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ASV_Strong : Isaiah 10


1. Woe[H1945] unto them that decree[H2710] unrighteous[H205] decrees[H2711], and to the writers[H3789] that write[H3789] perverseness[H5999];

2. to turn aside[H5186] the needy[H1800] from justice[H1779], and to rob[H1497] the poor[H6041] of my people[H5971] of their right[H4941], that widows[H490] may be their spoil[H7998], and that they may make the fatherless[H3490] their prey[H962]!

3. And what will ye do[H6213] in the day[H3117] of visitation[H6486], and in the desolation[H7722] which shall come[H935] from far[H4801]? to whom will ye flee[H5127] for help[H5833]? and where will ye leave[H5800] your glory[H3519]?

4. They shall[H1115] only bow down[H3766] under the prisoners[H616], and shall fall[H5307] under the slain[H2026]. For all this his anger[H639] is not turned away[H7725], but his hand[H3027] is stretched out still[H5186].

5. Ho Assyrian[H804], the rod[H7626] of[H1945] mine anger[H639], the staff[H4294] in whose hand[H3027] is mine indignation[H2195]!

6. I will send[H7971] him against a profane[H2611] nation[H1471], and against the people[H5971] of my wrath[H5678] will I give him a charge[H6680], to take[H7997] the spoil[H7998], and to take[H962] the prey[H957], and to tread them down[H7760] like the mire[H2563] of the streets[H2351].

7. Howbeit he meaneth[H1819] not so[H3824], neither doth his heart think[H2803] so[H3824]; but it is in his heart to destroy[H8045], and to cut off[H3772] nations[H1471] not a few[H4592].

8. For he saith[H559], Are not my princes[H8269] all[H3162] of them kings[H4428]?

9. Is not Calno[H3641] as Carchemish[H3751]? is not Hamath[H2574] as Arpad[H774]? is not Samaria[H8111] as Damascus[H1834]?

10. As my hand[H3027] hath found[H4672] the kingdoms[H4467] of the idols[H457], whose graven images[H6456] did excel them of Jerusalem[H3389] and of Samaria[H8111];

11. shall I not[H6213], as I have done unto Samaria[H8111] and her idols[H457], so do[H6213] to Jerusalem[H3389] and her idols[H6091]?

12. Wherefore it shall come to pass[H136], that, when the Lord hath performed[H1214] his whole work[H4639] upon mount[H2022] Zion[H6726] and on Jerusalem[H3389], I will punish[H6485] the fruit[H6529] of the stout[H1433] heart[H3824] of the king[H4428] of Assyria[H804], and the glory[H8597] of his high[H7312] looks[H5869].

13. For he hath said[H559], By the strength[H3581] of my hand[H3027] I have done[H6213] it[H2451], and by my wisdom; for I have understanding[H2451]: and I have removed[H5493] the bounds[H1367] of the peoples[H5971], and have robbed[H8154] their treasures[H6259], and like a valiant[H47] man I have brought down[H3381] them that sit on thrones[H3427]:

14. and my hand[H3027] hath found[H4672] as a nest[H7064] the riches[H2428] of the peoples[H5971]; and as one gathereth[H622] eggs[H1000] that are forsaken[H5800], have I gathered[H622] all the earth[H776]: and there was none that moved[H5074] the wing[H3671], or that opened[H6475] the mouth[H6310], or chirped[H6850].

15. Shall the axe[H1631] boast[H6286] itself against him that heweth[H2672] therewith[H4883]? shall the saw magnify[H1431] itself against him that wieldeth[H5130] it[H7626]? as if a rod should wield[H5130] them that lift it up[H7311], or as if a staff[H4294] should lift up[H7311] him that is not wood[H6086].

16. Therefore will the Lord[H113], Jehovah[H136] of hosts[H6635], send[H7971] among his fat ones[H4924] leanness[H7332]; and under his glory[H3519] there shall be kindled[H3344] a burning[H3350] like the burning of fire[H784].

