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BBE - Encouraging Bible Images => Isaiah 36:21

BBE Image Bible : Scripture in Images Isaiah 36:21

21. But they kept quiet and gave him no answer: for the king's order was, Give him no answer.

Read the verse in its context BBE Isaiah 36:21

BBE Isaiah 36:21 overlaying nature image scene: Moonlight illuminates a field of bluebonnets. A warm breeze carries their sweet fragrance across the prairie.;21. But they kept quiet and gave him no answer: for the king's order was, Give him no answer.

Links to sermons and other Bible studies from AB Lausanne Church on Isaiah 36

BBE summary for : Isaiah 36

Summary: In Isaiah chapter 36, the narrative shifts to a historical account where the Assyrian king, Sennacherib, assaults Jerusalem during the reign of King Hezekiah. The chapter details the arrival of the Assyrian representatives, who deliver a message of intimidation to the people of Jerusalem, attempting to undermine their trust in God by boasting about past victories over other nations. The Rabshakeh, a high-ranking official, questions the efficacy of Hezekiah’s reforms and taunts the Israelites by comparing their reliance on God to the downfall of other nations that fell to Assyria. Themes of faith, fear, and divine sovereignty emerge as the representatives attempt to incite panic among the citizens of Jerusalem. The Rabshakeh’s rhetoric highlights the challenges of political and spiritual warfare, emphasizing the importance of trust in God's protection. The chapter serves as a critical reminder of the seriousness of the threats faced by God’s people and sets the stage for divine intervention in response to faithfulness and prayer. Ultimately, it illustrates the tension between human despair and the call to steadfast faith in the face of overwhelming odds.

Read the Bible Verse Isaiah 36:21 in other verses of the Bible. See => multilingual verses Isaiah 36:21

Podcast : Listen to the Bible in 1 year Podcast

BBE Images for the first verses in Isaiah chapter 36

BBE 23 36:1
BBE 23 36:2
BBE 23 36:3

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English Bible Versions :KJV Image Bible/ Scripture in Images ; Bible in Basic English Images
French Bible Versions :Images pour la Bible Segond ; Images pour la Bible Segond 21 (S21)

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