Bible in Basic English (BBE) Images

Basic English Bible Images - Haggai Chapter 1

Basic English Bible Verse Images: Haggai Chapter 1 in Stunning Detail

BasicEnglish Haggai 1:1 ; image nature: A great blue heron stands motionless in morning fog. Ripples spread from its reflection.; Haggai 1:1. In the second year of Darius the king, in the sixth month, on the first day of the month, came the word of the Lord by Haggai the prophet to Zerubbabel, the son of Shealtiel, ruler of Judah, and to Joshua, the son of Jehozadak, the high priest, saying,

Haggai 1:1. In the second year of Darius the king, in the sixth month, on the first day of the month, came the word of the Lord by Haggai the prophet to Zerubbabel, the son of Shealtiel, ruler of Judah, and to Joshua, the son of Jehozadak, the high priest, saying,

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Haggai 1

BasicEnglish Haggai 1:2 ; image nature: Joshua trees reach twisted arms to desert stars. The Milky Way arcs overhead like a river of light.; Haggai 1:2. These are the words of the Lord of armies: These people say, The time has not come for building the Lord's house.

Haggai 1:2. These are the words of the Lord of armies: These people say, The time has not come for building the Lord's house.

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Haggai 1

BasicEnglish Haggai 1:3 ; image nature: A mountain stream disappears beneath winter ice. Its song continues in hidden chambers.; Haggai 1:3. Then the word of the Lord came by Haggai the prophet, saying,

Haggai 1:3. Then the word of the Lord came by Haggai the prophet, saying,

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Haggai 1

BasicEnglish Haggai 1:4 ; image nature: An artist paints beside still waters. Autumn colors double in reflection.; Haggai 1:4. Is it a time for you to be living in roofed houses while this house is a waste?

Haggai 1:4. Is it a time for you to be living in roofed houses while this house is a waste?

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Haggai 1

BasicEnglish Haggai 1:5 ; image nature: Morning light ignites mountain snow. Valleys sleep in purple shadow.; Haggai 1:5. For this cause the Lord of armies has said, Give thought to your ways.

Haggai 1:5. For this cause the Lord of armies has said, Give thought to your ways.

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Haggai 1

BasicEnglish Haggai 1:6 ; image nature: A bull elk bugles across a misty valley. Aspen leaves quake golden in response.; Haggai 1:6. Much has been planted, but little got in; you take food, but have not enough; you take drink, but are not full; you are clothed, but no one is warm; and he who gets payment for his work, gets it to put it into a bag full of holes.

Haggai 1:6. Much has been planted, but little got in; you take food, but have not enough; you take drink, but are not full; you are clothed, but no one is warm; and he who gets payment for his work, gets it to put it into a bag full of holes.

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Haggai 1

BasicEnglish Haggai 1:7 ; image nature: Wild blackberries ripen in secret hollows. Morning spider webs catch dew like diamonds.; Haggai 1:7. This is what the Lord of armies has said: Give thought to your ways.

Haggai 1:7. This is what the Lord of armies has said: Give thought to your ways.

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Haggai 1

BasicEnglish Haggai 1:8 ; image nature: Morning sun ignites mountain peaks. Valleys still sleep in purple shadow.; Haggai 1:8. Go up to the hills and get wood and put up the house; and I will take pleasure in it and be honoured, says the Lord.

Haggai 1:8. Go up to the hills and get wood and put up the house; and I will take pleasure in it and be honoured, says the Lord.

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Haggai 1

BasicEnglish Haggai 1:9 ; image nature: Coastal fog reveals and conceals seaside cliffs.; Haggai 1:9. You were looking for much, and it came to little; and when you got it into your house, I took it away with a breath. Why? says the Lord of armies. Because of my house which is a waste, while every man takes care of the house which is his.

Haggai 1:9. You were looking for much, and it came to little; and when you got it into your house, I took it away with a breath. Why? says the Lord of armies. Because of my house which is a waste, while every man takes care of the house which is his.

