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ASV_Strong : 2 Samuel 19


1. And it was told[H5046] Joab[H3097], Behold[H4428], the king weepeth[H1058] and mourneth[H56] for Absalom[H53].

2. And the victory[H8668] that day[H3117] was turned into mourning[H60] unto all the people[H5971]; for the people[H5971] heard[H8085] say[H559] that day[H3117], The king[H4428] grieveth[H6087] for his son[H1121].

3. And the people[H5971] gat[H935] them by stealth[H1589] that day[H3117] into the city[H5892], as people[H5971] that are ashamed[H3637] steal away[H1589] when they flee[H5127] in battle[H4421].

4. And the king[H4428] covered[H3813] his face[H6440], and the king[H4428] cried[H2199] with a loud[H1419] voice[H6963], O my son[H1121] Absalom[H53], O Absalom[H53], my son[H1121], my son[H1121]!

5. And Joab[H3097] came[H935] into the house[H1004] to the king[H4428], and said[H559], Thou hast shamed[H3001] this day[H3117] the faces[H6440] of all thy servants[H5650], who this day[H3117] have saved[H4422] thy life[H5315], and the lives[H5315] of thy sons[H1121] and of thy daughters[H1323], and the lives[H5315] of thy wives[H802], and the lives[H5315] of thy concubines[H6370];

6. in that thou lovest[H157] them that hate[H8130] thee[H8130], and hatest them that love[H157] thee[H5046]. For thou hast declared this day[H3117], that princes[H8269] and servants[H5650] are nought unto thee[H3117]: for this day I perceive[H3045], that if[H3863] Absalom[H53] had lived[H2416], and all we had died[H4191] this day[H3117], then it had pleased thee well[H3477].

7. Now therefore arise[H6965], go forth[H3318], and speak[H1696] comfortably[H3820] unto thy servants[H5650]; for I swear[H7650] by Jehovah[H3068], if thou go not forth[H3318], there will not tarry[H3885] a man[H376] with thee this night[H3915]: and that will be worse[H7489] unto thee than all the evil[H7451] that hath befallen[H935] thee from thy youth until now[H5271].

8. Then the king[H4428] arose[H6965], and sat[H3427] in the gate[H8179]. And they told[H5046] unto all the people[H5971], saying[H559], Behold[H4428], the king is sitting[H3427] in the gate[H8179]: and all the people[H5971] came[H935] before[H6440] the king[H4428]. Now Israel[H3478] had fled[H5127] every man[H376] to his tent[H168].

9. And all the people[H5971] were at strife[H1777] throughout all the tribes[H7626] of Israel[H3478], saying[H559], The king[H4428] delivered[H5337] us out of the hand[H3709] of our enemies[H341], and he saved[H4422] us out of the hand[H3709] of the Philistines[H6430]; and now he is fled[H1272] out of the land[H776] from Absalom[H53].

10. And Absalom[H53], whom we anointed[H4886] over us[H4191], is dead in battle[H4421]. Now therefore why speak[H2790] ye not a word of bringing[H7725] the king[H4428] back[H7725]?

11. And king[H4428] David[H1732] sent[H7971] to Zadok[H6659] and to Abiathar[H54] the priests[H3548], saying[H559], Speak[H1696] unto the elders[H2205] of Judah[H3063], saying[H559], Why are ye the last[H314] to bring[H7725] the king[H4428] back[H7725] to his house[H1004]? seeing the speech[H1697] of all Israel[H3478] is come[H935] to the king[H4428], to bring him to his house[H1004].

12. Ye are my brethren[H251], ye are my bone[H6106] and my flesh[H1320]: wherefore then are ye the last[H314] to bring back[H7725] the king[H4428]?

13. And say[H559] ye to Amasa[H6021], Art thou not my bone[H6106] and my flesh[H1320]? God[H430] do[H6213] so to me[H3254], and more also[H8269], if thou be not captain of the host[H6635] before[H6440] me continually[H3117] in the room[H8478] of Joab[H3097].

14. And he bowed[H5186] the heart[H3824] of all the men[H376] of Judah[H3063], even as the heart of one[H259] man[H376]; so that they sent[H7971] unto the king[H4428], saying[H7725], Return thou[H5650], and all thy servants.

