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BBE - Encouraging Bible Images => Isaiah 29:13

BBE Image Bible : Scripture in Images Isaiah 29:13

13. And the Lord said, because this people come near to me with their mouths, and give honour to me with their lips, but their heart is far from me, and their fear of me is false, a rule given them by the teaching of men;

Read the verse in its context BBE Isaiah 29:13

BBE Isaiah 29:13 overlaying nature image scene: Coastal redwoods disappear into the fog high above a fern grove.;13. And the Lord said, because this people come near to me with their mouths, and give honour to me with their lips, but their heart is far from me, and their fear of me is false, a rule given them by the teaching of men;

Links to sermons and other Bible studies from AB Lausanne Church on Isaiah 29

BBE summary for : Isaiah 29

Summary: Isaiah 29 speaks of God's judgment against Jerusalem, depicted as a city under siege. The chapter opens with a prophetic lament over Ariel, a symbolic name for Jerusalem, highlighting the city's spiritual complacency and its people's blindness to God's plans. God announces that He will bring about a surprising reversal, where the strong will be humbled and the wise will be confounded, demonstrating His sovereignty. The themes of judgment and hope are intertwined, as despite the impending destruction, there is a promise of restoration. The chapter emphasizes the futility of relying on human wisdom and power, contrasting it with the wisdom of God. It concludes with an assurance that those who truly seek the Lord will find understanding and salvation, underscoring the importance of spiritual renewal and genuine worship. Overall, Isaiah 29 serves as both a warning and a call to repentance, urging the people to turn back to God and trust in His deliverance.

Read the Bible Verse Isaiah 29:13 in other verses of the Bible. See => multilingual verses Isaiah 29:13

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BBE Images for the first verses in Isaiah chapter 29

BBE 23 29:1
BBE 23 29:2
BBE 23 29:3

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