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ASV_Strong : Nehemiah 12


1. Now these are the priests[H3548] and the Levites[H3881] that went up[H5927] with Zerubbabel[H2216] the son[H1121] of Shealtiel[H7597], and Jeshua[H3442]: Seraiah[H8304], Jeremiah[H3414], Ezra[H5830],

2. Amariah[H568], Malluch[H4409], Hattush[H2407],

3. Shecaniah[H7935], Rehum[H7348], Meremoth[H4822],

4. Iddo[H5714], Ginnethoi[H1599], Abijah[H29],

5. Mijamin[H4326], Maadiah[H4573], Bilgah[H1083],

6. Shemaiah[H8098], and Joiarib[H3114], Jedaiah[H3048].

7. Sallu[H5543], Amok[H5987], Hilkiah[H2518], Jedaiah[H3048]. These were the chiefs[H7218] of the priests[H3548] and of their brethren[H251] in the days[H3117] of Jeshua[H3442].

8. Moreover the Levites[H3881]: Jeshua[H3442], Binnui[H1131], Kadmiel[H6934], Sherebiah[H8274], Judah[H3063], and Mattaniah[H4983], who was over the thanksgiving[H1960], he and his brethren[H251].

9. Also Bakbukiah[H1229] and Unno[H6042], their brethren[H251], were over against them according to their offices[H4931].

10. And Jeshua[H3442] begat[H3205] Joiakim[H3113], and Joiakim[H3113] begat[H3205] Eliashib[H475], and Eliashib[H475] begat[H3205] Joiada[H3111],

11. and Joiada[H3111] begat[H3205] Jonathan[H3129], and Jonathan[H3129] begat[H3205] Jaddua[H3037].

12. And in the days[H3117] of Joiakim[H3113] were priests[H3548], heads[H7218] of fathers[H1]' houses[H8304]: of Seraiah, Meraiah[H4811]; of Jeremiah[H3414], Hananiah[H2608];

13. of Ezra[H5830], Meshullam[H4918]; of Amariah[H568], Jehohanan[H3076];

14. of Malluchi[H4409], Jonathan[H3129]; of Shebaniah[H7645], Joseph[H3130];

15. of Harim[H2766], Adna[H5733]; of Meraioth[H4812], Helkai[H2517];

16. of Iddo[H5714], Zechariah[H2148]; of Ginnethon[H1599], Meshullam[H4918];

17. of Abijah[H29], Zichri[H2147]; of Miniamin[H4509], of Moadiah[H4153], Piltai[H6408];

18. of Bilgah[H1083], Shammua[H8051]; of Shemaiah[H8098], Jehonathan[H3083];

19. and of Joiarib[H3114], Mattenai[H4982]; of Jedaiah[H3048], Uzzi[H5813];

20. of Sallai[H5543], Kallai[H7040]; of Amok[H5987], Eber[H5677];

21. of Hilkiah[H2518], Hashabiah[H2811]; of Jedaiah[H3048], Nethanel[H5417].

22. As for the Levites[H3881], in the days[H3117] of Eliashib[H475], Joiada[H3111], and Johanan[H3110], and Jaddua[H3037], there were recorded[H3789] the heads[H7218] of fathers[H1]' houses[H3548]; also the priests, in the reign[H4438] of Darius[H1867] the Persian[H6542].

23. The sons[H1121] of Levi[H3878], heads[H7218] of fathers[H1]' houses[H3789], were written in the book[H5612] of the chronicles[H1697], even until the days[H3117] of Johanan[H3110] the son[H1121] of Eliashib[H475].

24. And the chiefs[H7218] of the Levites[H3881]: Hashabiah[H2811], Sherebiah[H8274], and Jeshua[H3442] the son[H1121] of Kadmiel[H6934], with their brethren[H251] over against them[H1984], to praise and give thanks[H3034], according to the commandment[H4687] of David[H1732] the man[H376] of God[H430], watch[H4929] next[H5980] to watch[H4929].

25. Mattaniah[H4983], and Bakbukiah[H1229], Obadiah[H5662], Meshullam[H4918], Talmon[H2929], Akkub[H6126], were porters[H7778] keeping[H8104] the watch[H4929] at the store-houses[H624] of the gates[H8179].

26. These were in the days[H3117] of Joiakim[H3113] the son[H1121] of Jeshua[H3442], the son[H1121] of Jozadak[H3136], and in the days[H3117] of Nehemiah[H5166] the governor[H6346], and of Ezra[H5830] the priest[H3548] the scribe[H5608].

27. And at the dedication[H2598] of the wall[H2346] of Jerusalem[H3389] they sought[H1245] the Levites[H3881] out of all their places[H4725], to bring[H935] them to Jerusalem[H3389], to keep[H6213] the dedication[H2598] with gladness[H8057], both with thanksgivings[H8426], and with singing[H7892], with cymbals[H4700], psalteries[H5035], and with harps[H3658].

28. And the sons[H1121] of the singers[H7891] gathered themselves together[H622], both out of the plain[H3603] round about[H5439] Jerusalem[H3389], and from the villages[H2691] of the Netophathites[H5200];

29. also from Beth[H1004] - gilgal[H1537], and out of the fields[H7704] of Geba[H1387] and Azmaveth[H5820]: for the singers[H7891] had builded[H1129] them villages[H2691] round about[H5439] Jerusalem[H3389].