15. So the king[H4428] returned[H7725], and came[H935] to the Jordan[H3383]. And Judah[H3063] came[H935] to Gilgal[H1537], to go[H3212] to meet[H7125] the king[H4428], to bring[H5674] the king[H4428] over[H5674] the Jordan[H3383].

16. And Shimei[H8096] the son[H1121] of Gera[H1617], the Benjamite[H1145], who was of Bahurim[H980], hasted[H4116] and came down[H3381] with the men[H376] of Judah[H3063] to meet[H7125] king[H4428] David[H1732].

17. And there were a thousand[H505] men[H376] of Benjamin[H1145] with him[H6717], and Ziba the servant[H5288] of the house[H1004] of Saul[H7586], and his fifteen[H2568] sons[H1121] and his twenty[H6242] servants[H5650] with him[H6743]; and they went through the Jordan[H3383] in the presence[H6440] of the king[H4428].

18. And there went over[H5674] a ferry-boat[H5679] to bring over[H5674] the king[H4428]'s household[H1004], and to do[H6213] what he thought[H5869] good[H2896]. And Shimei[H8096] the son[H1121] of Gera[H1617] fell down[H5307] before[H6440] the king[H4428], when he was come over[H5674] the Jordan[H3383].

19. And he said[H559] unto the king[H4428], Let not my lord[H113] impute[H2803] iniquity[H5771] unto me[H2142], neither do thou remember that which thy servant[H5650] did perversely[H5753] the day[H3117] that my lord[H113] the king[H4428] went out[H3318] of Jerusalem[H3389], that the king[H4428] should take[H7760] it to his heart[H3820].

20. For thy servant[H5650] doth know[H3045] that I have sinned[H2398]: therefore[H935], behold, I am come this day[H3117] the first[H7223] of all the house[H1004] of Joseph[H3130] to go down[H3381] to meet[H7125] my lord[H113] the king[H4428].

21. But Abishai[H52] the son[H1121] of Zeruiah[H6870] answered[H6030] and said[H559], Shall not Shimei[H8096] be put to death[H4191] for this[H7043], because he cursed Jehovah[H3068]'s anointed[H4899]?

22. And David[H1732] said[H559], What have I to do with you[H1121], ye sons of Zeruiah[H6870], that ye should this day[H3117] be adversaries[H7854] unto me[H376]? shall there any man be put to death[H4191] this day[H3117] in Israel[H3478]? for do not I know[H3045] that I am this day[H3117] king[H4428] over Israel[H3478]?

23. And the king[H4428] said[H559] unto Shimei[H8096], Thou shalt not die[H4191]. And the king[H4428] sware unto him[H7650].

24. And Mephibosheth[H4648] the son[H1121] of Saul[H7586] came down[H3381] to meet[H7125] the king[H4428]; and he had neither[H3808] dressed[H6213] his feet[H7272], nor trimmed[H6213] his beard[H8222], nor washed[H3526] his clothes[H899], from the day[H3117] the king[H4428] departed[H3212] until the day[H3117] he came[H935] home in peace[H7965].

25. And it came to pass[H935], when he was come to Jerusalem[H3389] to meet[H7125] the king[H4428], that the king[H4428] said[H559] unto him[H1980], Wherefore wentest not thou with me[H4648], Mephibosheth?

26. And he answered[H559], My lord[H113], O king[H4428], my servant[H5650] deceived[H7411] me[H5650]: for thy servant said[H559], I will saddle[H2280] me an ass[H2543], that I may ride[H7392] thereon[H3212], and go with the king[H4428]; because thy servant[H5650] is lame[H6455].

27. And he hath slandered[H7270] thy servant[H5650] unto my lord[H113] the king[H4428]; but my lord[H113] the king[H4428] is as an angel[H4397] of God[H430]: do[H6213] therefore what is good[H2896] in thine eyes[H5869].

28. For all my father[H1]'s house[H1004] were but[H3808] dead[H4194] men[H582] before my lord[H113] the king[H4428]; yet didst thou set[H7896] thy servant[H5650] among them that did eat[H398] at thine own table[H7979]. What right[H6666] therefore have[H3426] I yet that I should cry[H2199] any more unto the king[H4428]?

