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ASV_Strong : Hosea 8


1. Set the trumpet[H7782] to thy mouth[H2441]. As an eagle[H5404] he cometh against the house[H1004] of Jehovah[H3068], because they have transgressed[H5674] my covenant[H1285], and trespassed[H6586] against my law[H8451].

2. They[H3478] shall cry[H2199] unto me[H430], My God, we Israel know thee[H3045].

3. Israel[H3478] hath cast off[H2186] that which is good[H2896]: the enemy[H341] shall pursue him[H7291].

4. They have set up kings[H4427], but not by me[H7786]; they have made princes, and I knew[H3045] it not[H3701]: of their silver and their gold[H2091] have they made[H6213] them idols[H6091], that they may be cut off[H3772].

5. He hath cast[H2186] off thy calf[H5695], O Samaria[H8111]; mine anger[H639] is kindled[H2734] against them[H3808]: how long will it be ere they attain[H3201] to innocency[H5356]?

6. For from Israel[H3478] is even this[H2796]; the workman made[H6213] it[H430], and it is no God; yea[H5695], the calf of Samaria[H8111] shall be broken in pieces[H7616].

7. For they sow[H2232] the wind[H7307], and they shall reap[H7114] the whirlwind[H5492]: he hath no standing[H7054] grain[H6780]; the blade shall yield[H6213] no meal[H7058]; if[H194] so be it yield[H6213], strangers[H2114] shall swallow it up[H1104].

8. Israel[H3478] is swallowed up[H1104]: now are they among the nations[H1471] as a vessel[H3627] wherein none delighteth[H2656].

9. For they are gone up[H5927] to Assyria[H804], like a wild ass[H6501] alone[H909] by himself[H669]: Ephraim hath hired[H8566] lovers[H158].

10. Yea[H8566], though they hire among the nations[H1471], now will I gather[H6908] them[H4592]; and they begin to be diminished[H2490] by reason of the burden[H4853] of the king[H4428] of princes[H8269].

11. Because Ephraim[H669] hath multiplied[H7235] altars[H4196] for sinning[H2398], altars[H4196] have been unto him for sinning[H2398].

12. I wrote[H3789] for him the ten thousand things[H7230] of my law[H8451]; but they are counted[H2803] as a strange thing[H2114].

13. As for the sacrifices[H2076] of mine offerings[H1890], they sacrifice[H2077] flesh[H1320] and eat[H398] it[H3068]; but Jehovah accepteth[H7521] them not[H2142]: now will he remember their iniquity[H5771], and visit[H6485] their sins[H2403]; they shall return[H7725] to Egypt[H4714].

14. For Israel[H3478] hath forgotten[H7911] his Maker[H6213], and builded[H1129] palaces[H1964]; and Judah[H3063] hath multiplied[H7235] fortified[H1219] cities[H5892]: but I will send[H7971] a fire[H784] upon his cities[H5892], and it shall devour[H398] the castles thereof[H759].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

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