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ASV_Strong : Luke 6


1. Now[G1161] it came[G1279] to pass[G1096] on[G1722] a sabbath[G4521], that[G1279] he[G846] was going[G1279] through[G1223] the grainfields[G4719]; and[G2532] his[G846] disciples[G3101] plucked[G5089] the ears[G4719], and[G2532] did eat[G2068], rubbing[G5597] them in[G5495] their hands[G5495].

2. But[G1161] certain[G5100] of the Pharisees[G5330] said[G2036], Why[G5101] do ye[G4160] that which[G3739] it is[G1832] not[G3756] lawful[G1832] to do[G4160] on[G1722] the sabbath day[G4521]?

3. And[G2532] Jesus[G2424] answering[G611, 4314] them[G846] said[G2036], Have ye[G314] not[G3761] read[G314] even[G3761] this[G5124], what[G3739] David[G1138] did[G4160], when[G3698] he[G846] was hungry[G3983], he[G2532], and they that[G3588] were[G5607] with[G3326] him[G846];

4. how[G5613] he entered[G1525] into[G1519] the house[G3624] of God[G2316], and[G2532] took[G2983] and[G2532] ate[G5315] the showbread[G4286], and[G2532] gave[G1325] also[G2532] to them that were[G3588] with[G3326] him[G846]; which[G3739] it is[G1832] not[G3756] lawful[G1832] to eat[G5315] save[G3361] for[G1487] the priests[G2409] alone[G3441]?

5. And[G2532] he said[G3004] unto them[G846], The[G3754] Son[G5207] of man[G444] is[G2076] lord[G2962] of[G2532] the sabbath[G4521].

6. And[G1161] it came to pass[G1096] on[G1722] another[G2087] sabbath[G4521], that he[G846] entered[G1525] into[G1519] the synagogue[G4864] and[G2532] taught[G1321]: and[G2532] there[G1563] was[G2258] a[G2532] man[G444] there[G1563], and[G2532] his right[G1188] hand[G5495] was[G2258] withered[G3584].

7. And[G1161] the scribes[G1122] and[G2532] the Pharisees[G5330] watched[G3906] him[G846], whether[G1487] he would heal[G2323] on[G1722] the sabbath[G4521]; that[G2443] they might find[G2147] how to accuse[G2724] him[G846].

8. But[G1161] he[G846] knew[G1492] their[G846] thoughts[G1261]; and[G2532] he said[G2036] to the man[G444] that had[G2192] his hand[G5495] withered[G3584], Rise up[G1453], and[G2532] stand forth[G2476] in[G1519] the midst[G3319]. And[G1161] he arose[G450] and stood forth[G2476].

9. And[G3767] Jesus[G2424] said[G2036] unto[G4314] them[G846], I ask[G1905] you[G5209], Is it[G5101] lawful[G1832] on the sabbath[G4521] to do good[G15], or[G2228] to do harm[G2554]? to save[G4982] a life[G5590], or[G2228] to destroy it[G622]?

10. And[G2532] he looked round about on[G4017] them[G846] all[G3956], and said[G2036] unto him[G444], Stretch forth[G1614] thy[G4675] hand[G5495]. And[G1161] he did[G4160] so[G3779]: and[G2532] his[G846] hand[G5495] was restored[G600].

11. But[G1161] they[G846] were filled[G4130] with madness[G454]; and[G2532] communed[G1255] one with[G4314] another[G240] what[G302] they[G5101] might do[G4160] to Jesus[G2424].

12. And[G1161] it came to pass[G1096] in[G1722] these[G3778] days[G2250], that he went out[G1831] into[G1519] the mountain[G3735] to pray[G4336]; and[G2532] he continued[G2258] all night[G1273] in[G1722] prayer[G4335] to God[G2316].

13. And[G2532] when[G3753] it was[G1096] day[G2250], he called[G4377] his[G846] disciples[G3101]; and[G2532] he chose[G1586] from[G575] them[G846] twelve[G1427], whom[G3739] also[G2532] he named[G3687] apostles[G652]:

14. Simon[G4613], whom[G3739] he[G3687] also[G2532] named[G3687] Peter[G4074], and[G2532] Andrew[G406] his[G846] brother[G80], and James[G2385] and[G2532] John[G2491], and Philip[G5376] and[G2532] Bartholomew[G918],

15. and Matthew[G3156] and[G2532] Thomas[G2381], and James[G2385] the[G3588] son of Alphaeus[G256], and[G2532] Simon[G4613] who was called[G2564] the Zealot[G2207],

16. and Judas[G2455] the son of James[G2385], and[G2532] Judas[G2455] Iscariot[G2469], who[G3739, 2532] became[G1096] a traitor[G4273];

17. and[G2532] he came down[G2597] with[G3326] them[G846], and stood[G2476] on[G1909] a[G5117] level place[G3977], and[G2532] a great multitude[G3793] of his[G846] disciples[G3101], and[G2532] a great[G4183] number[G4128] of the people[G2992] from[G575] all[G3956] Judaea[G2449] and[G2532] Jerusalem[G2419], and[G2532] the sea coast[G3882] of Tyre[G5184] and[G2532] Sidon[G4605], who[G3739] came[G2064] to hear[G191] him[G846], and[G2532] to be healed[G2390] of[G575] their[G846] diseases[G3554];

18. and[G2532] they that were troubled[G3791] with[G5259] unclean[G169] spirits[G4151] were[G2532] healed[G2323].

