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ASV_Strong : Ezra 9


1. Now when these things were done[H3615], the princes[H8269] drew[H5066] near unto me[H559], saying, The people[H5971] of Israel[H3478], and the priests[H3548] and the Levites[H3881], have not separated[H914] themselves from the peoples[H5971] of the lands[H776], doing according to their abominations[H8441], even of the Canaanites[H3669], the Hittites[H2850], the Perizzites[H6522], the Jebusites[H2983], the Ammonites[H5984], the Moabites[H4125], the Egyptians[H4713], and the Amorites[H567].

2. For they have taken[H5375] of their daughters[H1323] for themselves and for their sons[H1121], so that the holy[H6944] seed[H2233] have mingled[H6148] themselves with the peoples[H5971] of the lands[H776]: Yes[H3027], the hand of the princes[H8269] and rulers[H5461] has been chief[H7223] in this trespass[H4604].

3. And when I heard[H8085] this thing[H1697], I tore[H7167] my garment[H899] and my robe[H4598], and plucked off[H4803] the hair[H8181] of my head[H7218] and of my beard[H2206], and sat down[H3427] confounded[H8074].

4. Then were assembled[H622] unto me every one that trembled[H2730] at the words[H1697] of the God[H430] of Israel[H3478], because of the trespass[H4604] of them of the captivity[H1473]; and I sat[H3427] confounded[H8074] until the evening[H6153] oblation[H4503].

5. And at the evening[H6153] oblation[H4503] I arose up[H6965] from my humiliation[H8589], even with my garment[H899] and my robe[H899] tore[H7167]; and I fell[H3766] upon my knees[H1290], and spread out[H6566] my hands[H3709] unto Jehovah[H3068] my God[H430];

6. and I said[H559], O my God[H430], I am ashamed[H954] and blush[H3637] to lift up[H7311] my face[H6440] to you[H430], my God; for our iniquities[H5771] are increased[H7235] over[H4605] our head[H7218], and our guiltiness[H819] is grown up[H1431] unto the heavens[H8064].

7. Since the days[H3117] of our fathers[H1] we have been exceedingly[H1419] guilty[H819] unto this day[H3117]; and for our iniquities[H5771] have we[H4428], our kings, and our priests[H3548], been delivered[H5414] into the hand[H3027] of the kings[H4428] of the lands[H776], to the sword[H2719], to captivity[H7628], and to plunder[H961], and to confusion[H1322] of face[H6440], as it is this day[H3117].

8. And now for a little[H4592] moment[H7281] grace[H8467] has been showed from Jehovah[H3068] our God[H430], to leave[H7604] us a remnant to escape[H6413], and to give[H5414] us a nail[H3489] in his holy[H6944] place[H4725], that our God[H430] may lighten[H215] our eyes[H5869], and give[H5414] us a little[H4592] reviving[H4241] in our bondage[H5659].

9. For we are bondmen[H5650]; yet our God[H430] has not forsaken[H5800] us in our bondage[H5659], but has extended[H5186] lovingkindness[H2617] unto us in the sight[H6440] of the kings[H4428] of Persia[H6539], to give[H5414] us a reviving[H4241], to set up[H7311] the house[H1004] of our God[H430], and to repair[H5975] the ruins[H2723] there[H5414], and to give us a wall[H1447] in Judah[H3063] and in Jerusalem[H3389].

10. And now[H430], O our God, what shall we say[H559] after[H310] this[H5800]? for we have forsaken your commandments[H4687],

11. which you have commanded[H6680] by[H3027] your servants[H5650] the prophets[H5030], saying[H559], The land[H776], unto which you go[H935] to possess[H3423] it[H5079], is an unclean land[H776] through the uncleanness[H5079] of the peoples[H5971] of the lands[H776], through their abominations[H8441], which have filled[H4390] it from one end[H6310] to another[H6310] with their filthiness[H2932]:

12. now therefore give[H5414] not your daughters[H1323] unto their sons[H1121], neither take[H5375] their daughters[H1323] unto your sons[H1121], nor seek[H1875] their peace[H7965] or their prosperity[H2896] for[H5704] ever[H5769]; that you may be strong[H2388], and eat[H398] the good[H2898] of the land[H776], and leave it for an inheritance[H3423] to your sons[H1121] for ever[H5769].

13. And after[H310] all that is come[H935] upon us for our evil[H7451] deeds[H4639], and for our great[H1419] guilt[H819], seeing that you our God[H430] have punished[H2820] us less[H4295] than our iniquities[H5771] deserve[H5414], and have given us such a remnant[H6413],

14. shall we again[H7725] break[H6565] your commandments[H4687], and join in affinity[H2859] with the peoples[H5971] that do these abominations[H8441]? would not you be angry[H599] with us until you had consumed[H3615] us[H7611], so that there should be no remnant, nor any to escape[H6413]?

15. O Jehovah[H3068], the God[H430] of Israel[H3478], you are righteous[H6662]; for we are left a remnant[H7604] that is escaped[H6413], as it is this day[H3117]: behold[H6440], we are before you in our guiltiness[H819]; for none can stand[H5975] before you because of this[H6440].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10

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