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ASV_Strong : Jeremiah 38


1. And Shephatiah[H8203] the son[H1121] of Mattan[H4977], and Gedaliah[H1436] the son[H1121] of Pashhur[H6583], and Jucal[H3116] the son[H1121] of Shelemiah[H8018], and Pashhur[H6583] the son[H1121] of Malchijah[H4441], heard[H8085] the words[H1697] that Jeremiah[H3414] spake[H1696] unto all the people[H5971], saying[H559],

2. Thus saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068], He that abideth[H3427] in this city[H5892] shall die[H4191] by the sword[H2719], by the famine[H7458], and by the pestilence[H1698]; but he that goeth forth[H3318] to the Chaldeans[H3778] shall live[H2421], and his life[H5315] shall be unto him for a prey[H7998], and he shall live[H2421].

3. Thus saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068], This city[H5892] shall surely[H5414] be given[H5414] into the hand[H3027] of the army[H2428] of the king[H4428] of Babylon[H894], and he shall take it[H3920].

4. Then the princes[H8269] said[H559] unto the king[H4428], Let this man[H376], we pray thee[H4191], be put to death; forasmuch[H3651] as he weakeneth[H7503] the hands[H3027] of the men[H582] of war[H4421] that remain[H7604] in this city[H5892], and the hands[H3027] of all the people[H5971], in speaking[H1696] such words[H1697] unto them[H376]: for this man seeketh[H1875] not the welfare[H7965] of this people[H5971], but the hurt[H7451].

5. And Zedekiah[H6667] the king[H4428] said[H559], Behold[H3027], he is in your hand; for the king[H4428] is not he that can[H3201] do anything against you[H1697].

6. Then took[H3947] they Jeremiah[H3414], and cast[H7993] him into the dungeon[H953] of Malchijah[H4441] the king[H4428]'s son[H1121], that was in the court[H2691] of the guard[H4307]: and they let down[H7971] Jeremiah[H3414] with cords[H2256]. And in the dungeon[H953] there was no water[H4325], but mire[H2916]; and Jeremiah[H3414] sank[H2883] in the mire[H2916].

7. Now when Ebed-melech[H5663] the Ethiopian[H3569], a[H376] eunuch[H5631], who was in the king[H4428]'s house[H1004], heard[H8085] that they had put[H5414] Jeremiah[H3414] in the dungeon[H953] (the king[H4428] then sitting[H3427] in the gate[H8179] of Benjamin[H1144],)

8. Ebed-melech[H5663] went forth[H3318] out of the king[H4428]'s house[H1004], and spake[H1696] to the king[H4428], saying[H559],

9. My lord[H113] the king[H4428], these men[H582] have done evil[H7489] in all that they have done[H6213] to Jeremiah[H3414] the prophet[H5030], whom they have cast[H7993] into the dungeon[H953]; and he is like to die[H4191] in the place[H8478] where he is[H6440], because of the famine[H7458]; for there is no more bread[H3899] in the city[H5892].

10. Then the king[H4428] commanded[H6680] Ebed-melech[H5663] the Ethiopian[H3569], saying[H559], Take[H3947] from hence thirty[H7970] men[H582] with thee[H3027], and take up[H5927] Jeremiah[H3414] the prophet[H5030] out of the dungeon[H953], before he die[H4191].

11. So Ebed-melech[H5663] took[H3947] the men[H582] with him[H3027], and went[H935] into the house[H1004] of the king[H4428] under the treasury[H214], and took[H3947] thence rags[H5499] and worn-out[H1094] garments[H4418], and let them down[H7971] by cords[H2256] into the dungeon[H953] to Jeremiah[H3414].

12. And Ebed-melech[H5663] the Ethiopian[H3569] said[H559] unto Jeremiah[H3414], Put[H7760] now these rags[H5499] and worn-out[H1094] garments[H4418] under thine armholes[H679] under the cords[H2256]. And Jeremiah[H3414] did so[H6213].

13. So they drew up[H4900] Jeremiah[H3414] with the cords[H2256], and took him up[H5927] out of the dungeon[H953]: and Jeremiah[H3414] remained[H3427] in the court[H2691] of the guard[H4307].

