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ASV_Strong : Jeremiah 27


1. In the beginning[H7225] of the reign[H4467] of Jehoiakim[H3079] the son[H1121] of Josiah[H2977], king[H4428] of Judah[H3063], came this word[H1697] unto Jeremiah[H3414] from Jehovah[H3068], saying[H559],

2. Thus saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068] to me[H6213]: Make thee bonds[H4147] and bars[H4133], and put[H5414] them upon thy neck[H6677];

3. and send[H7971] them to the king[H4428] of Edom[H123], and to the king[H4428] of Moab[H4124], and to the king[H4428] of the children of Ammon[H1121], and to the king[H4428] of Tyre[H6865], and to the king[H4428] of Sidon[H6721], by the hand[H3027] of the messengers[H4397] that come[H935] to Jerusalem[H3389] unto Zedekiah[H6667] king[H4428] of Judah[H3063];

4. and give them a charge[H6680] unto their masters[H113], saying[H559], Thus saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068] of hosts[H6635], the God[H430] of Israel[H3478], Thus shall ye say[H559] unto your masters[H113]:

5. I have made[H6213] the earth[H776], the men[H120] and the beasts[H929] that are upon[H6440] the face of the earth[H776], by my great[H1419] power[H3581] and by my outstretched[H5186] arm[H2220]; and I give[H5414] it unto whom it seemeth[H5869] right unto me[H3474].

6. And now have I given[H5414] all these lands[H776] into the hand[H3027] of Nebuchadnezzar[H5019] the king[H4428] of Babylon[H894], my servant[H5650]; and the beasts[H2416] of the field[H7704] also have I given[H5414] him to serve him[H5647].

7. And all the nations[H1471] shall serve[H5647] him[H1121], and his son, and his son[H1121]'s son[H1121], until the time[H6256] of his own land[H776] come[H935]: and then many[H7227] nations[H1471] and great[H1419] kings[H4428] shall make him their bondman[H5647].

8. And it shall come to pass[H1471], that the nation and the kingdom[H4467] which will not serve[H5647] the same Nebuchadnezzar[H5019] king[H4428] of Babylon[H894], and that will not put[H5414] their neck[H6677] under the yoke[H5923] of the king[H4428] of Babylon[H894], that nation[H1471] will I punish[H6485], saith[H5002] Jehovah[H3068], with the sword[H2719], and with the famine[H7458], and with the pestilence[H1698], until I have consumed[H8552] them by his hand[H3027].

9. But as for you[H8085], hearken ye not to your prophets[H5030], nor to your diviners[H7080], nor to your dreams[H2472], nor to your soothsayers[H6049], nor to your sorcerers[H3786], that speak[H559] unto you[H559], saying, Ye shall not serve[H5647] the king[H4428] of Babylon[H894]:

10. for they prophesy[H5012] a lie[H8267] unto you[H7368], to remove you far from your land[H127], and that I should drive you out[H5080], and ye should perish[H6].

11. But the nation[H1471] that shall bring[H935] their neck[H6677] under the yoke[H5923] of the king[H4428] of Babylon[H894], and serve[H5647] him[H3240], that nation will I let remain in their own land[H127], saith[H5002] Jehovah[H3068]; and they shall till[H5647] it[H3427], and dwell therein.

12. And I spake[H1696] to Zedekiah[H6667] king[H4428] of Judah[H3063] according to all these words[H1697], saying[H559], Bring[H935] your necks[H6677] under the yoke[H5923] of the king[H4428] of Babylon[H894], and serve[H5647] him and his people[H5971], and live[H2421].

13. Why will ye die[H4191], thou and thy people[H5971], by the sword[H2719], by the famine[H7458], and by the pestilence[H1698], as Jehovah[H3068] hath spoken[H1696] concerning the nation[H1471] that will not serve[H5647] the king[H4428] of Babylon[H894]?

14. And hearken[H8085] not unto the words[H1697] of the prophets[H5030] that speak[H559] unto you[H559], saying, Ye shall not serve[H5647] the king[H4428] of Babylon[H894]; for they prophesy[H5012] a lie unto you[H8267].

15. For I have not sent[H7971] them[H5002], saith Jehovah[H3068], but they prophesy[H5012] falsely[H8267] in my name[H8034]; that I may drive you out[H5080], and that ye may perish[H6], ye[H5030], and the prophets that prophesy unto you[H5012].

16. Also I spake[H1696] to the priests[H3548] and to all this people[H5971], saying[H559], Thus saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068]: Hearken[H8085] not to the words[H1697] of your prophets[H5030] that prophesy[H5012] unto you[H559], saying, Behold[H3627], the vessels of Jehovah[H3068]'s house[H1004] shall now shortly[H4120] be brought again[H7725] from Babylon[H894]; for they prophesy[H5012] a lie unto you[H8267].

17. Hearken[H8085] not unto them[H5647]; serve the king[H4428] of Babylon[H894], and live[H2421]: wherefore should this city[H5892] become a desolation[H2723]?

18. But if they be prophets[H5030], and if the word[H1697] of Jehovah[H3068] be[H3426] with them[H6293], let them now make intercession to Jehovah[H3068] of hosts[H6635], that the vessels[H3627] which are left[H3498] in the house[H1004] of Jehovah[H3068], and in the house[H1004] of the king[H4428] of Judah[H3063], and at Jerusalem[H3389], go[H935] not to Babylon[H894].

19. For thus saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068] of hosts[H6635] concerning the pillars[H5982], and concerning the sea[H3220], and concerning the bases[H4350], and concerning the residue[H3499] of the vessels[H3627] that are left[H3498] in this city[H5892],

20. which Nebuchadnezzar[H5019] king[H4428] of Babylon[H894] took[H3947] not[H1540], when he carried away captive Jeconiah[H3204] the son[H1121] of Jehoiakim[H3079], king[H4428] of Judah[H3063], from Jerusalem[H3389] to Babylon[H894], and all the nobles[H2715] of Judah[H3063] and Jerusalem[H3389];

21. yea[H559], thus saith Jehovah[H3068] of hosts[H6635], the God[H430] of Israel[H3478], concerning the vessels[H3627] that are left[H3498] in the house[H1004] of Jehovah[H3068], and in the house[H1004] of the king[H4428] of Judah[H3063], and at Jerusalem[H3389]:

22. They shall be carried[H935] to Babylon[H894], and there shall they be[H3117], until the day that I visit[H6485] them[H5002], saith Jehovah[H3068]; then will I bring[H5927] them up[H7725], and restore them to this place[H4725].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52

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