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ASV_Strong : Joel 3


1. For[H3117], behold, in those days, and in that time[H6256], when I shall bring back[H7725] the captivity[H7622] of Judah[H3063] and Jerusalem[H3389],

2. I will gather[H6908] all nations[H1471], and will bring them down[H3381] into the valley[H6010] of Jehoshaphat[H3092]; and I will execute judgment[H8199] upon them there for my people[H5971] and for my heritage[H5159] Israel[H3478], whom they have scattered[H6340] among the nations[H1471]: and they have parted[H2505] my land[H776],

3. and have cast[H3032] lots[H1486] for my people[H5971], and have given[H5414] a boy[H3206] for a harlot[H2181], and sold[H4376] a girl[H3207] for wine[H3196], that they may drink[H8354].

4. Yea[H6865], and what are ye to me, O Tyre, and Sidon[H6721], and all the regions[H1552] of Philistia[H6429]? will ye render[H7999] me a recompense[H1576]? and if ye recompense[H1580] me[H7031], swiftly and speedily[H4120] will I return[H7725] your recompense[H1576] upon your own head[H7218].

5. Forasmuch as ye have taken[H3947] my silver[H3701] and my gold[H2091], and have carried[H935] into your temples[H1964] my goodly[H2896] precious things[H4261],

6. and have sold[H4376] the children[H1121] of Judah[H3063] and the children[H1121] of Jerusalem[H3389] unto the sons of the Grecians[H3125], that ye may remove them far[H7368] from their border[H1366];

7. behold[H5782], I will stir them up out of the place[H4725] whither ye have sold[H4376] them[H7725], and will return your recompense[H1576] upon your own head[H7218];

8. and I will sell[H4376] your sons[H1121] and your daughters[H1323] into the hand[H3027] of the children[H1121] of Judah[H3063], and they shall sell[H4376] them to the men of Sheba[H7615], to a nation[H1471] far off[H7350]: for Jehovah[H3068] hath spoken it[H1696].

9. Proclaim[H7121] ye this among the nations[H1471]; prepare[H6942] war[H4421]; stir up[H5782] the mighty men[H1368]; let all the men[H582] of war[H4421] draw near[H5066], let them come up[H5927].

10. Beat[H3807] your plowshares[H855] into swords[H2719], and your pruning-hooks[H4211] into spears[H7420]: let the weak[H2523] say[H559], I am strong[H1368].

11. Haste[H5789] ye[H935], and come, all ye nations[H1471] round about[H6908], and gather yourselves together: thither[H5439] cause thy mighty ones[H1368] to come down[H5181], O Jehovah[H3068].

12. Let the nations[H1471] bestir[H5782] themselves[H5927], and come up to the valley[H6010] of Jehoshaphat[H3092]; for there will I sit[H3427] to judge[H8199] all the nations[H1471] round about[H5439].

13. Put[H7971] ye in the sickle[H4038]; for the harvest[H7105] is ripe[H1310]: come[H935], tread[H3381] ye[H1660]; for the winepress is full[H4390], the vats[H3342] overflow[H7783]; for their wickedness[H7451] is great[H7227].

14. Multitudes[H1995], multitudes[H1995] in the valley[H6010] of decision[H2742]! for the day[H3117] of Jehovah[H3068] is near[H7138] in the valley[H6010] of decision[H2742].

15. The sun[H8121] and the moon[H3394] are darkened[H6937], and the stars[H3556] withdraw[H622] their shining[H5051].

16. And Jehovah[H3068] will roar[H7580] from Zion[H6726], and utter[H5414] his voice[H6963] from Jerusalem[H3389]; and the heavens[H8064] and the earth[H776] shall shake[H7493]: but Jehovah[H3068] will be a refuge[H4268] unto his people[H5971], and a stronghold[H4581] to the children[H1121] of Israel[H3478].

17. So shall ye know[H3045] that I am Jehovah[H3068] your God[H430], dwelling[H7931] in Zion[H6726] my holy[H6944] mountain[H2022]: then shall Jerusalem[H3389] be holy[H6944], and there shall no strangers[H2114] pass through her any more[H5674].

18. And it shall come to pass in that day[H3117], that the mountains[H2022] shall drop down[H5197] sweet wine[H6071], and the hills[H1389] shall flow[H3212] with milk[H2461], and all the brooks[H650] of Judah[H3063] shall flow[H3212] with waters[H4325]; and a fountain[H4599] shall come forth[H3318] from the house[H1004] of Jehovah[H3068], and shall water[H8248] the valley[H5158] of Shittim[H7851].

19. Egypt[H4714] shall be a desolation[H8077], and Edom[H123] shall be a desolate[H8077] wilderness[H4057], for the violence[H2555] done to the children[H1121] of Judah[H3063], because they have shed[H8210] innocent[H5355] blood[H1818] in their land[H776].

20. But Judah[H3063] shall abide[H3427] for ever[H5769], and Jerusalem[H3389] from generation[H1755] to generation[H1755].

21. And I will cleanse[H5352] their blood[H1818], that I have not cleansed[H5352]: for Jehovah[H3068] dwelleth[H7931] in Zion[H6726].

chapters: 1, 2, 3

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