Bible Red Thread 8: A Leader After God’s Heart (1 Samuel 16, 2 Samuel 7)
sermon 1 Samuel 16 : Patrice Berger, 2022_12_26, AB Lausanne church
Bible Red Thread 8: A Leader After God’s Heart (1 Samuel 16 , 2 Samuel 7 )
Bible Red Thread 8: A Leader After God’s Heart (1 Samuel 16 , 2 Samuel 7 )
Beyond a leader’s abilities, the most decisive factor to consider is the attitude of the leader. Generally, when the leader departs from God, the people do the same; and conversely, when the leader is submitted to God, the people respect the covenant he has made with God. But even good leaders have weaknesses, which weaken their relationship with God and simultaneously lead people away from him. This is what the history of God’s people reveals. How do we find an ideal and constant servant-leader for the people of God?
The criteria of a servant-leader: Charged with this delicate mission by God, Samuel is sent to a family to find the rare pearl. Samuel is immediately attracted by what strikes the eye: first, birth order, then physiognomy, and finally stature! In short, the classic cliché of the handsome and valiant eldest knight, whose attraction even Samuel cannot escape! However, God had revealed specific criteria which appear in the book of Deuteronomy 17 (verses 14 to 20), long before the people thought of finding a leader. Finding a servant-leader after the heart of God is to find a man who must:
- Know the law of God – from the beginning of the red thread of the Bible (p. 3 to 17). This knowledge will allow the leader to respect God’s perfect plan – a people and a territory, under his authority. To memorize this panorama, the leader will have to copy these first five volumes of the Bible and meditate on them every day in order to become impregnated with them. But is it God’s purpose to raise up a leader puffed up with knowledge?

- Fear God: The knowledge of the red thread of the Bible must lead the leader to understand that his function as the leader of the people of God is not the fruit of any social ambition. Its function comes from a delegation of power from the King of kings and is above all, subject to spiritual direction. The leader according to God remains an intermediary who is not a hero, hence has the title of a servant-leader for he leads people to God.
Thus, guided in this way by a servant-leader submissive to God, God’s people will be encouraged to develop an ever-increasing love for God. This love will push him to obedience and fidelity. The clauses of the covenant maintained, thus, the people will be able to enter into the plan that God aspires for them and through Him: to be blessed in order to bless the world (Genesis 12.1) and allow the reconciliation of humanity with the Creator!
The limits of the human leader: God seeks a servant-leader who is obedient to Him, and David had this predisposition of heart. However, history will reveal that it is easy for even such a leader to be tempted into disobedience. When David wishes to say thank you to God by building a palace for him, this attitude is seen as religious. Man’s deep nature will always prevent him from building something for God. Other elements of David’s life, such as during his adultery with Beth-sheba, demonstrate once again that no Man is really capable of totally obeying God.
The God-Given Servant-Leader: God reveals to David that it is He who will provide a perfect servant-leader who will know how to lead his people into obedience and keeping their covenant with God. This man will come from his own family, and God will establish a throne for him forever. This leader will guarantee the future of the people, through unfailing fidelity and obedience to God. He will lead the people permanently under the gaze of God and guarantee the maintenance of the covenant eternally. What descendant of David could fulfil this function and assume such a responsibility?
REFLECTION: Your mentors, your stars, your parents, and the one you madly love disappoint you at one time or another. And yet you yearn for an absolutely reliable person – someone you could trust if you closed your eyes. Will this remain a dream? Does God have the ability to bring someone so trustworthy?
Posted by the evangelical church Action Biblique Renens-Lausanne
Related Links / Notes
Bible Study: Red Thread through the Bible
Study Notes are translated from the original French and available in the online magazine TaJeunesse (literlly “Your Youth”). The orginal texts are magazine articles. The texts provided here follow that form and include some of the images from the magazine, and help provide a deep understanding of the main themes of the Bible.
Services at the church AB Renens-Lausanne as well as some of the bible studies are streamed on the channel YouTube église AB Renens-Lausanne. Also visit the You Tube channel of the Swiss Action Biblique Youth Groups (JAB Suisse Romande.
Bible verses in the study link to the ASV bible. In addition to the Darby Bible , other versions of the Bible are also available on our website (KJV, Basic English )
The King James Version is available as an audio bible Podcast which can be accessed below.