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ASV_Strong : Proverbs 11


1. A false[H4820] balance[H3976] is an abomination[H8441] to Jehovah[H3068]; But a just[H8003] weight[H68] is his delight[H7522].

2. When pride[H2087] cometh[H935], then cometh[H935] shame[H7036]; But with the lowly[H6800] is wisdom[H2451].

3. The integrity[H8538] of the upright[H3477] shall guide[H5148] them[H5558]; But the perverseness of the treacherous[H898] shall destroy them[H7703].

4. Riches[H1952] profit[H3276] not in the day[H3117] of wrath[H5678]; But righteousness[H6666] delivereth[H5337] from death[H4194].

5. The righteousness[H6666] of the perfect[H8549] shall direct[H3474] his way[H1870]; But the wicked[H7563] shall fall[H5307] by his own wickedness[H7564].

6. The righteousness[H6666] of the upright[H3477] shall deliver[H5337] them[H898]; But the treacherous shall be taken[H3920] in their own iniquity[H1942].

7. When a wicked[H7563] man[H120] dieth[H4194], his expectation[H8615] shall perish[H6]; And the hope[H8431] of iniquity[H205] perisheth[H6].

8. The righteous[H6662] is delivered out[H2502] of trouble[H6869], And the wicked[H7563] cometh in his stead[H935].

9. With his mouth[H6310] the godless[H2611] man destroyeth[H7843] his neighbor[H7453]; But through knowledge[H1847] shall the righteous[H6662] be delivered[H2502].

10. When it goeth well[H2898] with the righteous[H6662], the city[H7151] rejoiceth[H5970]; And when the wicked[H7563] perish[H6], there is shouting[H7440].

11. By the blessing[H1293] of the upright[H3477] the city[H7176] is exalted[H7311]; But it is overthrown[H2040] by the mouth[H6310] of the wicked[H7563].

12. He that despiseth[H936] his neighbor[H7453] is void[H2638] of wisdom[H3820]; But a man[H376] of understanding[H8394] holdeth his peace[H2790].

13. He that goeth about as a tale-bearer[H1980] revealeth[H1540] secrets[H5475]; But he that is of a faithful[H539] spirit[H7307] concealeth[H3680] a matter[H1697].

14. Where no wise guidance[H8458] is[H5971], the people falleth[H5307]; But in the multitude[H5971] of counsellors[H3289] there is safety[H8668].

15. He that is surety[H6148] for a stranger[H2114] shall smart[H7321] for it[H8130]; But he that hateth suretyship[H8628] is secure[H982].

16. A gracious[H2580] woman[H802] obtaineth[H8551] honor[H3519]; And violent[H6184] men obtain[H8551] riches[H6239].

17. The merciful[H2617] man[H376] doeth good[H1580] to his own soul[H5315]; But he that is cruel[H394] troubleth[H5916] his own flesh[H7607].

18. The wicked[H7563] earneth[H6213] deceitful[H8267] wages[H6468]; But he that soweth[H2232] righteousness[H6666] hath a sure[H571] reward[H7938].

19. He that is stedfast in righteousness[H6666] shall attain unto life[H2416]; And he that pursueth[H7291] evil[H7451] doeth it to his own death[H4194].

20. They that are perverse[H6141] in heart[H3820] are an abomination[H8441] to Jehovah[H3068]; But such as are perfect[H8549] in their way[H1870] are his delight[H7522].

21. Though hand[H3027] join in hand[H3027], the evil[H7451] man shall not be unpunished[H5352]; But the seed[H2233] of the righteous[H6662] shall be delivered[H4422].

22. As a ring[H5141] of gold[H2091] in a swine[H2386]'s snout[H639], So is a fair[H3303] woman[H802] that is without[H5493] discretion[H2940].

23. The desire[H8378] of the righteous[H6662] is only good[H2896]; But the expectation[H8615] of the wicked[H7563] is wrath[H5678].

24. There is[H3426] that scattereth[H6340], and increaseth[H3254] yet more[H2820]; And there is that withholdeth more than is meet[H3476], but it tendeth only to want[H4270].

25. The liberal[H1293] soul[H5315] shall be made fat[H1878]; And he that watereth[H7301] shall be watered also himself[H3384].

26. He that withholdeth[H4513] grain[H1250], the people[H3816] shall curse[H5344] him[H1293]; But blessing shall be upon the head[H7218] of him that selleth it[H7666].

27. He that diligently seeketh[H7836] good[H2896] seeketh[H1875] favor[H7522]; But he that searcheth[H1875] after evil[H7451], it shall come unto him[H935].

28. He that trusteth[H982] in his riches[H6239] shall fall[H5307]; But the righteous[H6662] shall flourish[H6524] as the green leaf[H5929].

29. He that troubleth[H5916] his own house[H1004] shall inherit[H5157] the wind[H7307]; And the foolish[H191] shall be servant[H5650] to the wise[H2450] of heart[H3820].

30. The fruit[H6529] of the righteous[H6662] is a tree[H6086] of life[H2416]; And he that is wise[H2450] winneth[H3947] souls[H5315].

31. Behold[H6662], the righteous shall be recompensed[H7999] in the earth[H776]: How much more the wicked[H7563] and the sinner[H2398]!

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31

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