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ASV_Strong : Micah 4


1. But in the latter[H319] days[H3117] it shall come to pass[H2022], that the mountain of Jehovah[H3068]'s house[H1004] shall be established[H3559] on the top[H7218] of the mountains[H2022], and it shall be exalted[H5375] above the hills[H1389]; and peoples[H5971] shall flow unto it[H5102].

2. And many[H7227] nations[H1471] shall go[H1980] and say[H559], Come[H3212] ye[H5927], and let us go up to the mountain[H2022] of Jehovah[H3068], and to the house[H1004] of the God[H430] of Jacob[H3290]; and he will teach[H3384] us of his ways[H1870], and we will walk[H3212] in his paths[H734]. For out of Zion[H6726] shall go forth[H3318] the law[H8451], and the word[H1697] of Jehovah[H3068] from Jerusalem[H3389];

3. and he will judge[H8199] between many[H7227] peoples[H5971], and will decide[H3198] concerning strong[H6099] nations[H1471] afar off[H7350]: and they shall beat[H3807] their swords[H2719] into plowshares[H855], and their spears[H2595] into pruning-hooks[H4211]; nation[H1471] shall not lift up[H5375] sword[H2719] against nation[H1471], neither shall they learn[H3925] war any more[H4421].

4. But they shall sit[H3427] every man[H376] under his vine[H1612] and under his fig-tree[H8384]; and none shall make them afraid[H2729]: for the mouth[H6310] of Jehovah[H3068] of hosts[H6635] hath spoken it[H1696].

5. For all the peoples[H5971] walk[H3212] every one[H376] in the name[H8034] of his god[H430]; and we will walk[H3212] in the name[H8034] of Jehovah[H3068] our God[H430] for ever[H5769] and ever[H5703].

6. In that day[H3117], saith[H5002] Jehovah[H3068], will I assemble[H622] that which is lame[H6760], and I will gather[H6908] that which is driven away[H5080], and that which I have afflicted[H7489];

7. and I will make[H7760] that which was lame[H6760] a remnant[H7611], and that which was cast far off[H1972] a strong[H6099] nation[H1471]: and Jehovah[H3068] will reign[H4427] over them in mount[H2022] Zion[H6726] from henceforth even for[H5704] ever[H5769].

8. And thou[H4026], O tower of the flock[H5739], the hill[H6076] of the daughter[H1323] of Zion[H6726], unto thee shall it come[H857], yea[H7223], the former dominion[H4475] shall come[H935], the kingdom[H4467] of the daughter[H1323] of Jerusalem[H3389].

9. Now why dost thou cry[H7321] out aloud[H7452]? Is there no king[H4428] in thee[H3289], is thy counsellor perished[H6], that pangs[H2427] have taken[H2388] hold of thee as of a woman in travail[H3205]?

10. Be in pain[H2342], and labor to bring forth[H1518], O daughter[H1323] of Zion[H6726], like a woman in travail[H3205]; for now shalt thou go forth[H3318] out[H3318] of the city[H7151], and shalt dwell[H7931] in the field[H7704], and shalt come even unto Babylon[H894]: there shalt thou be rescued[H5337]; there will Jehovah[H3068] redeem[H1350] thee from the hand[H3709] of thine enemies[H341].

11. And now many[H7227] nations[H1471] are assembled[H622] against thee[H559], that say, Let her be defiled[H2610], and let our eye[H5869] see[H2372] our desire upon Zion[H6726].

12. But they know[H3045] not the thoughts[H4284] of Jehovah[H3068], neither understand[H995] they his counsel[H6098]; for he hath gathered[H6908] them as the sheaves[H5995] to the threshing-floor[H1637].

13. Arise[H6965] and thresh[H1758], O daughter[H1323] of Zion[H6726]; for I will make[H7760] thy horn[H7161] iron[H1270], and I will make[H7760] thy hoofs[H6541] brass[H5154]; and thou shalt beat in pieces[H1854] many[H7227] peoples[H5971]: and I will devote[H2763] their gain[H1215] unto Jehovah[H3068], and their substance[H2428] unto the Lord[H3068] of the whole earth[H776].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7

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