], and[G2532] came[G2064] unto[G4314] them[G846] to[G1519] Troas[G5174] in[G891] five[G4002] days[G2250], where[G3757] we tarried[G1304] seven[G2033] days[G2250].

7. And[G1722] upon[G1161] the first[G1520] day of the week[G4521], when[G4863] we[G3101] were gathered together[G4863] to break[G2806] bread[G740], Paul[G3972] discoursed[G1256] with them[G846], intending[G3195] to depart[G1826] on the morrow[G1887]; and[G5037] prolonged[G3905] his speech[G3056] until[G3360] midnight[G3317].

8. And[G1161] there were[G2258] many[G2425] lights[G2985] in[G1722] the upper chamber[G5253] where[G3757] we were[G2258] gathered together[G4863].

9. And[G1161] there sat[G2521] in[G1909] the window[G2376] a certain[G5100] young man[G3494] named[G3686] Eutychus[G2161], borne down[G2702] with deep[G901] sleep[G5258]; and as[G1909] Paul[G3972] discoursed[G1256] yet[G1256] longer[G4119], being borne down[G2702] by[G575] his sleep[G5258] he fell down[G4098] from[G575] the third story[G5152], and[G2532] was taken[G142] up[G2736] dead[G3498].

10. And[G1161] Paul[G3972] went down[G2597], and[G2532] fell[G1968] on him[G846], and[G2532] embracing[G4843] him[G846] said[G2036], Make ye no[G3361] ado[G1063]; for his[G846] life[G5590] is[G2076] in[G1722] him[G846].

11. And when[G1161] he was gone up[G305], and[G2532] had broken[G2806] the bread[G740], and[G2532] eaten[G1089], and[G5037] had talked[G3656] with them a[G1909] long while[G2425], even till[G891] break of day[G827], so[G3779] he departed[G1831].

12. And[G1161] they brought[G71] the lad[G3816] alive[G2198], and[G2532] were[G3870] not[G3756] a little[G3357] comforted[G3870].

13. But[G1161] we[G2249] going before[G4281] to[G1909] the ship[G4143] set sail[G321] for[G1519] Assos[G789], there[G1564] intending[G3195] to take[G353] in Paul[G3972]: for[G1063] so[G3779] had[G2258] he appointed[G1299], intending[G3195] himself[G846] to go by land[G3978].

14. And[G1161] when[G5613] he met[G4820] us[G2254] at[G1519] Assos[G789], we took[G353] him[G846] in[G353], and came[G2064] to[G1519] Mitylene[G3412].

15. And sailing[G636] from thence[G2547], we came[G2658] the following[G1966] day over against[G481] Chios[G5508]; and[G1161] the next[G2087] day we touched[G3846] at[G1519] Samos[G4544]; and the day after we came[G2064] to[G1519] Miletus[G3399].

16. For[G1063] Paul[G3972] had determined[G2919] to sail past[G3896] Ephesus[G2181], that[G3704] he[G846] might[G1096] not[G3361] have to spend time[G5551] in[G1722] Asia[G773]; for[G1063] he was hastening[G4692], if[G1487] it were[G2258] possible[G1415] for him[G846], to be[G1096] at[G1519] Jerusalem[G2414] the day[G2250] of Pentecost[G4005].

17. And[G1161] from[G575] Miletus[G3399] he sent[G3992] to[G1519] Ephesus[G2181], and called[G3333] to him the elders[G4245] of the church[G1577].

18. And[G1161] when[G5613] they were come[G3854] to[G4314] him[G846], he said[G2036] unto them[G846], Ye[G5210] yourselves know[G1987], from[G575] the first[G4413] day[G2250, 575] that[G3739] I set foot[G1910] in[G1519] Asia[G773], after what manner[G4459] I was[G1096] with[G3326] you[G5216] all[G3956] the time[G5550],

19. serving[G1398] the Lord[G2962] with[G3326] all[G3956] lowliness of mind[G5012], and[G2532] with[G4183] tears[G1144], and[G2532] with trials[G3986] which befell[G4819] me[G3427] by[G1722] the plots[G1917] of the Jews[G2453];

20. how[G5613] I shrank[G5288] not from declaring unto you[G5213] anything[G3762] that was profitable[G4851], and[G2532] teaching[G1321] you[G5213] publicly[G1219], and[G2532] from[G2596] house[G3624] to house[G3624],

21. testifying[G1263] both[G5037] to Jews[G2453] and[G2532] to Greeks[G1672] repentance[G3341] toward[G1519] God[G2316], and[G2532] faith[G4102] toward[G1519] our[G2257] Lord[G2962] Jesus[G2424] Christ[G5547].