14. Then Zedekiah[H6667] the king[H4428] sent[H7971], and took[H3947] Jeremiah[H3414] the prophet[H5030] unto him into the third[H7992] entry[H3996] that is in the house[H1004] of Jehovah[H3068]: and the king[H4428] said[H559] unto Jeremiah[H3414], I will ask[H7592] thee a thing[H1697]; hide nothing from me[H3582].

15. Then Jeremiah[H3414] said[H559] unto Zedekiah[H6667], If I declare[H5046] it unto thee[H4191], wilt thou not surely put me to death[H4191]? and if I give thee counsel[H3289], thou wilt not hearken unto me[H8085].

16. So Zedekiah[H6667] the king[H4428] sware[H7650] secretly[H5643] unto Jeremiah[H3414], saying[H559], As Jehovah[H3068] liveth[H2416], that made[H6213] us this soul[H5315], I will not put thee to death[H4191], neither will I give[H5414] thee into the hand[H3027] of these men[H582] that seek[H1245] thy life[H5315].

17. Then said[H559] Jeremiah[H3414] unto Zedekiah[H6667], Thus saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068], the God[H430] of hosts[H6635], the God[H430] of Israel[H3478]: If thou wilt[H3318] go forth[H3318] unto the king[H4428] of Babylon[H894]'s princes[H8269], then thy soul[H5315] shall live[H2421], and this city[H5892] shall not be burned[H8313] with fire[H784]; and thou shalt live[H2421], and thy house[H1004].

18. But if thou wilt not go forth[H3318] to the king[H4428] of Babylon[H894]'s princes[H8269], then shall this city[H5892] be given[H5414] into the hand[H3027] of the Chaldeans[H3778], and they shall burn[H8313] it with fire[H784], and thou shalt not escape out[H4422] of their hand[H3027].

19. And Zedekiah[H6667] the king[H4428] said[H559] unto Jeremiah[H3414], I am afraid[H1672] of the Jews[H3064] that are fallen[H5307] away to the Chaldeans[H3778], lest they deliver[H5414] me into their hand[H3027], and they mock me[H5953].

20. But Jeremiah[H3414] said[H559], They shall not deliver[H5414] thee[H8085]. Obey, I beseech thee[H6963], the voice of Jehovah[H3068], in that which I speak[H1696] unto thee[H3190]: so it shall be well with thee[H5315], and thy soul shall live[H2421].

21. But if thou refuse[H3986] to go forth[H3318], this is the word[H1697] that Jehovah[H3068] hath showed me[H7200]:

22. behold[H802], all the women that are left[H7604] in the king[H4428] of Judah[H3063]'s house[H1004] shall be brought forth[H3318] to the king[H4428] of Babylon[H894]'s princes[H8269], and those women shall say[H559], Thy familiar friends[H582] have set thee on[H5496], and have prevailed[H3201] over thee[H7272]: now that thy feet are sunk[H2883] in the mire[H1206], they are turned away[H5472] back[H268].

23. And they shall bring out[H3318] all thy wives[H802] and thy children[H1121] to the Chaldeans[H3778]; and thou shalt not escape out[H4422] of their hand[H3027], but shalt be taken[H8610] by the hand[H3027] of the king[H4428] of Babylon[H894]: and thou shalt cause this city[H5892] to be burned[H8313] with fire[H784].

24. Then said[H559] Zedekiah[H6667] unto Jeremiah[H3414], Let no man[H376] know[H3045] of these words[H1697], and thou shalt not die[H4191].

25. But if the princes[H8269] hear[H8085] that I have talked[H1696] with thee[H935], and they come unto thee[H559], and say unto thee[H5046], Declare unto us now what thou hast said[H1696] unto the king[H4428]; hide[H3582] it not from us[H4191], and we will not put thee to death; also what the king[H4428] said unto thee[H1696]:

26. then thou shalt say[H559] unto them[H5307], I presented my supplication[H8467] before[H6440] the king[H4428], that he would not cause me to return[H7725] to Jonathan[H3083]'s house[H1004], to die there[H4191].

27. Then came[H935] all the princes[H8269] unto Jeremiah[H3414], and asked[H7592] him[H5046]; and he told them according to all these words[H1697] that the king[H4428] had commanded[H6680]. So they left off speaking[H2790] with him[H1697]; for the matter was not perceived[H8085].

28. So Jeremiah[H3414] abode[H3427] in the court[H2691] of the guard[H4307] until the day[H3117] that Jerusalem[H3389] was taken[H3920].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52

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