BBE Image Bible : Scripture in Images Jeremiah 35:14
14. The orders which Jonadab, the son of Rechab, gave to his sons to take no wine, are done, and to this day they take no wine, for they do the orders of their father: but I have sent my words to you, getting up early and sending them, and you have not given ear to me.
Read the verse in its context BBE Jeremiah 35:14

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BBE summary for : Jeremiah 35
Summary: Jeremiah Chapter 35 presents a unique account involving the Rechabites, a group of nomadic people who adhered to a strict code of living that included abstaining from wine and avoiding settled homes. God instructs Jeremiah to bring the Rechabites into the temple and offer them wine, but they resolutely refuse, citing their ancestor Jonadab's commands. This episode serves as a powerful contrast to the disobedience of Judah, as the Rechabites' faithfulness highlights the unfaithfulness of God’s people. The chapter emphasizes themes of obedience, tradition, and faithfulness to God's commandments. God uses the Rechabites as a living example to illustrate the dire consequences of Judah's disobedience. Through their unwavering commitment, the Rechabites are ultimately commended by God, reinforcing the message that fidelity to God's instructions is what He desires. The chapter concludes with a prophetic warning that Judah will face judgment and the Rechabites will be rewarded for their loyalty.
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BBE Images for the first verses in Jeremiah chapter 35
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