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ASV_Strong : Hosea 2


1. Say[H559] ye unto your brethren[H251], Ammi[H5971]; and to your sisters[H269], Ruhamah[H7355].

2. Contend[H7378] with your mother[H517], contend[H7378]; for she is not my wife[H802], neither am I her husband[H376]; and let her put away[H5493] her whoredoms[H2183] from her face[H6440], and her adulteries[H5005] from between her breasts[H7699];

3. lest I strip[H6584] her naked[H6174], and set[H3322] her as in the day[H3117] that she was born[H3205], and make[H7760] her as a wilderness[H4057], and set[H7896] her like a dry[H6723] land[H776], and slay[H4191] her with thirst[H6772].

4. Yea[H1121], upon her children will I have no mercy[H7355]; for they are children[H1121] of whoredom[H2183];

5. for their mother[H517] hath played the harlot[H2181]; she that conceived[H2029] them hath done shamefully[H3001]; for she said[H559], I will go[H3212] after[H310] my lovers[H157], that give[H5414] me my bread[H3899] and my water[H4325], my wool[H6785] and my flax[H6593], mine oil[H8081] and my drink[H8250].

6. Therefore[H7753], behold, I will hedge up thy way[H1870] with thorns[H5518], and I will build[H1443] a wall[H1447] against her[H4672], that she shall not find her paths[H5410].

7. And she shall follow[H7291] after her lovers[H157], but she shall not overtake[H5381] them[H1245]; and she shall seek them[H4672], but shall not find them[H559]: then shall she say, I will go[H3212] and return[H7725] to my first[H7223] husband[H376]; for then was it better[H2896] with me than now[H6258].

8. For she did not know[H3045] that I gave[H5414] her the grain[H1715], and the new wine[H8492], and the oil[H3323], and multiplied[H7235] unto her silver[H3701] and gold[H2091], which they used[H6213] for Baal[H1168].

9. Therefore will I take[H3947] back[H7725] my grain[H1715] in the time[H6256] thereof[H8492], and my new wine in the season[H4150] thereof[H5337], and will pluck away my wool[H6785] and my flax[H6593] which should have covered[H3680] her nakedness[H6172].

10. And now will I uncover[H1540] her lewdness[H5040] in the sight[H5869] of her lovers[H157], and none[H376] shall deliver[H5337] her out of my hand[H3027].

11. I will also cause all her mirth[H4885] to cease[H7673], her feasts[H2282], her new moons[H2320], and her sabbaths[H7676], and all her solemn assemblies[H4150].

12. And I will lay waste[H8074] her vines[H1612] and her fig-trees[H8384], whereof she hath said[H559], These are my hire[H866] that my lovers[H157] have given[H5414] me[H7760]; and I will make them a forest[H3293], and the beasts[H2416] of the field[H7704] shall eat them[H398].

13. And I will visit[H6485] upon her the days[H3117] of the Baalim[H1168], unto which she burned incense[H6999], when she decked[H5710] herself with her ear-rings[H5141] and her jewels[H2484], and went[H3212] after[H310] her lovers[H157], and forgat[H7911] me[H5002], saith Jehovah[H3068].

14. Therefore[H6601], behold, I will allure her[H3212], and bring her into the wilderness[H4057], and speak[H1696] comfortably unto her[H3820].

15. And I will give[H5414] her her vineyards[H3754] from thence[H6010], and the valley of Achor[H5911] for a door[H6607] of hope[H8615]; and she shall make answer[H6030] there[H3117], as in the days of her youth[H5271], and as in the day[H3117] when she came up[H5927] out of the land[H776] of Egypt[H4714].

16. And it shall be at that day[H3117], saith[H5002] Jehovah[H3068], that thou shalt call[H7121] me Ishi[H376], and shalt call[H7121] me no more Baali[H1180].

17. For I will take away[H5493] the names[H8034] of the Baalim[H1168] out of her mouth[H6310], and they shall no more be mentioned[H2142] by their name[H8034].

18. And in that day[H3117] will I make[H3772] a covenant[H1285] for them with the beasts[H2416] of the field[H7704], and with the birds[H5775] of the heavens[H8064], and with the creeping things[H7431] of the ground[H127]: and I will break[H7665] the bow[H7198] and the sword[H2719] and the battle[H4421] out of the land[H776], and will make them to lie down[H7901] safely[H983].

19. And I will betroth[H781] thee unto me for ever[H5769]; yea[H781], I will betroth thee unto me in righteousness[H6664], and in justice[H4941], and in lovingkindness[H2617], and in mercies[H7356].

20. I will even betroth[H781] thee unto me in faithfulness[H530]; and thou shalt know[H3045] Jehovah[H3068].

21. And it shall come to pass in that day[H3117], I will answer[H6030], saith[H5002] Jehovah[H3068], I will answer[H6030] the heavens[H8064], and they shall answer[H6030] the earth[H776];

22. and the earth[H776] shall answer[H6030] the grain[H1715], and the new wine[H8492], and the oil[H3323]; and they shall answer[H6030] Jezreel[H3157].

23. And I will sow[H2232] her unto me in the earth[H776]; and I will have mercy[H7355] upon her that had not obtained mercy[H7355]; and I will say[H559] to them that were not my people[H5971], Thou art my people[H5971]; and they shall say[H559], Thou art my God[H430].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14

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