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ASV_Strong : Leviticus 9


1. And it came to pass on the eighth[H8066] day[H3117], that Moses[H4872] called[H7121] Aaron[H175] and his sons[H1121], and the elders[H2205] of Israel[H3478];

2. and he said[H559] unto Aaron[H175], Take[H3947] thee a[H1241] calf[H5695] of the herd for a sin-offering[H2403], and a ram[H352] for a burnt-offering[H5930], without blemish[H8549], and offer[H7126] them before[H6440] Jehovah[H3068].

3. And unto the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478] thou shalt speak[H1696], saying[H559], Take[H3947] ye a[H8163] he-goat[H5795] for a sin-offering[H2403]; and a calf[H5695] and a lamb[H3532], both a[H1121] year[H8141] old[H8549], without blemish, for a burnt-offering[H5930];

4. and an ox[H7794] and a ram[H352] for peace-offerings[H2076], to sacrifice[H2076] before[H6440] Jehovah[H3068]; and a meal-offering[H4503] mingled[H1101] with oil[H8081]: for to-day[H3117] Jehovah[H3068] appeareth unto you[H7200].

5. And they brought[H3947] that which Moses[H4872] commanded[H6680] before[H6440] the tent[H168] of meeting[H4150]: and all the congregation[H4150] drew near[H7126] and stood[H5975] before[H6440] Jehovah[H3068].

6. And Moses[H4872] said[H559], This is the thing[H1697] which Jehovah[H3068] commanded[H6680] that ye should do[H6213]: and the glory[H3519] of Jehovah[H3068] shall appear unto you[H7200].

7. And Moses[H4872] said[H559] unto Aaron[H175], Draw[H7126] near unto the altar[H4196], and offer[H6213] thy sin-offering[H2403], and thy burnt-offering[H2403], and make atonement[H3722] for thyself[H5971], and for the people; and offer[H6213] the oblation[H7133] of the people[H5971], and make atonement[H3722] for them[H3068]; as Jehovah commanded[H6680].

8. So Aaron[H175] drew near unto the altar[H4196], and slew[H7819] the calf[H5695] of the sin-offering[H2403], which was for himself.

9. And the sons[H1121] of Aaron[H175] presented[H7126] the blood[H1818] unto him[H2881]; and he dipped his finger[H676] in the blood[H1818], and put[H5414] it upon the horns[H7161] of the altar[H4196], and poured[H3332] out the blood[H1818] at the base[H3247] of the altar[H4196]:

10. but the fat[H2459], and the kidneys[H3629], and the caul[H3508] from[H4480] the liver[H3516] of the sin-offering[H2403], he burnt[H6999] upon the altar[H4196]; as Jehovah[H3068] commanded[H6680] Moses[H4872].

11. And the flesh[H1320] and the skin[H5785] he burnt[H8313] with fire[H784] without[H2351] the camp[H4264].

12. And he slew[H7819] the burnt-offering[H5930]; and Aaron[H175]'s sons[H1121] delivered[H4672] unto him the blood[H1818], and he sprinkled[H2236] it upon the altar[H4196] round about[H5439].

13. And they delivered[H4672] the burnt-offering[H5930] unto him[H5409], piece by piece, and the head[H7218]: and he burnt[H6999] them upon the altar[H4196].

14. And he washed[H7364] the inwards[H7130] and the legs[H3767], and burnt[H6999] them upon the burnt-offering[H5930] on the altar[H4196].

15. And he presented[H7126] the people[H5971]'s oblation[H7133], and took[H3947] the goat[H8163] of the sin-offering[H2403] which was for the people[H5971], and slew[H7819] it[H2398], and offered it for sin, as the first[H7223].

16. And he presented[H7126] the burnt-offering[H5930], and offered[H6213] it according to the ordinance[H4941].

17. And he presented[H7126] the meal-offering[H4503], and filled[H4390] his hand[H3709] therefrom[H6999], and burnt it upon the altar[H4196], besides[H905] the burnt-offering[H5930] of the morning[H1242].

18. He slew[H7819] also the ox[H7794] and the ram[H352], the sacrifice[H2077] of peace-offerings[H2077], which was for the people[H5971]: and Aaron[H175]'s sons[H1121] delivered[H4672] unto him the blood[H1818], which he sprinkled[H2236] upon the altar[H4196] round about[H5439],

19. and the fat[H2459] of the ox[H7794] and of the ram[H352], the fat tail[H451], and that which covereth[H4374] the inwards[H3629], and the kidneys, and the caul[H3508] of the liver[H3516]:

20. and they put[H7760] the fat[H2459] upon the breasts[H2373], and he burnt[H6999] the fat[H2459] upon the altar[H4196]:

21. and the breasts[H2373] and the right[H3225] thigh[H7785] Aaron[H175] waved[H5130] for a wave-offering[H8573] before[H6440] Jehovah[H3068]; as Moses[H4872] commanded[H6680].

22. And Aaron[H175] lifted up[H5375] his hands[H3027] toward the people[H5971], and blessed[H1288] them[H3381]; and he came down from offering[H6213] the sin-offering[H6213], and the burnt-offering[H6213], and the peace-offerings[H2403].

23. And Moses[H4872] and Aaron[H175] went[H935] into the tent[H168] of meeting[H4150], and came out[H3318], and blessed[H1288] the people[H5971]: and the glory[H3519] of Jehovah[H3068] appeared[H7200] unto all the people[H5971].

24. And there came[H3318] forth fire[H784] from before[H6440] Jehovah[H3068], and consumed[H398] upon the altar[H4196] the burnt-offering[H5930] and the fat[H2459]: and when all the people[H5971] saw[H7200] it[H7442], they shouted, and fell[H5307] on their faces[H6440].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27

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