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ASV_Strong : Isaiah 38


1. In those days[H3117] was Hezekiah[H2396] sick[H2470] unto death[H4191]. And Isaiah[H3470] the prophet[H5030] the son[H1121] of Amoz[H531] came[H935] to him[H559], and said unto him[H559], Thus saith Jehovah[H3068], Set thy house[H1004] in order[H6680]; for thou shalt die[H4191], and not live[H2421].

2. Then Hezekiah[H2396] turned[H5437] his face[H6440] to the wall[H7023], and prayed[H6419] unto Jehovah[H3068],

3. and said[H559], Remember[H2142] now[H3068], O Jehovah, I beseech[H577] thee[H1980], how I have walked before[H6440] thee in truth[H571] and with a perfect[H8003] heart[H3820], and have done[H6213] that which is good[H2896] in thy sight[H5869]. And Hezekiah[H2396] wept[H1058] sore[H1419].

4. Then came the word[H1697] of Jehovah[H3068] to Isaiah[H3470], saying[H559],

5. Go[H1980], and say[H559] to Hezekiah[H2396], Thus saith[H559] Jehovah[H3068], the God[H430] of David[H1732] thy father[H1], I have heard[H8085] thy prayer[H8605], I have seen[H7200] thy tears[H1832]: behold[H3254], I will add unto thy days[H3117] fifteen[H2568] years[H8141].

6. And I will deliver[H5337] thee and this city[H5892] out of the hand[H3709] of the king[H4428] of Assyria[H804]; and I will defend[H1598] this city[H5892].

7. And this shall be the sign[H226] unto thee from Jehovah[H3068], that Jehovah[H3068] will do[H6213] this thing[H1697] that he hath spoken[H1696]:

8. behold[H6738], I will cause the shadow on the steps[H4609], which is gone down[H3381] on the[H8121] dial[H4609] of Ahaz[H271] with the sun[H7725], to return backward[H322] ten[H6235] steps[H4609]. So the sun[H8121] returned[H7725] ten[H6235] steps[H4609] on the dial whereon[H4609] it was gone down[H3381].

9. The writing[H4385] of Hezekiah[H2396] king[H4428] of Judah[H3063], when he had been sick[H2470], and was recovered[H2421] of his sickness[H2483].

10. I said[H559], In the noontide[H1824] of my days[H3117] I shall go[H3212] into the gates[H8179] of Sheol[H7585]: I am deprived[H6485] of the residue[H3499] of my years[H8141].

11. I said[H559], I shall not see[H7200] Jehovah[H3050], even Jehovah[H3050] in the land[H776] of the living[H2416]: I shall behold[H5027] man[H120] no more with the inhabitants[H3427] of the world[H2309].

12. My dwelling[H1755] is removed[H5265], and is carried[H1540] away from me as a shepherd[H7473]'s tent[H168]: I have rolled[H7088] up[H707], like a weaver, my life[H2416]; he will cut me off[H1214] from the loom[H1803]: From day[H3117] even to night[H3915] wilt thou make an end of me[H7999].

13. I quieted[H7737] myself until morning[H1242]; as a lion[H738], so he breaketh[H7665] all my bones[H6106]: From day[H3117] even to night[H3915] wilt thou make an end of me[H7999].

14. Like a swallow[H5693] or a crane[H5483], so did I chatter[H6850]; I did moan[H1897] as a dove[H3123]; mine eyes[H5869] fail[H1809] with looking upward[H4791]: O Lord[H3068], I am oppressed[H6234], be thou my surety[H6148].

15. What shall I say[H1696]? he hath both spoken[H559] unto me[H6213], and himself hath done it[H1718]: I shall go softly all my years[H8141] because of the bitterness[H4751] of my soul[H5315].

16. O Lord[H136], by these things men live[H2421]; And wholly therein is the life[H2416] of my spirit[H7307]: Wherefore recover[H2492] thou me[H2421], and make me to live.

17. Behold[H7965], it was for my peace that I had great bitterness[H4751]: But thou hast in love[H2836] to my soul[H5315] delivered it from the pit[H7845] of corruption[H1097]; For thou hast cast[H7993] all my sins[H2399] behind[H310] thy back[H1460].

18. For Sheol[H7585] cannot praise[H3034] thee[H4194], death cannot celebrate[H1984] thee[H3381]: They that go down into the pit[H953] cannot hope[H7663] for thy truth[H571].

19. The living[H2416], the living[H2416], he shall praise[H3034] thee[H3117], as I do this day: The father[H1] to the children[H1121] shall make known[H3045] thy truth[H571].

20. Jehovah[H3068] is ready to save[H3467] me[H5058]: Therefore we will sing my songs with stringed instruments[H5059] All the days[H3117] of our life[H2416] in the house[H1004] of Jehovah[H3068].

21. Now Isaiah[H3470] had said[H559], Let them take[H5375] a cake[H1690] of figs[H8384], and lay it for a plaster[H4799] upon the boil[H7822], and he shall recover[H2421].

22. Hezekiah[H2396] also had said[H559], What is the sign[H226] that I shall go up[H5927] to the house[H1004] of Jehovah[H3068]?

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66

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