19. And[G2532] all[G3956] the multitude[G3793] sought[G2212] to touch[G680] him[G846]; for[G3754] power[G1411] came[G1831] forth from[G3844] him[G846], and[G2532] healed[G2390] them all[G3956].

20. And[G2532] he[G846] lifted up[G1869] his[G846] eyes[G3788] on[G1519] his[G846] disciples[G3101], and said[G3004], Blessed[G3107] are ye poor[G4434]: for[G3754] yours[G5212] is[G2076] the kingdom[G932] of God[G2316].

21. Blessed[G3107] are ye that hunger[G3983] now[G3568]: for[G3754] ye shall be filled[G5526]. Blessed[G3107] are ye that weep[G2799] now[G3568]: for[G3754] ye shall laugh[G1070].

22. Blessed[G3107] are ye[G2075], when[G3752] men[G444] shall hate[G3404] you[G5209], and[G2532] when[G3752] they shall separate[G873] you[G5209] from their company[G2532], and reproach[G3679] you[G2532], and cast out[G1544] your[G5216] name[G3686] as[G5613] evil[G4190], for[G1752] the Son[G5207] of man[G444]'s sake[G5207].

23. Rejoice[G5463] in[G1722] that[G1565] day[G2250], and[G2532] leap for joy[G4640]: for[G1063] behold[G2400], your[G5216] reward[G3408] is great[G4183] in[G1722] heaven[G3772]; for[G1063] in[G2596] the same[G5023] manner[G5024] did[G4160] their[G846] fathers[G3962] unto the prophets[G4396].

24. But[G4133] woe[G3759] unto you[G5213] that are rich[G4145]! for[G3754] ye have received[G568] your[G5216] consolation[G3874].

25. Woe[G3759] unto you[G5213], ye that are full[G1705] now[G3754]! for ye shall hunger[G3983]. Woe[G3759] unto you[G5213], ye that laugh[G1070] now[G3568]! for[G3754] ye shall mourn[G3996] and[G2532] weep[G2799].

26. Woe[G3759] unto you[G5213], when[G3752] all[G3956] men[G444] shall speak[G2036] well[G2573] of you[G5209]! for[G1063] in the[G5024] same[G5023] manner[G2596] did[G4160] their[G846] fathers[G3962] to the false prophets[G5578].

27. But[G235] I say[G3004] unto you[G5213] that hear[G191], Love[G25] your[G5216] enemies[G2190], do[G4160] good[G2573] to them that hate[G3404] you[G5209],

28. bless[G2127] them that curse[G2672] you[G5213], [G2532] pray[G4336] for[G5228] them that despitefully use[G1908] you[G5209].

29. To him that smiteth[G5180] thee[G4571] on[G1909] the[G4600] one cheek[G4600] offer[G3930] also[G2532] the other[G243]; and[G2532] from him[G575] that taketh away[G142] thy[G4675] cloak[G2440] withhold[G2967] not[G3361] thy coat[G5509] also[G2532].

30. Give[G1325] to every one[G3956] that asketh[G154] thee[G4571]; and[G2532] of[G575] him that taketh away[G142] thy goods[G4674] ask[G523] them not[G3361] again[G523].

31. And[G2532] as[G2531] ye would[G2309] that[G2443] men[G444] should do to[G4160] you[G5213], do[G4160] ye[G5210] also[G2532] to them[G846] likewise[G3668].

32. And[G2532] if[G1487] ye love[G25] them that love[G25] you[G5209], what[G4169] thank[G5485] have[G2076] ye[G5213]? for[G1063] even[G2532] sinners[G268] love[G25] those that love[G25] them[G846].

33. And[G2532] if[G1437] ye do good[G15] to them that do good[G15] to you[G5209], what[G4169] thank[G5485] have[G2076] ye[G5213]? for[G1063] even[G2532] sinners[G268] do[G4160] the same[G846].

34. And[G2532] if[G1437] ye lend[G1155] to them of[G3844] whom[G3739] ye hope[G1679] to receive[G618], what[G4169] thank[G5485] have[G2076] ye[G5213]? even[G2532] sinners[G268] lend[G1155] to sinners[G268], to[G2443] receive[G618] again[G2470] as much[G2470].

35. But[G4133] love[G25] your[G5216] enemies[G2190], and[G2532] do them good[G15], and[G2532] lend[G1155], never[G560] despairing[G3367]; [G560] and[G2532] your[G5216] reward[G3408] shall be[G2071] great[G4183], and[G2532] ye shall be[G2071] sons[G5207] of the Most High[G5310]: for[G3754] he[G846] is[G2076] kind[G5543] toward[G1909] the unthankful[G884] and[G2532] evil[G4190].

