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ASV_Strong : Proverbs 29


1. He[H376] that being often reproved[H8433] hardeneth[H7185] his neck[H6203] Shall suddenly[H6621] be destroyed[H7665], and that without remedy[H4832].

2. When the righteous[H6662] are increased[H7235], the people[H5971] rejoice[H8055]; But when a wicked[H7563] man beareth rule[H4910], the people[H5971] sigh[H584].

3. Whoso[H376] loveth[H157] wisdom[H2451] rejoiceth[H8055] his father[H1]; But he that keepeth company[H7462] with harlots[H2181] wasteth[H6] his substance[H1952].

4. The king[H4428] by justice[H4941] establisheth[H5975] the land[H776]; But he[H376] that exacteth gifts[H8641] overthroweth it[H2040].

5. A man[H1397] that flattereth[H2505] his neighbor[H7453] Spreadeth[H6566] a net[H7568] for his steps[H6471].

6. In the transgression[H6588] of an evil[H7451] man[H376] there is a snare[H4170]; But the righteous[H6662] doth sing[H7442] and rejoice[H8056].

7. The righteous[H6662] taketh[H3045] knowledge of the cause[H1779] of the poor[H1800]; The wicked[H7563] hath not understanding[H995] to know it[H1847].

8. Scoffers[H3944, 582] set[H6315] a city[H7151] in a flame[H6315]; But wise[H2450] men turn away[H7725] wrath[H639].

9. If a wise[H2450] man[H376] hath a controversy[H8199] with a foolish[H191] man[H376], Whether he be angry[H7264] or laugh[H7832], there will be no rest[H5183].

10. The bloodthirsty[H582] hate[H8130] him that is perfect[H8535]; And as for the upright[H3477], they seek[H1245] his life[H5315].

11. A fool[H3684] uttereth[H3318] all his anger[H7307]; But a wise[H2450] man keepeth[H7623] it back and stilleth it[H268].

12. If a ruler[H4910] hearkeneth[H7181] to falsehood[H1697], All his servants[H8334] are wicked[H7563].

13. The poor[H7326] man[H376] and the oppressor[H8501] meet together[H6298]; Jehovah[H3068] lighteneth[H215] the eyes[H5869] of them both[H8147].

14. The king[H4428] that faithfully[H571] judgeth[H8199] the poor[H1800], His throne[H3678] shall be established[H3559] for ever[H5703].

15. The rod[H7626] and reproof[H8433] give[H5414] wisdom[H2451]; But a child[H5288] left[H7971] to himself causeth shame[H954] to his mother[H517].

16. When the wicked[H7563] are increased[H7235], transgression[H6588] increaseth[H7235]; But the righteous[H6662] shall look[H7200] upon their fall[H4658].

17. Correct[H3256] thy son[H1121], and he will give thee rest[H5117]; Yea[H5414], he will give delight[H4574] unto thy soul[H5315].

18. Where there is no vision[H2377], the people[H5971] cast off restraint[H6544]; But he that keepeth[H8104] the law[H8451], happy is he[H835].

19. A servant[H5650] will not be corrected[H3256] by words[H1697]; For though he understand[H995], he will not give heed[H4617].

20. Seest[H2372] thou a man[H376] that is hasty[H213] in his words[H1697]? There is more hope[H8615] of a fool than of him[H3684].

21. He that delicately bringeth up[H6445] his servant[H5650] from a child[H5290] Shall have him become a son[H4497] at the last[H319].

22. An angry[H639] man[H376] stirreth up[H1624] strife[H4066], And a wrathful[H2534] man[H1167] aboundeth in[H7227] transgression[H6588].

23. A man[H120]'s pride[H1346] shall bring him low[H8213]; But he that is of a lowly[H8217] spirit[H7307] shall obtain[H8551] honor[H3519].

24. Whoso is partner[H2505] with a thief[H1590] hateth[H8130] his own soul[H5315]; He heareth[H8085] the adjuration[H423] and uttereth nothing[H5046].

25. The fear[H2731] of man[H120] bringeth[H5414] a snare[H4170]; But whoso putteth his trust[H982] in Jehovah[H3068] shall be safe[H7682].

26. Many[H7227] seek[H1245] the ruler[H4910]'s favor[H6440]; But a man[H376]'s judgment[H4941] cometh from Jehovah[H3068].

27. An unjust[H5766] man[H376] is an abomination[H8441] to the righteous[H6662]; And he that is upright[H3477] in the way[H1870] is an abomination[H8441] to the wicked[H7563].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31

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