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ASV_Strong : 2 Chronicles 3


1. Then Solomon[H8010] began[H2490] to build[H1129] the house[H1004] of Jehovah[H3068] at Jerusalem[H3389] on mount[H2022] Moriah[H4179], where Jehovah appeared[H7200] unto David[H1732] his father[H1], which he made ready in the place[H4725] that David[H1732] had appointed[H3559], in the threshing-floor[H1637] of Ornan[H771] the Jebusite[H2983].

2. And he began[H2490] to build[H1129] in the second[H8145] day of the second[H8145] month[H2320], in the fourth[H702] year[H8141] of his reign[H4438].

3. Now these are the foundations which Solomon[H8010] laid[H3245] for the building[H1129] of the house[H1004] of God[H430]. The length[H753] by cubits[H520] after the first[H7223] measure[H4060] was threescore[H8346] cubits[H520], and the breadth[H7341] twenty[H6242] cubits[H520].

4. And the porch[H197] that was before[H6440] the house[H753], the length of it[H7341], according to the breadth of the house[H1004], was twenty[H6242] cubits[H520], and the height[H1363] a hundred[H3967] and twenty[H6242]; and he overlaid[H6823] it within[H6441] with pure[H2889] gold[H2091].

5. And the greater[H1419] house[H1004] he ceiled[H2645] with fir-wood[H1265], [H6086] which he overlaid[H2645] with fine[H2896] gold[H2091], and wrought[H5927] thereon palm-trees[H8561] and chains[H8333].

6. And he garnished[H6823] the house[H1004] with precious[H3368] stones[H68] for beauty[H8597]: and the gold[H2091] was gold[H2091] of Parvaim[H6516].

7. He overlaid[H2645] also the house[H1004], the beams[H6982], the thresholds[H5592], and the walls[H7023] thereof[H1817], and the doors thereof[H2091], with gold; and graved[H6605] cherubim[H3742] on the walls[H7023].

8. And he made[H6213] the most[H6944] holy[H6944] house[H1004]: the length[H753] thereof[H6440], according to the breadth[H7341] of the house[H1004], was twenty[H6242] cubits[H520], and the breadth[H7341] thereof twenty[H6242] cubits[H520]; and he overlaid[H2645] it with fine[H2896] gold[H2091], amounting to six[H8337] hundred[H3967] talents[H3603].

9. And the weight[H4948] of the nails[H4548] was fifty[H2572] shekels[H8255] of gold[H2091]. And he overlaid[H2645] the upper chambers[H5944] with gold[H2091].

10. And in the most[H6944] holy[H6944] house[H1004] he made[H6213] two[H8147] cherubim[H3742] of image[H6816] work[H4639]; and they overlaid[H6823] them with gold[H2091].

11. And the wings[H3671] of the cherubim[H3742] were twenty[H6242] cubits[H520] long[H753]: the wing[H3671] of the one[H259] cherub was five[H2568] cubits[H520], reaching[H5060] to the wall[H7023] of the house[H1004]; and the other[H312] wing[H3671] was likewise five[H2568] cubits[H520], reaching[H5060] to the wing[H3671] of the other[H312] cherub[H3742].

12. And the wing[H3671] of the other[H259] cherub[H3742] was five[H2568] cubits[H520], reaching[H5060] to the wall[H7023] of the house[H1004]; and the other[H312] wing[H3671] was five[H2568] cubits[H520] also[H1695], joining to the wing[H3671] of the other[H312] cherub[H3742].

13. The wings[H3671] of these cherubim[H3742] spread themselves forth[H6566] twenty[H6242] cubits[H520]: and they stood[H5975] on their feet[H7272], and their faces[H6440] were toward the house[H1004].

14. And he made[H6213] the veil[H6532] of blue[H8504], and purple[H713], and crimson[H3758], and fine linen[H948], and wrought[H5927] cherubim thereon[H3742].

15. Also he made[H6213] before[H6440] the house[H1004] two[H8147] pillars[H5982] of thirty[H7970] and five[H2568] cubits[H520] high[H753], and the capital[H6858] that was on the top[H7218] of each of them was five[H2568] cubits[H520].

16. And he made[H6213] chains[H8333] in the oracle[H1687], and put[H5414] them on the tops[H7218] of the pillars[H5982]; and he made[H6213] a hundred[H3967] pomegranates[H7416], and put[H5414] them on the chains[H8333].

17. And he set up[H6965] the pillars[H5982] before[H6440] the temple[H1964], one[H259] on the right hand[H3225], and the other[H259] on the left[H8040]; and called[H7121] the name[H8034] of that on the right hand[H3233] Jachin[H3199], and the name[H8034] of that on the left[H8042] Boaz[H1162].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36

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