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ASV_Strong : Isaiah 41


1. Keep silence[H2790] before me[H339], O islands; and let the peoples[H3816] renew[H2498] their strength[H3581]: let them come near[H5066]; then let them speak[H1696]; let us come near[H7126] together[H3162] to judgment[H4941].

2. Who hath raised up[H5782] one from the east[H4217], whom he calleth[H7121] in righteousness[H6664] to his foot[H7272]? he giveth[H5414] nations[H1471] before[H6440] him[H7287], and maketh him rule over kings[H4428]; he giveth[H5414] them as the dust[H6083] to his sword[H2719], as the driven[H5086] stubble[H7179] to his bow[H7198].

3. He pursueth[H7291] them[H5674], and passeth on safely[H7965], even by a way[H734] that he had not gone[H935] with his feet[H7272].

4. Who hath wrought[H6466] and done[H6213] it[H7121], calling the generations[H1755] from the beginning[H7218]? I[H3068], Jehovah, the first[H7223], and with the last[H314], I am he.

5. The isles[H339] have seen[H7200], and fear[H3372]; the ends[H7098] of the earth[H776] tremble[H2729]; they draw near[H7126], and come[H857].

6. They help[H5826] every one[H376] his neighbor[H7453]; and every one saith[H559] to his brother[H251], Be of good courage[H2388].

7. So the carpenter[H2796] encourageth[H2388] the goldsmith[H6884], and he that smootheth[H2505] with the hammer[H6360] him that smiteth[H1986] the anvil[H6471], saying[H559] of the soldering[H1694], It is good[H2896]; and he fasteneth[H2388] it with nails[H4548], that it should not be moved[H4131].

8. But thou[H3478], Israel, my servant[H5650], Jacob[H3290] whom I have chosen[H977], the seed[H2233] of Abraham[H85] my friend[H157],

9. thou whom I have taken[H2388] hold of from the ends[H7098] of the earth[H776], and called[H7121] from the corners[H678] thereof[H559], and said unto thee[H5650], Thou art my servant, I have chosen[H977] thee and not cast thee away[H3988];

10. Fear[H3372] thou not[H8159], for I am with thee; be not dismayed, for I am thy God[H430]; I will strengthen[H553] thee[H5826]; yea, I will help thee[H8551]; yea, I will uphold thee with the right hand[H3225] of my righteousness[H6664].

11. Behold[H2734], all they that are incensed against thee shall be put to shame[H3637] and confounded[H954]: they[H582] that strive[H7379] with thee shall be as nothing[H6], and shall perish.

12. Thou shalt seek[H1245] them[H4672], and shalt not find them[H582], even them that contend[H4695] with thee[H4421]: they that war against thee shall be as nothing[H657], and as a thing of nought.

13. For I[H3068], Jehovah thy God[H430], will hold[H2388] thy right hand[H3225], saying[H559] unto thee[H3372], Fear not[H5826]; I will help thee.

14. Fear[H3372] not[H8438], thou worm Jacob[H3290], and ye men[H4962] of Israel[H3478]; I will help[H5826] thee[H5002], saith Jehovah[H3068], and thy Redeemer[H1350] is the Holy One[H6918] of Israel[H3478].

15. Behold[H7760], I have made thee to be a new[H2319] sharp[H2742] threshing[H4173] instrument having[H1167] teeth[H6374]; thou shalt thresh[H1758] the mountains[H2022], and beat them small[H1854], and shalt make[H7760] the hills[H1389] as chaff[H4671].

16. Thou shalt winnow[H2219] them[H7307], and the wind shall carry them away[H5375], and the whirlwind[H5591] shall scatter[H6327] them[H1523]; and thou shalt rejoice in Jehovah[H3068], thou shalt glory[H1984] in the Holy One[H6918] of Israel[H3478].

17. The poor[H6041] and needy[H34] seek[H1245] water[H4325], and there is none[H3956], and their tongue faileth[H5405] for thirst[H6772]; I[H3068], Jehovah, will answer[H6030] them[H430], I, the God of Israel[H3478], will not forsake them[H5800].

18. I will open[H6605] rivers[H5104] on the bare heights[H8205], and fountains[H4599] in the midst[H8432] of the valleys[H1237]; I will make[H7760] the wilderness[H4057] a pool[H98] of water[H4325], and the dry[H6723] land[H776] springs[H4161] of water[H4325].

19. I will put[H5414] in the wilderness[H4057] the cedar[H730], the acacia[H7848], and the myrtle[H1918], and the oil[H8081] - tree[H6086]; I will set[H7760] in the desert[H6160] the fir-tree[H1265], the pine[H8410], and the box-tree[H8391] together[H3162]:

20. that they may see[H7200], and know[H3045], and consider[H7760], and understand[H7919] together[H3162], that the hand[H3027] of Jehovah[H3068] hath done[H6213] this[H6918], and the Holy One of Israel[H3478] hath created it[H1254].

21. Produce[H7126] your cause[H7379], saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068]; bring forth[H5066] your strong[H6110] reasons[H559], saith the King[H4428] of Jacob[H3290].

22. Let them bring forth[H5066], and declare[H5046] unto us what shall happen[H7136]: declare[H5046] ye the former things[H7223], what they are[H7760], that we may consider them[H3045], and know the latter end[H319] of them[H8085]; or show us things to come[H935].

23. Declare[H5046] the things that are to come[H857] hereafter[H268], that we may know[H3045] that ye are gods[H430]: yea[H3190], do good, or do evil[H7489], that we may be dismayed[H8159], and behold[H7200] it together[H3162].

24. Behold[H369], ye are of nothing, and your work[H6467] is of nought[H659]; an abomination[H8441] is he that chooseth you[H977].

25. I have raised up[H5782] one from the north[H6828], and he is come[H857]; from the rising[H4217] of the sun[H8121] one that calleth[H7121] upon my name[H8034]: and he shall come[H935] upon rulers[H5461] as upon mortar[H2563], and as the potter[H3335] treadeth[H7429] clay[H2916].

26. Who hath declared[H5046] it from the beginning[H7218], that we may know[H3045]? and beforetime[H6440], that we may say[H559], He is right[H6662]? yea[H5046], there is none that declareth, yea[H8085], there is none that showeth, yea[H8085], there is none that heareth your words[H561].

27. I am the first[H7223] that saith unto Zion[H6726], Behold[H2009], behold[H2009] them[H5414]; and I will give to Jerusalem[H3389] one that bringeth good tidings[H1319].

28. And when I look[H7200], there is no man[H376]: even among them there is no counsellor[H3289], that[H7592], when I ask of them[H7725], can answer a word[H1697].

29. Behold[H4639], all of them, their works are vanity[H205] and nought[H657]; their molten images[H5262] are wind[H7307] and confusion[H8414].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66

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