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ASV_Strong : Ruth 3


1. And Naomi[H5281] her mother-in[H2545]-law said[H559] unto her[H1323], My daughter, shall I not seek[H1245] rest[H4494] for thee[H3190], that it may be well with thee?

2. And now is not Boaz[H1162] our kinsman[H4130], with whose maidens[H5291] thou wast[H2219]? Behold, he winnoweth barley[H8184] to-night[H3915] in the threshing-floor[H1637].

3. Wash[H7364] thyself therefore[H5480], and anoint thee[H7760], and put thy raiment[H8071] upon thee[H3381], and get thee down to the threshing-floor[H1637], but make not thyself known[H3045] unto the man[H376], until he shall have done[H3615] eating[H398] and drinking[H8354].

4. And it shall be[H7901], when he lieth down, that thou shalt mark[H3045] the place[H4725] where he shall lie[H7901], and thou shalt go in[H935], and uncover[H1540] his feet[H4772], and lay thee down[H7901]; and he will tell[H5046] thee what thou shalt do[H6213].

5. And she said[H559] unto her[H559], All that thou sayest I will do[H6213].

6. And she went down[H3381] unto the threshing-floor[H1637], and did[H6213] according to all that her mother-in[H2545]-law bade her[H6680].

7. And when Boaz[H1162] had eaten[H398] and drunk[H8354], and his heart[H3820] was merry[H3190], he went[H935] to lie down[H7901] at the end[H7097] of the heap of grain[H6194]: and she came[H935] softly[H3909], and uncovered[H1540] his feet[H4772], and laid her down[H7901].

8. And it came to pass at midnight[H2677], that the man[H376] was afraid[H2729], and turned[H3943] himself[H802]; and, behold, a woman lay[H7901] at his feet[H4772].

9. And he said[H559], Who art thou[H559]? And she answered, I am Ruth[H7327] thy handmaid[H519]: spread[H6566] therefore thy skirt[H3671] over thy handmaid[H519]; for thou art a near kinsman[H1350].

10. And he said[H559], Blessed[H1288] be thou of Jehovah[H3068], my daughter[H1323]: thou hast showed[H3190] more kindness[H2617] in the latter end[H314] than at the beginning[H7223], inasmuch as thou followedst[H3212] not[H1115] young men[H970], whether poor[H1800] or rich[H6223].

11. And now[H1323], my daughter, fear[H3372] not[H6213]; I will do to thee all that thou sayest[H559]; for all the city[H8179] of my people[H5971] doth know[H3045] that thou art a worthy[H2428] woman[H802].

12. And now it is true[H551] that I am a near kinsman[H1350]; howbeit there is[H3426] a kinsman[H1350] nearer than I[H7138].

13. Tarry[H3885] this night[H3915], and it shall be in the morning[H1242], that if he will perform unto thee the part of a kinsman[H1350], well[H2896]; let him do the kinsman[H1350]'s part: but if he will[H2654] not do the part of a kinsman[H1350] to thee[H1350], then will I do the part of a kinsman to thee[H3068], as Jehovah liveth[H2416]: lie down[H7901] until the morning[H1242].

14. And she lay[H7901] at his feet[H4772] until the morning[H1242]. And she rose up[H6965] before[H2958] one[H376] could discern[H5234] another[H7453]. For he said[H559], Let it not be known[H3045] that the woman[H802] came[H935] to the threshing-floor[H1637].

15. And he said[H559], Bring[H3051] the mantle[H4304] that is upon thee[H270], and hold it[H270]; and she held it[H4058]; and he measured six[H8337] measures of barley[H8184], and laid[H7896] it on her[H935]: and he went into the city[H5892].

16. And when she came[H935] to her mother-in[H2545]-law, she said[H559], Who art thou[H1323], my daughter? And she told[H559] her all that the man[H376] had done to her[H6213].

17. And she said[H559], These six[H8337] measures of barley[H8184] gave[H5414] he me[H559]; for he said, Go[H935] not empty[H7387] unto thy mother-in[H2545]-law.

18. Then said[H559] she[H3427], Sit still, my daughter[H1323], until thou know[H3045] how the matter[H1697] will fall[H5307]; for the man[H376] will not rest[H8252], until[H518] he have finished[H3615] the thing[H1697] this day[H3117].

chapters: 1, 2, 3, 4

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