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Haggai 1

BasicEnglish Haggai 1:10 ; image nature: Desert dunes ripple endlessly under the scorching sun, their golden crests sharp against the azure sky. A sidewinder's tracks weave delicate patterns in the sand.; Haggai 1:10. For this cause the heaven over you is kept from giving dew, and the earth from giving her fruit.

Haggai 1:10. For this cause the heaven over you is kept from giving dew, and the earth from giving her fruit.

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Haggai 1

BasicEnglish Haggai 1:11 ; image nature: Desert bighorns pause on a knife-edge ridge. Sunset paints their horns in gold.; Haggai 1:11. And by my order no rain came on the land or on the mountains or the grain or the wine or the oil or the produce of the earth or on men or cattle or on any work of man's hands.

Haggai 1:11. And by my order no rain came on the land or on the mountains or the grain or the wine or the oil or the produce of the earth or on men or cattle or on any work of man's hands.

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Haggai 1

BasicEnglish Haggai 1:12 ; image nature: Morning fog reveals spider web galaxies. Dew drops catch rainbow light.; Haggai 1:12. Then Zerubbabel, the son of Shealtiel, and Joshua, the son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and all the rest of the people, gave ear to the voice of the Lord their God and to the words of Haggai the prophet, because the Lord their God had sent him, and the people were in fear before the Lord.

Haggai 1:12. Then Zerubbabel, the son of Shealtiel, and Joshua, the son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and all the rest of the people, gave ear to the voice of the Lord their God and to the words of Haggai the prophet, because the Lord their God had sent him, and the people were in fear before the Lord.

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Haggai 1

BasicEnglish Haggai 1:13 ; image nature: Desert cacti burst with spring blooms against red sandstone formations.; Haggai 1:13. Then Haggai, whom the Lord had sent to give his words to the people, said, I am with you, says the Lord.

Haggai 1:13. Then Haggai, whom the Lord had sent to give his words to the people, said, I am with you, says the Lord.

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Haggai 1

BasicEnglish Haggai 1:14 ; image nature: Tropical fish dart through coral reefs in crystal-clear waters.; Haggai 1:14. And the spirit of Zerubbabel, the son of Shealtiel, ruler of Judah, was moved by the Lord, as was the spirit of Joshua, the son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and the spirit of all the rest of the people; and they came and did work in the house of the Lord of armies, their God.

Haggai 1:14. And the spirit of Zerubbabel, the son of Shealtiel, ruler of Judah, was moved by the Lord, as was the spirit of Joshua, the son of Jehozadak, the high priest, and the spirit of all the rest of the people; and they came and did work in the house of the Lord of armies, their God.

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Haggai 1

BasicEnglish Haggai 1:15 ; image nature: A great blue heron stands motionless in morning fog. Ripples spread from its reflection.; Haggai 1:15. On the twenty-fourth day of the month, in the sixth month, in the second year of Darius the king.

Haggai 1:15. On the twenty-fourth day of the month, in the sixth month, in the second year of Darius the king.

Read the verse in its context:
Basic English Haggai 1

The images of Bible verses are created starting from the verses in the Basic English Bible and are made vailable freely for download and use. A link to our website is appreciated to let others know about this free image library. The Bible in Basic English was created in the 1940s by S.H. Hooke, an English language scholar. He wanted to make the Bible accessible to people with limited English, those learning it as a second language, and those with low literacy. To achieve this, he used a simplified vocabulary of just 850 common words, with minimal grammar. This made the text easier to understand, though some argue it loses some of the poetry and nuance of the original. Despite this, it has been praised for its clarity and continues to be used today by many, particularly in education and evangelism. Lausanne AB church is pleased to freely provide the images.

NOTE: the images are free to use and share. Please include a link to our site to help others find this resource.

Links to sermons and other Bible studies from AB Lausanne Church on Haggai 1