17. And the light[H216] of Israel[H3478] will be for a fire[H784], and his Holy One[H6918] for a flame[H3852]; and it will burn[H1197] and devour[H398] his thorns[H7898] and his briers[H8068] in one[H259] day[H3117].

18. And he will consume[H3615] the glory[H3519] of his forest[H3293], and of his fruitful field[H3759], both soul[H5315] and body[H1320]: and it shall be as when a standard-bearer[H5263] fainteth[H4549].

19. And the remnant[H7605] of the trees[H6086] of his forest[H3293] shall be few[H4557], so that a child[H5288] may write them[H3789].

20. And it shall come to pass in that day[H3117], that the remnant[H7605] of Israel[H3478], and they that are escaped[H6413] of the house[H1004] of Jacob[H3290], shall no more again[H3254] lean[H8172] upon him that smote[H5221] them[H8172], but shall lean upon Jehovah[H3068], the Holy One[H6918] of Israel[H3478], in truth[H571].

21. A remnant[H7605] shall return[H7725], even the remnant[H7605] of Jacob[H3290], unto the mighty[H1368] God[H410].

22. For though thy people[H5971], Israel[H3478], be as the sand[H2344] of the sea[H3220], only a remnant[H7605] of them shall return[H7725]: a destruction[H3631] is determined[H2782], overflowing[H7857] with righteousness[H6666].

23. For a full end[H3617], and that determined[H2782], will the Lord[H136], Jehovah[H3069] of hosts[H6635], make[H6213] in the midst[H7130] of all the earth[H776].

24. Therefore thus saith[H559] the Lord[H136], Jehovah[H3069] of hosts[H6635], O my people[H5971] that dwellest[H3427] in Zion[H6726], be not afraid[H3372] of the Assyrian[H804], though he smite[H5221] thee with the rod[H7626], and lift up[H5375] his staff[H4294] against thee[H1870], after the manner of Egypt[H4714].

25. For yet a very[H4213] little while[H4592], and the indignation[H2195] against thee shall be accomplished[H3615], and mine anger[H639] shall be directed to his destruction[H8399].

26. And Jehovah[H3068] of hosts[H6635] will stir up[H5782] against him a scourge[H7752], as in the slaughter[H4347] of Midian[H4080] at the rock[H6697] of Oreb[H6159]: and his rod[H4294] will be over the sea[H3220], and he will lift it up[H5375] after the manner[H1870] of Egypt[H4714].

27. And it shall come to pass in that day[H3117], that his burden[H5448] shall depart from off[H5493] thy shoulder[H7926], and his yoke[H5923] from off thy neck[H6677], and the yoke[H5923] shall be destroyed[H2254] by reason[H6440] of fatness[H8081].

28. He is come[H935] to Aiath[H5857], he is passed[H5674] through Migron[H4051]; at Michmash[H4363] he layeth up[H6485] his baggage[H3627];

29. they are gone over[H5674] the pass[H4569]; they have taken up their lodging[H4411] at Geba[H1387]; Ramah[H7414] trembleth[H2729]; Gibeah[H1390] of Saul[H7586] is fled[H5127].

30. Cry[H6963] aloud[H6670] with thy voice[H6963], O daughter[H1323] of[H1530] Gallim[H1554]! hearken[H7181], O Laishah[H6041]! O thou poor Anathoth[H6068]!

31. Madmenah[H4088] is a fugitive[H5074]; the inhabitants[H3427] of Gebim[H1374] flee for safety[H5756].

32. This very day[H3117] shall he halt[H5975] at Nob[H5011]: he shaketh[H5130] his hand[H3027] at the mount[H2022] of the daughter[H1323] of Zion[H6726], the hill[H1389] of Jerusalem[H3389].

33. Behold[H113], the Lord, Jehovah[H3068] of hosts[H6635], will lop[H5586] the boughs[H6288] with terror[H4637]: and the high[H7311] of stature[H6967] shall be hewn down[H1438], and the lofty[H1364] shall be brought low[H1438].

34. And he will cut down[H5362] the thickets[H5442] of the forest[H3293] with iron[H1270], and Lebanon[H3844] shall fall[H5307] by a mighty one[H117].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66

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