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ASV_Strong : 2 Chronicles 12


1. And it came to pass[H4438], when the kingdom of Rehoboam[H7346] was established[H3559], and he was strong[H2393], that he forsook[H5800] the law[H8451] of Jehovah[H3068], and all Israel with him[H3478].

2. And it came to pass in the fifth[H2549] year[H8141] of king[H4428] Rehoboam[H7346], that Shishak[H7895] king[H4428] of Egypt[H4714] came up[H5927] against Jerusalem[H3389], because they had trespassed[H4603] against Jehovah[H3068],

3. with twelve hundred[H3967] chariots[H7393], and threescore[H8346] thousand[H505] horsemen[H6571]. And the people[H5971] were without number[H4557] that came[H935] with him out of Egypt[H4714]: the Lubim[H3864], the Sukkiim[H5525], and the Ethiopians[H3569].

4. And he took[H3920] the fortified[H4694] cities[H5892] which pertained to Judah[H3063], and came[H935] unto Jerusalem[H3389].

5. Now Shemaiah[H8098] the prophet[H5030] came[H935] to Rehoboam[H7346], and to the princes[H8269] of Judah[H3063], that were gathered together[H622] to Jerusalem[H3389] because[H6440] of Shishak[H7895], and said[H559] unto them[H559], Thus saith Jehovah[H3068], Ye have forsaken[H5800] me[H637], therefore have I also left[H5800] you in the hand[H3027] of Shishak[H7895].

6. Then the princes[H8269] of Israel[H3478] and the king[H4428] humbled[H3665] themselves[H559]; and they said, Jehovah[H3068] is righteous[H6662].

7. And when Jehovah[H3068] saw[H7200] that they humbled[H3665] themselves[H1697], the word of Jehovah[H3068] came to Shemaiah[H8098], saying[H559], They have humbled[H3665] themselves[H7843]: I will not destroy them[H5414]; but I will grant them some[H4592] deliverance[H6413], and my wrath[H2534] shall not be poured out[H5413] upon Jerusalem[H3389] by the hand[H3027] of Shishak[H7895].

8. Nevertheless they shall be his servants[H5650], that they may know[H3045] my service[H5656], and the service[H5656] of the kingdoms[H4467] of the countries[H776].

9. So Shishak[H7895] king[H4428] of Egypt[H4714] came up[H5927] against Jerusalem[H3389], and took away[H3947] the treasures[H214] of the house[H1004] of Jehovah[H3068], and the treasures[H214] of the king[H4428]'s house[H1004]: he took[H3947] all away[H3947]: he took away also the shields[H4043] of gold[H2091] which Solomon[H8010] had made[H6213].

10. And king[H4428] Rehoboam[H7346] made[H6213] in their stead shields[H4043] of brass[H5178], and committed[H6485] them to the hands[H3027] of the captains[H8269] of the guard[H7323], that kept[H8104] the door[H6607] of the king[H4428]'s house[H1004].

11. And it was so[H1767], that, as oft as the king[H4428] entered[H935] into the house[H1004] of Jehovah[H3068], the guard[H7323] came[H935] and bare[H5375] them[H7725], and brought them back into the guard[H7323] - chamber[H8372].

12. And when he humbled[H3665] himself[H639], the wrath of Jehovah[H3068] turned[H7725] from him[H7843], so as not to destroy him altogether[H3617]: and moreover in Judah[H3063] there were good[H2896] things found[H1697].

13. So king[H4428] Rehoboam[H7346] strengthened[H2388] himself in Jerusalem[H3389], and reigned[H4427]: for Rehoboam[H7346] was forty[H705] and one[H259] years[H8141] old[H1121] when he began to reign[H4427], and he reigned[H4427] seventeen[H7651] years[H8141] in Jerusalem[H3389], the city[H5892] which Jehovah[H3068] had chosen[H977] out of all the tribes[H7626] of Israel[H3478], to put[H7760] his name[H8034] there[H517]: and his mother's name[H8034] was Naamah[H5279] the Ammonitess[H5985].

14. And he did[H6213] that which was evil[H7451], because he set[H3559] not his heart[H3820] to seek[H1875] Jehovah[H3068].

15. Now the acts[H1697] of Rehoboam[H7346], first[H7223] and last[H314], are they not written[H3789] in the histories[H1697] of Shemaiah[H8098] the prophet[H5030] and of Iddo[H5714] the seer[H2374], after the manner of genealogies[H3187]? And there were wars[H4421] between Rehoboam[H7346] and Jeroboam[H3379] continually[H3117].

16. And Rehoboam[H7346] slept[H7901] with his fathers[H1], and was buried[H6912] in the city[H5892] of David[H1732]: and Abijah[H29] his son[H1121] reigned in his stead[H4427].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36

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