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BBE - Encouraging Bible Images => 2 Samuel 24:14

BBE Image Bible : Scripture in Images 2 Samuel 24:14

14. And David said to Gad, This is a hard decision for me to make: let us come into the hands of the Lord, for great are his mercies: let me not come into the hands of men.

Read the verse in its context BBE 2 Samuel 24:14

BBE 2 Samuel 24:14 overlaying nature image scene: Morning frost rimes every needle. Weak sun struggles through branches.;14. And David said to Gad, This is a hard decision for me to make: let us come into the hands of the Lord, for great are his mercies: let me not come into the hands of men.

Links to sermons and other Bible studies from AB Lausanne Church on 2 Samuel 24

BBE summary for : 2 Samuel 24

Summary: In 2 Samuel chapter 24, King David conducts a census of Israel, which displeases God. The census, though seemingly a matter of logistics, symbolizes a lack of trust in God's provision and protection, leading to divine judgment. As a consequence, God offers David a choice of punishments: three years of famine, three months of military defeat, or three days of plague. David chooses the plague, which results in the death of 70,000 people. The chapter highlights themes of sin, judgment, and repentance, showing how even a king is not above God's laws. As the plague ravages Israel, David recognizes his mistake and pleads for mercy, taking responsibility for the people. God stops the plague at the threshing floor of Araunah, where David builds an altar, a crucial moment that signifies reconciliation with God and foreshadows the establishment of the future temple. Ultimately, the chapter illustrates the importance of obedience to God and the need for humility and repentance in the face of sin.

Read the Bible Verse 2 Samuel 24:14 in other verses of the Bible. See => multilingual verses 2 Samuel 24:14

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BBE Images for the first verses in 2 Samuel chapter 24

BBE 10 24:1
BBE 10 24:2
BBE 10 24:3

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