29. And the king[H4428] said[H559] unto him[H1696], Why speakest thou any more of thy matters[H1697]? I say[H559], Thou and Ziba[H6717] divide[H2505] the land[H7704].

30. And Mephibosheth[H4648] said[H559] unto the king[H4428], yea[H3947], let him take all[H310], forasmuch as[H834] my lord[H113] the king[H4428] is come[H935] in peace[H7965] unto his own house[H1004].

31. And Barzillai[H1271] the Gileadite[H1569] came down[H3381] from Rogelim[H7274]; and he went over[H5674] the Jordan[H3383] with the king[H4428], to conduct[H7971] him over the Jordan[H3383].

32. Now Barzillai[H1271] was a very[H3966] aged[H2204] man[H8084], even fourscore years[H8141] old[H1121]: and he had provided the king[H4428] with sustenance[H3557] while he lay[H7871] at Mahanaim[H4266]; for he was a very[H3966] great[H1419] man[H376].

33. And the king[H4428] said[H559] unto Barzillai[H1271], Come thou over[H5674] with me[H3557], and I will sustain thee with me in Jerusalem[H3389].

34. And Barzillai[H1271] said[H559] unto the king[H4428], How many[H3117] are the days of the years of my life[H8141], that I should go up[H5927] with the king[H4428] unto Jerusalem[H3389]?

35. I am this day[H3117] fourscore[H8084] years[H8141] old[H1121]: can I discern[H3045] between good[H2896] and bad[H7451]? can thy servant[H5650] taste[H2938] what[H834] I eat[H398] or what[H834] I drink[H8354]? can I hear[H8085] any more the voice[H6963] of singing men[H7891] and singing women[H7891]? wherefore then should thy servant[H5650] be yet a burden[H4853] unto my lord[H113] the king[H4428]?

36. Thy servant[H5650] would but just[H4592] go[H5674] over[H5674] the Jordan[H3383] with the king[H4428]: and why should the king[H4428] recompense[H1580] it me with such a reward[H1578]?

37. Let thy servant[H5650], I pray thee[H7725], turn back again, that I may die[H4191] in mine own city[H5892], by the grave[H6913] of my father[H1] and my mother[H517]. But behold[H5650], thy servant Chimham[H3643]; let him go over[H5674] with my lord[H113] the king[H4428]; and do[H6213] to him what shall seem good unto thee[H2896].

38. And the king[H4428] answered[H559], Chimham[H3643] shall go[H5674] over with me[H6213], and I will do to him that which shall seem good[H2896] unto thee[H977]: and whatsoever thou shalt require of me[H6213], that will I do for thee.

39. And all the people[H5971] went over[H5674] the Jordan[H3383], and the king[H4428] went over[H5674]: and the king[H4428] kissed[H5401] Barzillai[H1271], and blessed[H1288] him[H7725]; and he returned unto his own place[H4725].

40. So the king[H4428] went over[H5674] to Gilgal[H1537], and Chimham[H3643] went over[H5674] with him[H5971]: and all the people of Judah[H3063] brought[H5674] the king[H4428] over[H2677], and also half the people[H5971] of Israel[H3478].

41. And[H376], behold, all the men of Israel[H3478] came[H935] to the king[H4428], and said[H559] unto the king[H4428], Why have our brethren[H251] the men[H376] of Judah[H3063] stolen thee away[H1589], and brought[H5674] the king[H4428], and his household[H1004], over the Jordan[H3383], and all David[H1732]'s men with him[H582]?

42. And all the men[H376] of Judah[H3063] answered[H6030] the men[H376] of Israel[H3478], Because the king[H4428] is near of kin[H7138] to us[H2734]: wherefore then are ye angry for this matter[H1697]? have we eaten[H398] at all[H398] at the king[H4428]'s cost[H5375]? or hath he given us any gift[H5379]?

43. And the men[H376] of Israel[H3478] answered[H6030] the men[H376] of Judah[H3063], and said[H559], We have ten[H6235] parts[H3027] in the king[H4428], and we[H589] have also more right in David[H1732] than ye[H7043]: why then did ye despise us[H1697], that our advice should not be first[H7223] had in bringing back[H7725] our king[H4428]? And the words[H1697] of the men[H376] of Judah[H3063] were fiercer[H7185] than the words[H1697] of the men[H376] of Israel[H3478].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24

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