22. And[G2532] now[G3568], behold[G2400], I[G1473] go[G4198] bound[G1210] in the spirit[G4151] unto[G1519] Jerusalem[G2419], not[G3361] knowing[G1492] the things[G3588] that[G1722] shall befall[G4876] me[G3427] there[G846]:

23. save[G4133] that[G3754] the Holy[G40] Spirit[G4151] testifieth[G1263] unto me in[G2596] every city[G4172], saying[G3004] that[G3754] bonds[G1199] and[G2532] afflictions[G2347] abide[G3306] me[G3165].

24. But[G235] I[G2192] hold not[G3762] my[G3450] life[G5590] of any account as dear[G5093] unto myself[G1683], so[G5613] that I may accomplish[G5048] my[G3450] course[G1408], and[G2532] the ministry[G1248] which[G3739] I received[G2983] from the Lord[G2962] Jesus[G2424], to testify[G1263] the gospel[G2098] of[G3844] the grace[G5485] of God[G2316].

25. And[G2532] now[G3568], behold[G2400], I[G1473] know[G1492] that[G3754] ye[G5210] all[G3956], among[G1722] whom[G3739] I went[G1330] about preaching[G2784] the kingdom[G932], [G2316] shall see[G3700] my[G3450] face[G4383] no more[G3765].

26. Wherefore[G1352] I[G1722] testify[G3143] unto[G1722] you[G5213] this[G4594] day[G2250], that[G3754] I[G1473] am pure[G2513] from[G575] the blood[G129] of all men[G3956].

27. For[G1063] I[G5288] shrank[G5288] not[G3756] from[G3361] declaring[G312] unto you[G5213] the whole[G3956] counsel[G1012] of God[G2316].

28. Take heed[G4337, 3767] unto yourselves[G1438], and[G2532] to all[G3956] the flock[G4168], in[G1722] which[G3739] the Holy[G40] Spirit[G4151] hath made[G5087] you[G5209] bishops[G1985], to feed[G4165] the church[G1577] of the Lord[G2316] which[G3739] he purchased[G4046] with[G1223] his own[G2398] blood[G129].

29. [G1063] I[G1473] know[G1492, 5124] that[G3754] after[G3326] my[G3450] departing[G867] grievous[G926] wolves[G3074] shall enter[G1525] in among[G1519] you[G5209], not[G3361] sparing[G5339] the flock[G4168];

30. and[G2532] from among[G1537] your[G5216] own selves[G846] shall[G435] men[G435] arise[G450], speaking[G2980] perverse things[G1294], to draw away[G645] the disciples[G3101] after[G3694] them[G846].

31. Wherefore[G1352] watch[G1127] ye[G3421], remembering that[G3754] by the space of three years[G5148] I ceased[G3973] not[G3756] to admonish[G3560] every[G1538] one[G1520] night[G3571] and[G2532] day[G2250] with[G3326] tears[G1144].

32. And now I commend you to God, and to the word of his grace, which is able to build you up, and to give you the inheritance among all them that are sanctified.

33. I coveted no man's silver, or gold, or apparel.

34. Ye yourselves know that these hands ministered unto my necessities, and to them that were with me.

35. In all things I gave you an example, that so laboring ye ought to help the weak, and to remember the words of the Lord Jesus, that he himself said, It is more blessed to give than to receive.

36. And when he had thus spoken, he kneeled down and prayed with them all.

37. And they all wept sore, and fell on Paul's neck and kissed him,

38. sorrowing most of all for the word which he had spoken, that they should behold his face no more. And they brought him on his way unto the ship.

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28

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