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ASV_Strong : 2 Chronicles 23


1. And in the seventh[H7637] year[H8141] Jehoiada[H3077] strengthened[H2388] himself[H3947], and took the captains[H8269] of hundreds[H3967], Azariah[H5838] the son[H1121] of Jeroham[H3395], and Ishmael[H3458] the son[H1121] of Jehohanan[H3076], and Azariah[H5838] the son[H1121] of Obed[H5744], and Maaseiah[H4641] the son[H1121] of Adaiah[H5718], and Elishaphat[H478] the son[H1121] of Zichri[H2147], into covenant with him[H1285].

2. And they went about[H5437] in Judah[H3063], and gathered[H6908] the Levites[H3881] out of all the cities[H5892] of Judah[H3063], and the heads[H7218] of fathers[H1]' houses of Israel[H3478], and they came[H935] to Jerusalem[H3389].

3. And all the assembly[H6951] made[H3772] a covenant[H1285] with the king[H4428] in the house[H1004] of God[H430]. And he said[H559] unto them[H4428], Behold, the king's son[H1121] shall reign[H4427], as Jehovah[H3068] hath spoken[H1696] concerning the sons[H1121] of David[H1732].

4. This is the thing[H1697] that ye shall do[H6213]: a third part[H7992] of you[H935], that come in on the sabbath[H7676], of the priests[H3548] and of the Levites[H3881], shall be porters[H7778] of the thresholds[H5592];

5. and a third part[H7992] shall be at the king[H4428]'s house[H1004]; and a third part[H7992] at the gate[H8179] of the foundation[H3247]: and all the people[H5971] shall be in the courts[H2691] of the house[H1004] of Jehovah[H3068].

6. But let none come[H935] into the house[H1004] of Jehovah[H3068], save the priests[H3548], and they that minister[H8334] of the Levites[H3881]; they shall come in[H935], for they are holy[H6944]: but all the people[H5971] shall keep[H8104] the charge[H4931] of Jehovah[H3068].

7. And the Levites[H3881] shall compass[H5362] the king[H4428] round about[H5439], every man[H376] with his weapons[H3627] in his hand[H3027]; and whosoever cometh[H935] into the house[H1004], let him be slain[H4191]: and be ye with the king[H4428] when he cometh in[H935], and when he goeth out[H3318].

8. So the Levites[H3881] and all Judah[H3063] did[H6213] according to all that Jehoiada[H3077] the priest[H3548] commanded[H6680]: and they took[H3947] every man[H376] his men[H376], those that were to come in[H935] on the sabbath[H7676]; with those that were to go[H3318] out on the sabbath[H7676]; for Jehoiada[H3077] the priest[H3548] dismissed[H6358] not the courses[H4256].

9. And Jehoiada[H3077] the priest[H3548] delivered[H5414] to the captains[H8269] of hundreds[H3967] the spears[H2595], and bucklers[H4043], and shields[H7982], that had been king[H4428] David[H1732]'s, which were in the house[H1004] of God[H430].

10. And he set[H5975] all the people[H5971], every man[H376] with his weapon[H7973] in his hand[H3027], from the right[H3233] side[H3802] of the house[H1004] to the left[H8042] side[H3802] of the house[H1004], along by the altar[H4196] and the house[H1004], by the king[H4428] round about[H5439].

11. Then they brought out[H3318] the king[H4428]'s son[H1121], and put[H5414] the crown[H5145] upon him[H5715], and gave him the testimony, and made him king[H4427]: and Jehoiada[H3077] and his sons[H1121] anointed[H4886] him[H559]; and they said, Long live[H2421] the king[H4428].

12. And when Athaliah[H6271] heard[H8085] the noise[H6963] of the people[H5971] running[H7323] and praising[H1984] the king[H4428], she came[H935] to the people[H5971] into the house[H1004] of Jehovah[H3068]:

13. and she looked[H7200], and[H4428], behold, the king stood[H5975] by his pillar[H5982] at the entrance[H3996], and the captains[H8269] and the trumpets[H2689] by the king[H4428]; and all the people[H5971] of the land[H776] rejoiced[H8056], and blew[H8628] trumpets[H2689]; the singers[H7891] also played on instruments[H3627] of music[H7892], and led[H3045] the singing of praise[H1984]. Then Athaliah[H6271] rent[H7167] her clothes[H899], and said[H559], Treason[H7195]! treason[H7195]!

14. And Jehoiada[H3077] the priest[H3548] brought out[H3318] the captains[H8269] of hundreds[H3967] that were set over[H6485] the host[H2428], and said[H559] unto them[H3318], Have her forth between the ranks[H1004]; and whoso followeth[H935] her[H4191], let him be slain with the sword[H2719]: for the priest[H3548] said[H559], Slay[H4191] her not in the house[H1004] of Jehovah[H3068].

15. So they made[H7760] way[H3027] for her[H935]; and she went to the entrance[H3996] of the horse[H5483] gate[H8179] to the king[H4428]'s house[H1004]: and they slew her there[H4191].

16. And Jehoiada[H3077] made[H3772] a covenant[H1285] between himself[H5971], and all the people, and the king[H4428], that they should be Jehovah[H3068]'s people[H5971].

17. And all the people[H5971] went[H935] to the house[H1004] of Baal[H1168], and brake it down[H5422], and brake[H7665] his altars[H4196] and his images[H6754] in pieces[H7665], and slew[H2026] Mattan[H4977] the priest[H3548] of Baal[H1168] before[H6440] the altars[H4196].

18. And Jehoiada[H3077] appointed[H7760] the officers[H6486] of the house[H1004] of Jehovah[H3068] under the hand[H3027] of the priests[H3548] the Levites[H3881], whom David[H1732] had distributed[H2505] in the house[H1004] of Jehovah[H3068], to offer[H5927] the burnt-offerings[H5930] of Jehovah[H3068], as it is written[H3789] in the law[H8451] of Moses[H4872], with rejoicing[H8057] and with singing[H7892], according to the order[H3027] of David[H1732].

19. And he set[H5975] the porters[H7778] at the gates[H8179] of the house[H1004] of Jehovah[H3068], that none that was unclean[H2931] in[H935] anything[H1697] should enter in[H935].

20. And he took[H3947] the captains[H8269] of hundreds[H3967], and the nobles[H117], and the governors[H4910] of the people[H5971], and all the people[H5971] of the land[H776], and brought down[H3381] the king[H4428] from the house[H1004] of Jehovah[H3068]: and they came[H935] through[H8432] the upper[H5945] gate[H8179] unto the king[H4428]'s house[H1004], and set[H3427] the king[H4428] upon the throne[H3678] of the kingdom[H4467].

21. So all the people[H5971] of the land[H776] rejoiced[H8055], and the city[H5892] was quiet[H8252]. And Athaliah[H6271] they had slain[H4191] with the sword[H2719].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36

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