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ASV_Strong : Numbers 33


1. These are the journeys[H4550] of the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478], when they went forth[H3318] out of the land[H776] of Egypt[H4714] by their hosts[H6635] under the hand[H3027] of Moses[H4872] and Aaron[H175].

2. And Moses[H4872] wrote[H3789] their goings out[H4161] according to their journeys[H4550] by the commandment[H6310] of Jehovah[H3068]: and these are their journeys[H4550] according to their goings out[H4161].

3. And they journeyed[H5265] from Rameses[H7486] in the first[H7223] month[H2320], on the fifteenth[H6240] day[H3117] of the first[H7223] month[H2320]; on the morrow[H4283] after the passover[H6453] the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] went out[H3318] with a high[H7311] hand[H3027] in the sight[H5869] of all the Egyptians[H4714],

4. while the Egyptians[H4714] were burying[H6912] all their first-born[H1060], whom Jehovah[H3068] had smitten[H5221] among them[H430]: upon their gods also Jehovah[H3068] executed[H6213] judgments[H8201].

5. And the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] journeyed[H5265] from Rameses[H7486], and encamped[H2583] in Succoth[H5523].

6. And they journeyed[H5265] from Succoth[H5523], and encamped[H2583] in Etham[H864], which is in the edge[H7097] of the wilderness[H4057].

7. And they journeyed[H5265] from Etham[H864], and turned back[H7725] unto Pi-hahiroth[H6367], which is before Baal-zephon[H1189]: and they encamped[H2583] before[H6440] Migdol[H4024].

8. And they journeyed[H5265] from before[H6440] Hahiroth[H5265], and passed through[H5674] the midst[H8432] of the sea[H3220] into the wilderness[H4057]: and they went[H3212] three[H7969] days[H3117]' journey[H1870] in the wilderness[H4057] of Etham[H864], and encamped[H2583] in Marah[H4785].

9. And they journeyed[H5265] from Marah[H4785], and came[H935] unto Elim[H362]: and in Elim[H362] were twelve[H8147] springs[H5869] of water[H4325], and threescore and ten[H7657] palm-trees[H8558]; and they encamped there[H2583].

10. And they journeyed[H5265] from Elim[H362], and encamped[H2583] by the Red[H5488] Sea[H3220].

11. And they journeyed[H5265] from the Red[H5488] Sea[H3220], and encamped[H2583] in the wilderness[H4057] of Sin[H5512].

12. And they journeyed[H5265] from the wilderness[H4057] of Sin[H5512], and encamped[H2583] in Dophkah[H1850].

13. And they journeyed[H5265] from Dophkah[H1850], and encamped[H2583] in Alush[H442].

14. And they journeyed[H5265] from Alush[H442], and encamped[H2583] in Rephidim[H7508], where was no water[H4325] for the people[H5971] to drink[H8354].

15. And they journeyed[H5265] from Rephidim[H7508], and encamped[H2583] in the wilderness[H4057] of Sinai[H5514].

16. And they journeyed[H5265] from the wilderness[H4057] of Sinai[H5514], and encamped[H2583] in Kibroth-hattaavah[H6914].