30. And the priests[H3548] and the Levites[H3881] purified[H2891] themselves[H2891]; and they purified the people[H5971], and the gates[H8179], and the wall[H2346].

31. Then I brought up[H5927] the princes[H8269] of Judah[H3063] upon the wall[H2346], and appointed[H5975] two[H8147] great[H1419] companies that gave thanks[H8426] and went in procession[H8418]; whereof one went on the right hand[H3225] upon the wall[H2346] toward the dung[H830] gate[H8179]:

32. and after[H310] them went[H3212] Hoshaiah[H1955], and half[H2677] of the princes[H8269] of Judah[H3063],

33. and Azariah[H5838], Ezra[H5830], and Meshullam[H4918],

34. Judah[H3063], and Benjamin[H1144], and Shemaiah[H8098], and Jeremiah[H3414],

35. and certain of the priests[H3548]' sons[H1121] with trumpets[H2689]: Zechariah[H2148] the son[H1121] of Jonathan[H3129], the son[H1121] of Shemaiah[H8098], the son[H1121] of Mattaniah[H4983], the son[H1121] of Micaiah[H4320], the son[H1121] of Zaccur[H2139], the son[H1121] of Asaph[H623];

36. and his brethren[H251], Shemaiah[H8098], and Azarel[H5832], Milalai[H4450], Gilalai[H1562], Maai[H4597], Nethanel[H5417], and Judah[H3063], Hanani[H2607], with the musical[H7892] instruments[H3627] of David[H1732] the man[H376] of God[H430]; and Ezra[H5830] the scribe[H5608] was before them[H6440].

37. And by the fountain[H5869] gate[H8179], and straight before them[H5927], they went up by the stairs[H4609] of the city[H5892] of David[H1732], at the ascent[H4608] of the wall[H2346], above the house[H1004] of David[H1732], even unto the water[H4325] gate[H8179] eastward[H4217].

38. And the other[H8145] company of them that gave thanks[H8426] went[H1980] to meet[H4136] them[H310], and I after them[H2677], with the half of the people[H5971], upon the wall[H2346], above the tower[H4026] of the furnaces[H8574], even unto the broad[H7342] wall[H2346],

39. and above the gate[H8179] of Ephraim[H669], and by the old[H3465] gate[H8179], and by the fish[H1709] gate[H8179], and the tower[H4026] of Hananel[H2606], and the tower[H4026] of Hammeah[H3968], even unto the sheep[H6629] gate[H8179]: and they stood still[H5975] in the gate[H8179] of the guard[H4307].

40. So stood[H5975] the two[H8147] companies of them that gave thanks[H8426] in the house[H1004] of God[H430], and I[H2677], and the half of the rulers with me[H5461];

41. and the priests[H3548], Eliakim[H471], Maaseiah[H4641], Miniamin[H4509], Micaiah[H4320], Elioenai[H454], Zechariah[H2148], and Hananiah[H2608], with trumpets[H2689];

42. and Maaseiah[H4641], and Shemaiah[H8098], and Eleazar[H499], and Uzzi[H5813], and Jehohanan[H3076], and Malchijah[H4441], and Elam[H5867], and Ezer[H5829]. And the singers[H7891] sang loud[H8085], with Jezrahiah[H3156] their overseer[H6496].

43. And they offered[H2076] great[H1419] sacrifices[H2077] that day[H3117], and rejoiced[H8055]; for God[H430] had made them rejoice[H8055] with great[H1419] joy[H8057]; and the women[H802] also and the children[H3206] rejoiced[H8055]: so that the joy[H8057] of Jerusalem[H3389] was heard[H8085] even afar off[H7350].

44. And on that day[H3117] were men[H582] appointed[H6485] over the chambers[H5393] for the treasures[H214], for the heave-offerings[H8641], for the first-fruits[H7225], and for the tithes[H4643], to gather[H3664] into them[H7704], according to the fields of the cities[H5892], the portions[H4521] appointed by the law[H8451] for the priests[H3548] and Levites[H3881]: for Judah[H3063] rejoiced[H8057] for the priests[H3548] and for the Levites[H3881] that waited[H5975].

45. And they kept[H8104] the charge[H4931] of their God[H430], and the charge[H4931] of the purification[H2893], and so did the singers[H7891] and the porters[H7778], according to the commandment[H4687] of David[H1732], and of Solomon[H8010] his son[H1121].

46. For in the days[H3117] of David[H1732] and Asaph[H623] of old[H6924] there was a chief[H7218] of the singers[H7891], and songs[H7892] of praise[H8416] and thanksgiving[H3034] unto God[H430].

47. And all Israel[H3478] in the days[H3117] of Zerubbabel[H2216], and in the days[H3117] of Nehemiah[H5166], gave[H5414] the portions[H4521] of the singers[H7891] and the porters[H7778], as every day[H3117] required[H1697]: and they set apart[H6942] that which was for the Levites[H3881]; and the Levites[H3881] set apart[H6942] that which was for the sons[H1121] of Aaron[H175].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13

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