36. Be[G3767] ye[G1096] merciful[G3629], even[G2532] as[G2531] your[G5216] Father[G3962] is[G2076] merciful[G3629].

37. And judge[G2919] not[G3361], and[G2532] ye shall[G2919] not[G3756, 3361] be judged[G2919]: and condemn[G2613] not[G3361], and[G2532] ye shall[G2613] not[G3756, 3361] be condemned[G2613]: release[G630], and[G2532] ye shall be released[G630]:

38. give[G1325], and[G2532] it shall be given[G1325] unto you[G5213]; good[G2570] measure[G3358], pressed down[G4085], shaken[G2532] together[G4531], running[G2532] over[G5240], shall they give[G1325] into[G1519] your[G5216] bosom[G2859]. For[G1063] with what[G846] measure[G3358] ye[G3739] mete[G3354] it shall be measured[G488] to you[G5213] again[G488].

39. And[G1161] he spake[G2036] also a parable[G3850] unto them[G3385], Can[G1410] the blind[G5185] guide[G3594] the blind[G5185]? shall they[G4098] not[G3780] both[G297] fall[G4098] into[G1519] a pit[G999]?

40. The disciple[G3101] is[G2076] not[G3756] above[G5228] his[G846] teacher[G1320]: but[G1161] every[G3956] one when he is perfected[G2675] shall be[G2071] as[G5613] his[G846] teacher[G1320].

41. And[G1161] why[G5101] beholdest thou[G991] the mote[G2595] that is in[G1722] thy[G4675] brother[G80]'s eye[G3788], but considerest[G2657] not[G3756] the beam[G1385] that is in[G1722] thine own[G2398] eye[G3788]?

42. Or[G2228] how[G4459] canst[G1410] thou say[G3004] to[G80] thy[G4675] brother[G80], Brother[G80], let me[G863] cast out[G1544] the mote[G2595] that is in[G1722] thine[G4675] eye[G3788], when thou[G991] thyself[G846] beholdest[G991] not[G3756] the beam[G1385] that is in[G1722] thine own[G4675] eye[G3788]? Thou hypocrite[G5273], cast out[G1544] first[G4412] the beam[G1385] out of[G1537] thine own[G4675] eye[G3788], and[G2532] then[G5119] shalt thou see clearly[G1227] to cast out[G1544] the mote[G2595] that is in[G1722] thy[G4675] brother[G80]'s eye[G3788].

43. For[G1063] there is no[G3756] good[G2570] tree[G1186] that[G2076] bringeth[G4160] forth[G4160] corrupt[G4550] fruit[G2590]; nor[G3761] again a corrupt[G4550] tree[G1186] that[G4160] bringeth forth[G4160] good[G2570] fruit[G2590].

44. For[G1063] each[G1538] tree[G1186] is known[G1097] by[G1537] its own[G2398] fruit[G2590]. For[G1063] of[G1537] thorns[G173] men do[G4816] not[G3756] gather[G4816] figs[G4810], nor[G3761] of[G1537] a bramble bush[G942] gather they[G5166] grapes[G4718].

45. The good[G18] man[G444] out of[G1537] the good[G18] treasure[G2344] of his[G846] heart[G2588] bringeth forth[G4393] that which is good[G18]; and[G2532] the evil[G4190] man[G444] out of[G1537] the evil[G4190] treasure[G2344, 846, 2588] bringeth forth[G4393] that which is evil[G4190]: for[G1063] out of[G1537] the abundance[G4051] of the heart[G2588] his[G846] mouth[G4750] speaketh[G2980].

46. And[G1161] why[G5101] call ye[G2564] me[G3165], Lord[G2962], Lord[G2962], and[G2532] do[G4160] not[G3756] the things which[G3739] I say[G3004]?

47. Every[G3956] one that cometh[G2064] unto[G4314] me[G3165], and[G2532] heareth[G191] my[G3450] words[G3056], and[G2532] doeth[G4160] them[G846], I will show[G5263] you[G5213] to whom[G5101] he is[G2076] like[G3664]:

48. he is[G2076] like[G3664] a man[G444] building[G3739] a[G3618] house[G3614], who[G2532] digged[G4626] and went deep[G900], and[G2532] laid[G5087] a foundation[G2310] upon[G1909] the rock[G4073]: and[G1161] when a flood[G4132] arose[G1096], the stream[G4215] brake[G4366] against that[G1565] house[G3614], and[G2532] could[G2480] not[G3756] shake[G4531] it[G846]: because[G1063] it had been[G2311] well[G1909] builded[G4073].

49. But[G1161] he that heareth[G191], and[G2532] doeth[G4160] not[G3361], is[G2076] like[G3664] a man[G444] that built[G3618] a house[G3614] upon[G1909] the earth[G1093] without[G5565] a foundation[G2310]; against[G4366] which[G3739] the stream[G4215] brake[G4366], and[G2532] straightway[G2112] it fell[G4098] in[G2532]; and the ruin[G4485] of that[G1565] house[G3614] was[G1096] great[G3173].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24

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