17. And they journeyed[H5265] from Kibroth-hattaavah[H6914], and encamped[H2583] in Hazeroth[H2698].

18. And they journeyed[H5265] from Hazeroth[H2698], and encamped[H2583] in Rithmah[H7575].

19. And they journeyed[H5265] from Rithmah[H7575], and encamped[H2583] in Rimmon-perez[H7428].

20. And they journeyed[H5265] from Rimmon-perez[H7428], and encamped[H2583] in Libnah[H3841].

21. And they journeyed[H5265] from Libnah[H3841], and encamped[H2583] in Rissah[H7446].

22. And they journeyed[H5265] from Rissah[H7446], and encamped[H2583] in Kehelathah[H6954].

23. And they journeyed[H5265] from Kehelathah[H6954], and encamped[H2583] in mount[H2022] Shepher[H8234].

24. And they journeyed[H5265] from mount[H2022] Shepher[H8234], and encamped[H2583] in Haradah[H2732].

25. And they journeyed[H5265] from Haradah[H2732], and encamped[H2583] in Makheloth[H4722].

26. And they journeyed[H5265] from Makheloth[H4722], and encamped[H2583] in Tahath[H8480].

27. And they journeyed[H5265] from Tahath[H8480], and encamped[H2583] in Terah[H8646].

28. And they journeyed[H5265] from Terah[H8646], and encamped[H2583] in Mithkah[H4989].

29. And they journeyed[H5265] from Mithkah[H4989], and encamped[H2583] in Hashmonah[H2832].

30. And they journeyed[H5265] from Hashmonah[H2832], and encamped[H2583] in Moseroth[H4149].

31. And they journeyed[H5265] from Moseroth[H4149], and encamped[H2583] in Bene-jaakan[H1142].

32. And they journeyed[H5265] from Bene-jaakan[H1142], and encamped[H2583] in Hor-haggidgad[H2735].

33. And they journeyed[H5265] from Hor-haggidgad[H2735], and encamped[H2583] in Jotbathah[H3193].

34. And they journeyed[H5265] from Jotbathah[H3193], and encamped[H2583] in Abronah[H5684].

35. And they journeyed[H5265] from Abronah[H5684], and encamped[H2583] in Ezion-geber[H6100].

36. And they journeyed[H5265] from Ezion-geber[H6100], and encamped[H2583] in the wilderness[H4057] of Zin[H6790] (the same is Kadesh[H6946]).

37. And they journeyed[H5265] from Kadesh[H6946], and encamped[H2583] in mount[H2022] Hor[H2023], in the edge[H7097] of the land[H776] of Edom[H123].

38. And Aaron[H175] the priest[H3548] went up[H5927] into mount[H2022] Hor[H2023] at the commandment[H6310] of Jehovah[H3068], and died[H4191] there[H705], in the fortieth year[H8141] after the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] were come out[H3318] of the land[H776] of Egypt[H4714], in the fifth[H2549] month[H2320], on the first day of the month[H259].

39. And Aaron[H175] was a hundred[H3967] and twenty[H6242] and three[H7969] years[H8141] old[H1121] when he died[H4194] in mount[H2022] Hor[H2023].

40. And the Canaanite[H3669], the king[H4428] of Arad[H6166], who dwelt[H3427] in the South[H5045] in the land[H776] of Canaan[H3667], heard[H8085] of the coming[H935] of the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478].

41. And they journeyed[H5265] from mount[H2022] Hor[H2023], and encamped[H2583] in Zalmonah[H6758].

42. And they journeyed[H5265] from Zalmonah[H6758], and encamped[H2583] in Punon[H6325].

43. And they journeyed[H5265] from Punon[H6325], and encamped[H2583] in Oboth[H88].

44. And they journeyed[H5265] from Oboth[H88], and encamped[H2583] in Iye-abarim[H5863], in the border[H1366] of Moab[H4124].

45. And they journeyed[H5265] from Iyim[H5864], and encamped[H2583] in Dibon-gad[H1769].

46. And they journeyed[H5265] from Dibon-gad[H1769], and encamped[H2583] in Almon-diblathaim[H5963].

47. And they journeyed[H5265] from Almon-diblathaim[H5963], and encamped[H2583] in the mountains[H2022] of Abarim[H5682], before[H6440] Nebo[H5015].

48. And they journeyed[H5265] from the mountains[H2022] of Abarim[H5682], and encamped[H2583] in the plains[H6160] of Moab[H4124] by the Jordan[H3383] at Jericho[H3405].

49. And they encamped[H2583] by the Jordan[H3383], from Beth-jeshimoth[H1020] even unto Abel-shittim[H63] in the plains[H6160] of Moab[H4124].

50. And Jehovah[H3068] spake[H1696] unto Moses[H4872] in the plains[H6160] of Moab[H4124] by the Jordan[H3383] at Jericho[H3405], saying[H559],

51. Speak[H1696] unto the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478], and say[H559] unto them[H5674], When ye pass over the Jordan[H3383] into the land[H776] of Canaan[H3667],

52. then ye shall drive out[H3423] all the inhabitants[H3427] of the land[H776] from before[H6440] you[H6], and destroy all their figured[H4906] stones[H6], and destroy all their molten[H4541] images[H6754], and demolish[H8045] all their high places[H1116]:

53. and ye shall take possession[H3423] of the land[H776], and dwell[H3427] therein[H5414]; for unto you have I given the land[H776] to possess it[H3423].

54. And ye shall inherit[H5157] the land[H776] by lot[H1486] according to your families[H4940]; to the more[H7227] ye shall give the more[H7227] inheritance[H5159], and to the fewer[H4592] thou shalt give the less[H4591] inheritance[H5159]: wheresoever the lot[H1486] falleth[H3318] to any man[H4294], that shall be his; according to the tribes of your fathers[H1] shall ye inherit[H5157].

55. But if ye will not drive out[H3423] the inhabitants[H3427] of the land[H776] from before[H6440] you[H3498], then shall those that ye let remain of them be as pricks[H7899] in your eyes[H5869], and as thorns[H6796] in your sides[H6654], and they shall vex[H6887] you in the land[H776] wherein ye dwell[H3427].

56. And it shall come to pass[H1819], that, as I thought to do[H6213] unto them[H6213], so will I do unto you.

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36

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