Hebrew Strong Codes : Definition and Related Verses

KJV Strong Code H4174 : mowrad mo-rawd'


H4174 mowrad mo-rawd' from 3381; a descent; as architecture, an ornamental appendage, perhaps a festoon:--going down, steep place, thin work.see H3381

KJV Bible Verses Containing Strong Code H4174

M / Joshua 7.5 : And the men of Ai smote of them about thirty and six men: for they chased them from before the gate even unto Shebarim, and smote them in the going down:[H4174] wherefore the hearts of the people melted, and became as water.
M / Joshua 10.11 : And it came to pass, as they fled from before Israel, and were in the going down[H4174] to Beth-horon, that the LORD cast down great stones from heaven upon them unto Azekah, and they died: they were more which died with hailstones than they whom the children of Israel slew with the sword.
M / 1 Kings 7.29 : And on the borders that were between the ledges were lions, oxen, and cherubims: and upon the ledges there was a base above: and beneath the lions and oxen were certain additions made of thin[H4174] work.
M / Jeremiah 48.5 : For in the going up of Luhith continual weeping shall go up; for in the going down[H4174] of Horonaim the enemies have heard a cry of destruction.
M / Micah 1.4 : And the mountains shall be molten under him, and the valleys shall be cleft, as wax before the fire, and as the waters that are poured down a steep place.[H4174]

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