BBE Image Bible : Scripture in Images Judges 18:24
24. And he said, You have taken my gods which I made, and my priest, and have gone away; what is there for me now? Why then do you say to me, What is your trouble?
Read the verse in its context BBE Judges 18:24

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BBE summary for : Judges 18
Summary: Judges Chapter 18 recounts the migration of the Danites, who sought a new territory due to their inability to fully conquer their allotted land. They send five spies to scout for a more suitable area, who eventually discover the peaceful city of Laish. The Danites are influenced by the reports of the spies and journey to Laish, where they launch a successful attack, establishing the city as their new home. A significant event in this chapter is the encounter with the Levite Micah, who had been functioning as a priest for his household. The Danites steal Micah's idols and entice him to join them, thus highlighting themes of idolatry and the syncretism of worship practices. Throughout the chapter, the drive for self-determined security and a sense of belonging is evident, illustrating a recurring biblical theme of the consequences of ignoring God's directives. Ultimately, the chapter portrays a society without clear moral boundaries, showcasing the disintegration of tribal unity and faithfulness to God among the Israelites.
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